King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 495 Pulling people in

Chapter 495 Pulling people in

"I see." After listening to Kujo Masahito's serious analysis, Yi Jin looked thoughtful.

Then he shook his head and said:

"don't know."

What Ember didn't understand the most was things like politics, so Kujo Masahito spoke vigorously, but Ember really didn't understand a word.

He had thought about it, but it didn't work, so I can't blame him. Ember only knows two things, one is that fists are very useful; the other is that fists are more useful when hitting bad guys.

Fortunately, Ember practiced these two points perfectly, so he could become the king.

Although the king of the border area does not have much gold content, as long as he is a muscular man, he can become one.

But being able to surpass all the people in the border area and become the strongest is an ability in itself, isn't it?

Seeing the shocked expressions of Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora, Yu Jin waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"Don't mess with those who have some and don't have them. It's best if you have official positions. It's okay if you don't have official positions. The more people you have, the more strength you have!"

Anyway, he couldn't think of any big role that Kujo Sora and Kujo Masahito could play after they were reinstated.

Directly start a rebellion? That's impossible. This kind of thing will instantly make the two of them the target of blame for everyone in Inazuma, and the soldiers below will not listen to them.

Provide information? Yi Yan looked around, his sight penetrated the thick tent and took in everything in the entire camp.

In addition to ordinary soldiers in the camp, Yi Yan also found some "special people".

They either hide in secret places and remain motionless, or blend into the ranks and look around. No need to think about it, this must be an undercover agent inserted somewhere.

Judging from the clothes of the secret people hidden in the nooks and crannies, Yu Ember felt that they were probably ninjas from dramas and novels.

The case was solved, it turned out to be the person from the final episode.

Having a panoramic view of everything in the camp, Ember seemed to realize that even if Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora joined, it would not be of much use.

"Tell me what you plan to do?" Taking a deep breath, Kujo Masahito cautiously asked Ember with excitement.

"This..., this..." Yi Yan scratched his head. There seemed to be no place for these two people in Kamisato Ayato and Yae Kamiko's plan.

It was his own initiative that brought the two of them into the plan.

"You don't have a plan, right? In that case, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you." Kujo Sanra saw Yu Yan's hesitant look, his eyelids twitched, and he was about to leave the den of thieves.

"Who said that?! The plan is huge. You are acting cheaply now. Stabilize the situation before I inform you."

"After beating him all day long, are you going to let him live?" Yi Yan rolled his eyes, and he thought of a good idea.

Why do I have to follow Ayato Kamisato's plan? He could obviously come up with a better plan on his own.

For example, in the part of Kamisato Ayato's plan to "make General Raiden realize the Inazuma people's consciousness of resistance", Ember felt that how could a mere rebel army represent everyone's will to resist?

At least bring the villagers of Feimu Village with you, right? They have more say than anyone else.

"You guys should control the situation here first, and I'll call someone!" Yu Jin thought of it, and as soon as he slapped the table, he immediately turned around and prepared to run to Feimu Village.

But before leaving the tent, he suddenly turned around.

Quickly approaching Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora, Ember raised his toes and looked down at the two people.

"I suddenly thought of a question. You two seem to be members of the Kujo family, right? Then will you inform Kujo Takayuki?"

As Yi Yan spoke, the shadow on his body became thicker and thicker, as if he had just crawled out of an ink vat.

The darkness even blurred his body, making it difficult to see the specific details on him.

"Of course not! Do you think I look like that kind of villain?" The shadow crawled onto Kujo Masahito's face, and he quickly moved his body and walked out of the shadow.

"Haha, I don't think you are that kind of person, see you later!" As soon as Kujo Masahito finished speaking, he saw Yu Yan's body suddenly brighten.

After waving goodbye to Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora, the embers disappeared in front of their eyes.

When Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora saw this, their eyes widened. Directly invisible? Even the final ninjas couldn't do this, right?

After the ember left, the tent fell into silence. And it was a quieter silence than before.

Kujo Masahito and Kujo Suarao sat cross-legged on both sides of the desk, both looking down at the ground, not knowing what they were thinking in their hearts.

I don't know how long it took, but Kujo Sora took the lead in breaking the silence. "Brother..., is he gone?"

After hearing Kujo Sora's words, Kujo Masahito no longer stared at the floor. He raised his head and said:

"Siuluo, why are you so nervous? Is it possible that you really have the idea of ​​informing?"

"This..." Kujo Sora thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't have this idea at the moment."

"That's alright, what does it have to do with us if the ember is there? Why does it look like we are committing a crime with a guilty conscience?"

Kujo Masahito shook his head and laughed a few times, stood up and made a pot of tea, pouring a cup each for himself and Kujo Sora.

"From what you say, it seems you listened to what I said?" Kujo Masahito pushed the tea to Kujo Sora.

Previously, he told Kujo Sanra not to be obsessed with military affairs, but to understand what all the forces have done.

Even if he really wants Kujo Sora and wants to be unconditionally loyal to Inazuma, he must at least understand why he is fighting, right?

If you are used as a weapon by others, it will be too late to regret it if you find out again.

Hearing this, Kujo Sora clenched the tea cup in his hand involuntarily. She lowered her head and her tone was extremely heavy.

"Brother, why do you think my father became like this?"

"Accepting bribes from fools, concealing the news of the evil spirit's outbreak, and sinking the people of Ba Ying Island into the sea..."


Unknowingly, Kujo Sora crushed the tea cup in his hand to pieces.

The sound of the teacup breaking not only brought Kujo Sora out of his confusion and anger, but also brought Kujo Masahito out of his trance.

"Did your father do... so many things?"

Kujo Masahito repeated what Kujo Sora just said word for word, looking extremely shocked.

The shogunate's army was not completely in the hands of himself and Kujo Sora. Kujo Takayuki also had a considerable part of the army.

Whether it is for checks and balances or simply to ensure the status of the head of the family, this is necessary.

Kujo Masahito had no objection to this, and he could clearly predict what his father would definitely use his power to do during the war.

But he never expected that his father would secretly do so many evil things.

"Yes, this is just the biggest one, and it is also the easiest one for me to find out. Those smaller and more hidden ones have probably been wiped away by the family's big hands without any trace left."

Kujo Sora nodded. After saying these words, she felt a sense of decadence all over her body.

She suddenly felt that her status as the eldest daughter of Kujo and the shogunate was no longer an honor, but a shame, a shame that could not be washed away no matter what.

"Brother..., what do you think we should do?" After decadence, we have to face reality.

Kujo Sora raised his head and asked Kujo Masahito with a bitter look on his face.

Reason told her that she should immediately present the evidence of her crime to the castle tower and bring the Nine Principles of Filial Piety to justice.

But reason is reason. Kujo Takayuki is not only Kujo Sora's boss, but also her father.

Although this father was both arbitrary and stern towards his children, he was the one who saved him and raised him after all.

Loyalty and filial piety cannot have both, Kujo Sura clearly experienced it.

"You ask me?" Kujo Masahito frowned, and the distortion on his face was no better than Kujo Sora.

"What else can I do? Just do it!"

"To be honest, I don't want to care about these things at all. If I don't do anything, what happens to my father next depends entirely on God's will!"

Kujo Masahito looked up at the sky, knowing that he was escaping. It is always said that it is shameful to escape, but it is useful if you cannot resist it.

(End of this chapter)

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