King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 512 The time is ripe

Chapter 512 The time is ripe
It has been a long time since Ayato Kamisato left Feimu Village. In these days, Yi Yan, Jiu Jin and the villagers who raised the flag of justice have not been idle either.

In addition to daily training, Washizu and the others also need to familiarize themselves with the structural characteristics of Inazuma Castle through the map sent by Ayato Kamisato.

Among the villagers of Feimu Village, very few have been to Inazuma Castle. Although this has limited effect, it can at least prevent someone from getting lost and falling behind.

At dusk, Jiujin led a large group of people down the mountain behind Feimu Village. Each of them carries a basket full of crystallized bone marrow on their back.

Since the excuse given to the other people in the village was to go up the mountain to dig a new mine, it was natural that the scene should be fully staged.

Feimu Village is very big, and Jiujin can't guarantee that there won't be anyone in it who is working for the shogunate.

If what they planned is exposed, the target of the shogunate army may change from the resistance to Feimu Village.

"Back?" The ember on the golden tree at the entrance of the village saw a few people coming down and immediately jumped down from the branch.

"Little brats, hurry up and go home, your mother has told you to eat!" Ember jumped down from the golden tree and waved the stick to drive the children under the tree home.

"Ah? Is there any?"

"I thought I heard someone calling me."

"I have to go home or my butt will explode."


The child under the tree looked around for a few times, but in the end he still could not make up his mind to bet whether what Ember said was true or false.

There was no other reason. The fried pork with bamboo shoots was a bit stuck in the throat, and little kids like them couldn't eat it.

"How about it? Do you have any good qualifications?" Jiujin saw the children at the entrance of the village dropping the branches in their hands and running away, so he turned to Ember and asked.

These days, they have been very busy running back and forth between training, getting familiar with the structure of Inazuma City, and mining.

Huan Yan, on the other hand, acted like a normal person. He was just a little kid sitting under the guidance tree at the entrance of the village all day long. He didn't seem to be worried about the success or failure of the plan at all.

"No, my talent is mediocre." Yi Yan stuck the tree stick in his hand on the ground and said casually.

"Is that so? Okay." A trace of disappointment flashed across Jiujin's face, but he quickly covered it up.

He just asked casually, if genius appeared so easily, it wouldn't be called genius.

"When you were going up the mountain, someone came." Yu Jin didn't pay attention to the disappointment that flashed across Jiujin's face, because there were more important things to do now.

"A person from the head of the Kamisato family?" When Jiujin heard this, not only was he disappointed, but the tired look from a long day's work also disappeared.

He stared closely at the embers, breathing heavily involuntarily.

"Yes, he was so sneaky, I almost thought he was a thief." Yi Yan nodded and pointed behind the golden tree.

"Come out, Mr. Thomas, the suspected thief!"

"Hey, hey, hey! What does it mean to be a thief? I call it vigilance." A rather helpless voice sounded from behind the golden tree.

Then a blond man walked out from behind the thick trunk of the golden tree.

"Toma, the housekeeper of the Kamisato family." Thomas turned to look at the group of people in front of him, smiled and waved.

"Washuijin, the village chief here." Washijin nodded, and then he remembered what Ayato Kamisato said to him before.

【Someone will inform you when the plan is about to begin. 】

"Mr. Toma came to Feimu Village this time, shouldn't he be here to fulfill his duties as a housekeeping officer?"

Jiujin looked at Toma. Although his smile was bright and sunny, the dirt on his sleeves silently told everyone that he was in a hurry.

"Haha, just call me Toma. As for the purpose of my coming to Feimu Village..., this shouldn't be the place to talk, right?"

Toma nodded. After looking at the many villagers who were watching in the distance, he said to Jiujin as if to remind him.

"Oh! I was negligent." Jiu Jinhou nodded subconsciously, and then shouted loudly:

"Sir, please come in. The crystallized bone marrow we have here is of the best quality and is not available elsewhere!" "You have to give us a good price!" Jiujin said, winking at Thomas.

The latter also nodded understandingly, "Okay, okay, take me to your warehouse. If the goods are all good, I will take them all!"

Like real sellers and buyers, Washujin and Toma crossed the crowd and walked into Fimiki Village while chatting and laughing.


As night falls, the warehouse in a corner of Feimu Village is not as dark as usual, but instead brightly lit.

"Is everyone here?"

Jiujin raised his head and did a rough count. Except for the pile of tin cans that were in the embers, all he could see were heads.

"Village chief, everyone is here!" a villager next to Jiujin replied.

"Okay, let's invite the envoy of the head of the Kamisato family to come on stage and speak!" Jiujin jumped down from the piled ore and extended his hand to Toma in invitation.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Thomas immediately climbed to the top of the ore pile without any shirk.

"Ahem! Comrades, my name is Thomas. Many people may not know me, but it doesn't matter. You just need to know that I am the housekeeping officer of the Kamisato family!"

"it is good!"

Ember saw Thomas giving a passionate speech. As Thomas' friend, he had to help out, even though he had just met this friend.

As a result, as soon as Toma finished speaking, he heard bursts of "bang-bang-bang" sounds like iron plates hitting each other coming from below.

Looking around, Thomas saw Ember applauding vigorously and the Furnace Knight behind him who also applauded.

"Keep your voice down! I'm just ventilating, no need to applaud!" Thomas was startled. He quickly looked at the closed door of the warehouse, for fear that someone would notice something unusual.

"Oh." Seeing that there was no need to enhance the atmosphere, Yi Yan stopped clapping. The Furnace Knight behind him also became quiet.

"Don't worry, I've told the villagers in advance that you are going to open the ore tonight to check the quality of the goods. The warehouse is a bit noisy, so they won't be suspicious."

Jiujin saw Toma's frightened look and spoke to comfort him.

"That's great." Thomas nodded and withdrew his attention. Then he looked at the people in front of him again and continued:
"In two days, the festival will begin. By then, the residents of Inazuma City will be attracted by the festival, and it will be a great opportunity for us to enter the city."

"And I will be your support. You just need to follow me closely tomorrow and make sure you arrive at Inazuma City safely without anyone noticing!"

Thomas stated the purpose of his trip. When the villagers below heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.

The preparations they have made these days are just for that moment tomorrow. How can this not make them nervous?
"I have a problem!" Just as everyone took a deep breath to adjust their mentality, Yan Yan raised his hand.

"What's the problem?" Thomas stood on the ore pile with his head held high. He had made complete preparations and could definitely cope with any changes.

"How do we get to Inazuma City? It will take several days to walk. What if we miss the time?" Yi Yan asked Toma.

These people are not him or Kamisato Ayato. Although they are much stronger than ordinary people now, it still takes several days to get from Feimu Village to Narukami Island, let alone go to Inazuma Castle.

Don't let most of your people be exhausted before the plan even starts.

"Don't worry about this. In fact, I have been here for several days and I have already found a ride for you."

"Let's go by boat then! The boat will be waiting at the beach early tomorrow morning!"

Thomas waved his hand and said with great confidence.

"Ship?" Yi Yan put down his hand. He thought it was a coincidence, because he had planned to put these people into the boat before.

And he’s even found someone—it’s Gui Takashi!

Now that his grain transport business has stalled, there must be many empty ships.

Looking at Toma standing in the ore pile and chatting, Yu Yan wondered if Gui Long had taken on a private job.

(End of this chapter)

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