King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 519 Rushing to the top

Chapter 519 Rushing to the top
"Wait! I'm the supervisor! You can't do this!"

"Lord Kujo! I am Yuli who is worshiped by Tian Ling. I am loyal to you. Please take a good look at me!"

"Damn, so cruel!"


In an instant, shouts for mercy and exclamations from Embers came and went, making it extremely noisy.

Hearing this, Ishino Pomao paused with his raised arm and did not press it down for a long time.

Seeing this, Kujo Takayuki couldn't help but add fuel to the fire.

"General Ishino, give the order! Just change these people. The general doesn't even care about the war, but will he care about such small personnel changes?"

"Besides, my Kujo family can help you cover it up!"

Kujo Takayuki hopes that all the traitors in front of him will die. If you dare to hurt him, even if you think about it, you will never allow it!
These people who really want to put themselves to death will not be able to sleep no matter what, Kujo Takayuki cannot sleep until they die cleanly.

"Fire arrows!"

Kujo Takayuki's words were like the last straw, completely making up Ishino Hashige's mind.

Before General Thunder and Lightning didn't notice, he should reduce the impact of this incident to as small as possible as soon as possible.

Otherwise, General Raiden would blame him, and he wouldn't even have the Kujo family as a force to resist the pressure.


Ishino Pomao lowered his arm, and flying arrows flew out one after another, shooting hard at the people in the distance.

"Look at me!" Tuan Gui Liu did his duty and strode across the crowd. Then he took a deep breath and shaped the strange power in his body into what he wanted.


Golden debris exploded from Dangui Liu's butt, and then a "dragon tail" that was a little too wide grew out of the golden light.

Tuan Gui Liu turned around, and his huge tail swept across like a wide curtain, wrapping everything he passed.

"Da da da!"

All the arrows shot into the dragon's tail without missing a single one.

"Is this the Tail of the Furnace's Hundred Phases? Who taught you this?" Yu Yan looked at the bloated and wide thing behind Dangui Liu. Is this the Dragon's Tail?
"The teaching is normal, but I don't know if he is learning normally or not." Otaubis also saw Tuangui Liu's magical "dragon tail" and said helplessly.

"I'm afraid this isn't the tail of an earth dragon!" Yu Yan couldn't help but complain. What is an earth dragon? If a person eats too much dragon heart, he will turn into an earth dragon.

In Ember's view, the earth dragon is a bit different from the dragon - a giant salamander with a pair of small wings and then enlarged countless times becomes an earth dragon.

The tail summoned by Dangui Liu is such a short and wide baby fish tail.

"But it does work, doesn't it?" Silua nodded appreciatively. There is no need to talk about body.

A perfect dragon tail is not as useful as the ugliest baby fish tail under the same conditions.

"What kind of eye of god is this?!"

The huge tail turned into a point of light and dissipated, causing Ishino Pomo and the sergeant behind him to take a few steps back.

"We are not here to cause unnecessary killings. Give this person to me and let me confront the General."

"I was wrong, he had a disembowelment; he was wrong, he should be rectified on the spot, it's that simple!" Washizu walked out from behind and pointed at Kujo Takayuki.

It's a pity that Ishino Hashige automatically ignored what Washizu said. Just kidding, if he were really allowed to run in and meet General Thunder like this, would he still have his official position?

And based on his actions just now, without his official position, his life safety may not be guaranteed.

Seeing the arrows scattered on the ground because the giant tail disappeared, Ishino knew that long-range attacks were useless.

So he tilted his head and shouted to the crowd behind him: "Everyone, don't be afraid even if you have the Eye of God! We are the Ojie people, and the owners of the Eye of God will not get any favors from us!"

"Fuck them all!"

Ishino Pomo waved his hand, pulled out the weapon in his hand and rushed towards Jiujin and others.

"That means we don't have anything to talk about? I'm sorry for being rude." Upon seeing this, Jiujin also pulled out his annoying words.

