King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 501: Furnace Elementary School starts classes

Chapter 501: Furnace Elementary School starts classes


The top door of the cellar, which was wrapped in thick soundproof cotton, was opened, and then a group of big men crawled out.

"Everyone should go about your own business for the time being. I will arrange the specific plans."

Jiujin climbed out of the dark cellar, took a deep breath and said to the people around him.

"Well, take care, Mr. Village Chief."

"I can rest assured that the village chief is doing the work!"

"If you have any questions, just ask."

After hearing Jiujin's words, no one was upset. They waved to Jiujin and then walked out of here.


After everyone left, Jiujin's face showed sadness again. He sighed deeply and squatted on the threshold of the granary door, looking very worried.

"Why are you sighing? Now that you have decided to take action, then be fully prepared. With you acting like this, could it be that you have changed your mind?"

Seeing this, Yan Yan also squatted on the threshold with Jiujin.

"No, I'm not worried about this." Jiujin shook his head, and then said with firm eyes: "A manly man, I keep my word. I am not the kind of person who changes my mind easily."

"Then why are you sighing?" Yi Jin asked curiously when Jiujin showed no intention of changing his mind.

"Let me tell you." Dangui Liu also sat on the threshold with Jiujin and Yu Ember.

The door of Feimu Village's granary is much larger than the ordinary door, but it is still a little crowded in front of the three big men squatting.

Tuan Guiliu moved his body and felt more comfortable before speaking:

"He is actually worried about food issues."

"Food? Didn't you say you can survive this month? Don't worry, we will definitely finish everything this month."

Upon hearing that Jiujin was worried about the food problem, Yi Yan immediately patted his chest and said with great confidence.

Jiujin said that the food in Feimu Village can last for this month, so there will be no problem. Because Ember felt that he would definitely be able to build the castle tower within this month.

"It's like this under normal circumstances." Tuan Gui Liu replied. Seeing that Yu Yan didn't understand, he continued to explain:

"But this is no longer the normal situation. Normally, everyone in Feimu Village has less to do and less to eat."

"But now that we have decided to punish the national thieves, everyone's training intensity must increase. If you train harder, you will naturally eat more."

"The amount of food currently stored in the village, I don't know how long it can last." Tuan Guiliu said and shook his head.

As the 800 head coach of Feimu Village in recent times, Tuangui Liu is extremely aware of Qingzhuang's food consumption.

Although Feimu Village seems to be able to last for a long time now, it is all based on the frugality of the whole village.

If the training intensity is increased, the food consumption of such a large group of young people will undoubtedly be a terrifying figure.

"So that's what happened." Yi Yan nodded thoughtfully, and then he immediately stood up from the threshold and shouted:

"I originally wanted to take it slow, but I'm afraid I can't do it now. Don't worry, I'll call someone right now and try to finish the job for you guys ten days in advance!"

After saying that, Yan Yan ran towards the village gate without looking back. Dankiliu and Jiujin who were behind him saw this and hurriedly followed.

"Where are you going to call someone!"

"Wait a minute, you two beasts, why are you running so fast!"

While running, the village was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Ember ran wildly at the front, and he didn't stop until he reached the golden tree at the entrance of the village.

Looking at the golden tree, Yi Yan found that compared to the last time he came, the golden tree was growing much better than before.

It seems that because of the gradual sealing of the evil spirit, it no longer has to devote so much power to help protect Feimu Village.

"It looks good. It should be able to be used as a microphone." Yi Jin nodded with satisfaction.

With this growth, it should be able to be used as a microphone. Otherwise, he would have to make a trip to Mondstadt.

After closing his eyes and pressing his head against the trunk of the golden tree, Yi Yan's body gradually merged into the golden tree.



Dangui Roku caught up with the two of them and just wanted to complain to Jiujin and Ember, but was blocked by Jiujin.

Seeing that Danguiliu became quiet, Jiujin pointed in the direction of the golden tree.

Following the direction that Jiujin pointed, Dankiliu saw the embers that gradually merged with the golden tree. An extremely condensed yet extremely obscure aura shot straight up from the golden tree. It towered into the sky, only to appear for a brief moment before disappearing.

Washijin and Dankiroku couldn't feel this momentum. They just felt that there were a lot of "things" trying to get into their minds at a certain moment, but these "things" were clamped down by stronger beings. Stay, you can only rush to the sky.

The strange aura disappeared, and everything became normal. It's just that Washijin and Dankiliu didn't make any new moves. They were waiting for the embers to come out of the golden tree.



The loud bell sounded, and a huge building in Rodel suddenly became lively.

"Hey, hey, hey! get out of class is over!"

"What's the point of getting out of class? You don't know that Teacher Otaubis likes to drag the class the most?"

"Look, he's bragging about his past experiences again!"

The loud bell signals the end of get out of class, but that is obviously not the case in this classroom.

On the podium, a strange man shrouded in a long robe was talking nonstop.

To say that the man is strange is not because of his clothes. In the border area, magicians and prayer priests will have a loose wizard robe.

As one of the few intellectuals in the border area today, teachers will of course wear a loose robe to show their status.

What's really strange is the copper-red helmet on the man's head. There is a corner on the top of the helmet, with arc ax blades extending out from both sides, and two dark slits for peeking out in the middle. Just looking at it gives people a feeling of being as heavy as a mountain.

But thick is thick, steel helmet and mage robe, whoever looks at it will be confused.

However, no one had any objection to this, because the person in front of him was once Otapis, one of the two chiefs of the Knights of the Furnace.

Why once? Because the Knights of the Furnace have now been disbanded. After all, the original purpose of the Knights of the Furnace was to follow the First King Godfrey.

Now that the First King is no longer the king, the Knights of the Furnace will naturally be disbanded. But as a rare intellectual among the Knights, Otaubis was laid off and re-employed, becoming a teacher.

The main thing is that there are only a handful of people who can fight in the border area, and there are no people who can write.

Therefore, people as strong as Otaubis were also driven over to become teachers.

"Let me tell you, do you know why Wang's rebounding skills are so skillful?"

"I don't know~"

The response was weak.

"That's all because of my good teaching!" Otaubis didn't care at all and was talking to himself with great enthusiasm.

"Teacher, this is obviously a magic class. Are you talking about the martial art of 'rebound'..."

Finally, someone tremblingly reminded Otao Pi. Now he is not only dragging the class, but also going off topic.

"Magic? What's so good about magic?!" Upon hearing this, Otaubis immediately showed his strong hostility towards magicians.

"Give me a shield, and I can push back even Comet Yazler!"

"Learning magic is not as good as exercising your body!" Otaubis waved his limbs, but the branches outside his robe were still tightly entangled with black bandages.

"Really? Is this the reason why you and Claymore were tricked into entering the cemetery and being guarded?"

On the stage, Otaubis instilled his stereotype of magicians into the students. But before he could say much, he was interrupted by a female voice.

Otaubis turned around and saw a red figure holding a tree spear. Otaubis was familiar with it, for this was what the Crucible Knight looked like in full armor.

"Siluya? Why are you here and dressed like this?"

"Come here to prevent you from mistaking others."

Silua raised his eyes and glanced at Otaubis, then turned and left with his big spear raised.

Upon seeing this, Otaubis immediately put down the book in his hand and hurriedly said to the students below: "Basic pyroxene magic. Before I come back, everyone must learn the great pyroxene magic gravel."

"If you can't learn it, I'll teach you how to bounce back! Understand!"


Otaubis nodded with satisfaction when he saw that the student agreed so quickly. Then he shouted outside the classroom and hurriedly followed.

"Wait for me! Silua!"

(End of this chapter)

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