King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 521 Is this the dignity of a warrior?

Chapter 521 Is this the dignity of a warrior?

Crawling out of the pitch-black void, embers stepped onto the ground that looked like a lake.

Looking down, the clear ground reflected the embers. The sky was a blue and purple color with nothing in it, just like a windless curtain covering the earth.

All this seems to be possible only in a dream.

After admiring the scenery, Yi Yan turned his attention to the other two people in this secret realm besides him.

That's right, there are two of them, one is a doll with six arms on its back, and the other is the appearance of the former Thunderbolt General.

"Isn't that right? Inazuma's Bushido is all about gang fights?" Yi Jin couldn't help complaining when he saw General Raiden and Raiden's murderous look.

Inazuma's warriors always talked about bushido, but they never thought that their leader, Raijin, would stop talking about martial ethics as soon as he came up.

"For the [eternal] enemy, there is only destruction!" The two arms on the right side of General Thunder's body gradually shrank, while the palms gradually became larger.

The palm moved downward, finally reaching the feet of General Thunder. The palms of his hands were in a lifting position, slowly dragging the Thunderbolt Army's body up.

The other remaining arm on her right side also made a knife-like gesture. As she waved her arm, a bright and dazzling Teng Lei Tai Dao was held by the already enlarged arm.

Fukutsu Goken Mingming, as a puppet, the Raiden General will show off when facing an eternal and powerful enemy.

The actions of Lei Shiqiang were relatively small. She just pulled out a sword that was even more shining than General Raiden from her chest and looked at the embers on the opposite side quietly.

"Very good, using chests as scabbards, that's awesome!" Yu Jin didn't know how to evaluate Lei's use of chests as scabbards, so he could only express his appreciation by applauding.

He was thanking Lei Movie for once again broadening his horizons.

"Precious things should naturally be placed where you feel most at ease." With one move of Lei Movie's blade, he aimed the sharper side at the ember.

"Oh my, now I can finally have a good talk with this otaku like you. You don't know how boring it is to face that doll."

A sly, teasing laugh spread into this space. Its tone is so unique that people can recognize it immediately.

The everlasting blue and purple background seems to be being eroded by some force. As the background fluctuated, a large hole appeared in the secret realm.

Then, a pink-haired woman in a miko uniform walked out of the hole created by the erosion.

"Is the Pure Land still so...wait? Where is this?" Yae Shenzi was about to lament the desolation of the Pure Land, but when he took a closer look, he suddenly realized that the location he was in was not the Pure Land.

Although he was shocked, Yae Shenzi did not forget to look at this strange environment. Apart from anything else, the bright colors alone are much better than the Pure Land.

Looking up, he saw the majestic Raiden General and the Raiden Movie waiting for him. Yae Shenzi lowered his head and thought for a while before reacting.

"This...could it be the shadow in your heart?" Yae Shenzi rolled his eyes and already had a guess in his mind.

"Those people outside, as well as this guy, were all brought here by you?" Ray Movie did not respond to Yae Shenzi's question. Of course, it can also be said that she acquiesced.

"How should I put it? I played a role, and the kid from the Kamisato family also played a role..."

"But all this is just to see you, Kage." Yae Shenzi glanced past General Raiden and stared at the Raiden movie.

In order to see the autistic Lei movie, she took great pains. Fortunately, everything has paid off and my efforts have not been in vain.

"Meet me... If you have any questions, you can talk to General Raiden. I have nothing to say to you." Raiden pursed his lips and said to Yae Shenzi with a decisive look on his face.

"She?" Yae Shenzi glanced at General Raiden next to Raikage, who was showing the posture of Fujin Yujian Mingming, and waved his hand impatiently.

"What do I have to talk about with a rigid doll? Do you think anyone can stare at a stone for hundreds of years without moving like you?"

Yae Shenzi snorted, at least the stone couldn't speak, at most it was just boring. But General Raiden was different. Her programmed thinking and words made the Eightfold God Son angry.

But no matter how Yae Kamiko arranged the Raiden General, the latter didn't even look at her. General Thunderbolt's eyes never left the embers from beginning to end. Eternal stability or not is what General Thunder really cares about.

This is more like the backhand that Raikage left behind when he created General Raiden. Even if Raikage's eternal enemy is Raikage, as a doll, she will not hesitate to fight with swords.

"Is this the reason why you woke me up from eternal meditation?" After hearing this, Raikage asked Yae Shenzi.

"Although a large part of it is indeed my own bad taste. But besides that, there is something I have wanted to say to you for a long time."

"This farce about [eternity] should stop."

The arms held by Yae Shenzi gradually dropped, and the expression on his face changed from frivolous to solemn.

"Although I have been prepared in my heart for a long time, the moment you stand opposite me, Son of God, my heart inevitably fluctuates."

A wry smile appeared on Lei Qingqing's calm face, and then she took a deep breath and raised the dream in her hand again.

"Come on, Son of God, let me see if you can still avoid my sword after all these years!"

As soon as Lei Jingqing finished speaking, his whole body turned into a flash of light, rushing straight towards Yae Shenzi in the distance.

"Imperative!" The curse fell to the ground with the last sound, and the body of the Eightfold Divine Son disappeared just before the flash of light came.


Two flashes of light intersect horizontally and vertically, and the figure of Thunder Movie reappears in the thunder.

"You haven't moved for hundreds of years, and you want to stretch your muscles?" Yae Shenzi walked out from the side of the ember, straightened his slightly blown pink hair, and said helplessly.

It seems that my friend's mind has become as rigid as that doll.

"Why did they start fighting? Is the time for reminiscing between good friends over?" Yi Jin looked at General Thunder and Lightning. He jumped up, and General Thunder and Lightning's head also rose up, which made him very interesting.

"Okay, be serious!" Yae Shenzi pressed down the bouncing ember and scolded seriously.

"You don't seem to have the right to say that to me. I think you are not serious." Although Yu Jin said this, he still stopped his actions.

Because he knew from the increasingly strong auras of Lei Qianqiu and General Lei Dian opposite him that the next step was not just a small fight.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I know you are very strong. Holding this will make you stronger!"

Yae Shenzi also felt the aura behind him that could not be ignored. She was convinced that this was Lei Movie warning herself.

If he hadn't been here, Yae Shenzi would be 100% sure that Thunder Movie and General Raiden would have already attacked.

After receiving the red and white brocade bag handed over by Yae Shenzi, Ember grasped it and knew that it was the anchor point that connected Inazuma's wishes to all living beings.

Those wishes, whether strong or weak, all echoed in Yi Yan's mind through this small bag.

This world is very strange, and wishes can actually turn into power. This was the first time that Yan Yan felt this deeply.

"I'm optimistic about you." Yae Shenzi nodded to the embers, and then ran out of the hole that reappeared behind him.

Looking at the shrinking hole, Yi Yan stretched out his hand to support it.

"Thirteen of you, come in here, it's time to work!"

"Besides, there are too many voices in my ears. These wishes cannot win over them and are of no use to me."

On the other side, the cries of embers came from the hollow. Immediately afterwards, the kit that Yae Shenzi had just left his hand was thrown to the ground with a "pop" sound.

(End of this chapter)

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