"Everyone follow me to the main hall of the main temple, and let the shogunate and the shogun see our will!" After shouting, Washizu also refused to be outdone and fought hand-to-hand with Ishino Hashige.

Almost at the same moment when the two of them were fighting, people from both sides also fought.

The sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, tang, gold and iron clashing, suddenly resounded throughout the entire Yutang practice. In addition to the exploding sparks on both sides, various inhuman anomalies also appeared from the water vapor.

Although there are sporadic owners of the Eye of God among the reinforcements of the Aojiezhong, as soon as they release their elemental combat skills, they will immediately be greeted by firepower several times their own.

Therefore, after the elemental power in the air stirred for a while, it completely fell silent.

Kujo Takayuki, who was near the gate, saw big beads of sweat on his forehead when he saw the Okukis retreating steadily.

He originally thought that the Oujiezhong should be able to destroy these traitors with overwhelming force, but unexpectedly it was the Oujiezhong themselves who wanted to retreat steadily!
The cold wind blowing from the open door behind him made Kujo Takayuki, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, shiver.

Originally, he didn't want to run out in such a mess out of consideration for his own face, but now it seems that he has no choice but to run away.

Kujo Takayuki retreated quietly, but none of this escaped Washizu's eyes.

Seeing Kujo Takayuki trying to escape, Washizu didn't even bother to stop. He suddenly used only 60% of his strength to 100%.

Then he slashed hard at Ishino Pomo in front of him. The latter felt the strong wind blowing towards his face, and his hair suddenly stood up. He turned from one hand to both hands, holding the weapon in his hand tightly to block it.


Sparks flew everywhere, but this time there were some dazzling snow-white debris added to the sparks. Apparently, the weapons of Washizu and Ishino Hashige were shattered.

Unlike the shock and regret in Ishino Hashige's heart, Washizu didn't feel any heartache at the casually crafted katana in his hand.

"How is it possible? This is a sword made by a famous craftsman!"

"Nothing is impossible. Who can imagine that people like us will be able to step into the castle tower one day?"

Ishino Pomo raised his head, but all he saw was a growing black shadow - Washizu's big foot kicked up.


Ishino Pomo received Washizu's kick and immediately flew out.

However, Washizu didn't even look at Ishino Hashige, and turned around and rushed towards Kujo Takayuki who was retreating.

Seeing that his intentions were discovered, the latter gave up any idea of ​​covering up. The martial arts skills he had learned so hard when he was young, coupled with his survival instinct, allowed him to explode at an astonishing speed!

"Old man! You can't run away!"

Upon seeing this, Washizu jumped up high, and when he was at the highest point in the sky, dazzling golden and red debris spurted out from his back.

Like Dankiroku, Washizu also grew something that was not human from the amber-like debris.

It was a pair of extended golden wings. When the wings appeared, Jiujin in the air seemed to have infinite power.

With the flutter of his wings, Washizu flew towards the running Kujo Takayuki at a speed that was far beyond his previous running.

"Stop!" He fell from a height and hit Kujo Takayuki's back.

"Pfft——" Kujo Takayuki, who was running wildly, immediately fell heavily to the ground and could not get up for a long time.

"Cough...cough! You guys can't run away, so why not hold me hostage? Maybe there is a glimmer of hope." Kujo Takayuki wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gasped.

He turned his head and glanced into the distance, only to see that the large and small staircases were already full of running Ojie people.

"Escape?" Washujin pulled Kujo Takayuki up from the ground. He looked up at the solemn hall at the top and shook his head.

"I will never run away until I see the General!"

"What nonsense are you talking to this old guy! If we don't break through, we will be dumped!" After finishing Ishino Hashige and his party, Danki Roku and the villagers before him filed out of the imperial bath.

They waved to Jiujin, turned around and rushed to the heights of the castle tower.

"See, now I have another reason why I can't retreat!"

After Washijin finished speaking, he rushed over with Kujo Takayuki in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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