King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 523: The Furnace Knight also has combo skills

Chapter 523: The Furnace Knight also has combo skills
"Support?" Otaubis raised his head, faced the violent lightning sword above his head, and murmured to himself.

But he only wavered for a while. The Furnace Knight did not need any support.

"Hey, Silua, it seems that we can only use that move." Otaubis raised the big shield and stood ready to speak to Silua beside him.

"Will it really be useful?" Silua glanced at Otaubis.

"We must trust our instincts." Otaubis nodded confidently. Then he raised his voice and shouted:

"Everyone, disperse and find your place!"

As soon as Otaubis finished speaking, the Furnace Knights who were gathering strength to resist immediately dispersed.

Even if they don't do anything, simply spreading out is enough to deal with General Thunder's powerful and heavy move.

General Thunder was suspended in the air, and the scattering of the Furnace Knights did not affect her movements at all.

The light of her sword continued to grow, and the direction of the blade did not change at all - because Otaubis and Silua remained in the same place.

General Thunder and Lightning's eyes have always been on Otaubis and Silua. Judging from the previous battle, these two are the core of this group of iron cans, both in terms of strength and command.

As long as these two people can be dealt with, the remaining Furnace Knights will be very easy to deal with.

The giant sword above his head was already as big as it could be. General Thunderbolt raised it high and swung it down because his power had reached its peak.

"I hope you can take this knife!"

"Haha, who said we were going to pick it up?"

Otaubis laughed in response to General Thunder and Lightning's last stern shout, but there was a question mark as to how much of the endless thunder could reach General Thunder and Lightning's ears.

A huge sword fell from the sky. It was so big that it seemed as if there was an invisible giant using this sword to separate the heaven and the earth.

"Now!" Otaubis shouted, but in fact, he didn't need to say anything at all. The scattered Knights of the Furnace had already made their own moves.

Facing Otaubis and Silua, the two Crucible Knights took out the Holy Grail bottle from behind, quickly raised the cup and put it into their mouths.

The other Crucible Knights turned their backs at the right moment, not watching the two Crucible Knights drinking from the Holy Grail bottle.

The entire movement of the Knights of the Furnace was done in one go, so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.

But all this did not escape the eyes of Otaubis and Silua. They used the Holy Grail bottle in front of them, which directly brought their instincts to the extreme.

Before their minds could react, their bodies took action first. Otaubis raised his sword and quickly rushed over to slash the Crucible Knight who was drinking from the Holy Grail bottle at him.

And Silua didn't give in much. She also ran and jumped, and in the blink of an eye she was in front of another Crucible Knight, raising her spear and stabbing him.

The speed of the two people's movements has completely exceeded their usual limits. An obvious example is that when the two reacted, the weapons in their hands had already struck their companions.

"Bang!" Sparks and curled armor fragments flew everywhere, and the big sword and big spear attacked the thick armor of his companions. Even the Furnace Knight turned violently.

"Ahem! Why did we have to train so fiercely in the first place." The Furnace Knight who climbed up from the ground coughed a few times and made his own complaints.

But before Otaubis and Silua could respond, there was an earth-shaking loud noise behind them.


When the huge tachi collided with the clear ground, the ground instantly became like a mirror falling to the ground, splitting into countless fragments.

Among the flying fragments, thick thunder element slurry spurted out. Its elemental power is so strong that even a God's Eye owner who is tolerant to elemental power will die on the spot if he gets a piece of it.


The purple slurry was thrown out, eroding the earth to its heart's content. As soon as they touched the ground, they eroded this dreamy land into pits.

But this is a dream-like scene after all. Although the thick elemental power is powerful, it cannot escape the fate of being covered by the restored ground.


The six closed palms of General Thunder and Lightning spread out, using such huge elemental power that even she had to breathe.

Looking at the gradually recovering earth and the safe and sound Otaubis and Silua, General Thunder nodded slightly.

"You two escaped. You two are very strong." Although she didn't know how the two of them broke free from their locks, nor how they escaped from the slashing range in an instant.

But being able to dodge her long-charged blow shows that the strength of the two of them has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"It's not that we two are very strong, but that our cooperation is very strong." Otaubis shook away the annoying elemental power around him, turned around and corrected.

However, General Thunder didn't reply anymore. Her arm glowed with light, and several purple lightning spurts shot out as she waved.

The Furnace Knight raised his shield and waited, but the jumping thunderbolt suddenly disappeared in the middle of the attack. They reunited at the feet of the Crucible Knight and eventually turned into Zhang Xu's giant hand.

The gaps and wood grain unique to the doll can be clearly seen on the huge palms. These big hands are the projection of General Raiden's own palms.

"Boom!" The palms of his hands deeply wrapped each of the furnace knights, and then they closed together with such force that they even caused endless ripples in the surrounding air.

But General Thunder didn't feel any joy, because she could feel that there was no residue in her palm.

"I see, it's such a weird move." But General Thunder wasn't completely without gains. She understood how the Furnace Knight escaped from the cage formed by his palms.

All this is due to the strange rituals they performed. It seems that as soon as one of the Crucible Knights drinks something from the cup, the speed of the other Crucible Knights will instantly surge to a point that can be called terrifying.

The move he just made was solved by the Knights of the Furnace fighting each other.

"It's just a strange skill!"

The ritual is very strange, and the increase it brings is also very powerful, but General Thunder has no desire to learn.

Regardless of whether she can learn it as a doll, even as a doll with little autonomy, General Raiden believes from the bottom of his heart that warriors should exercise their bodies and deepen their martial arts.

Using these strange tricks will only make you die faster when facing strong enemies.

"This is not a miraculous skill." Otaubis paid attention to General Thunder's movements while quickly running to a specific location.

"This is called stimulating the body's potential."

"Mudpot Leite!"


Otaubis shouted to the Tree Spear Furnace Knight behind General Thunder, and the latter immediately flapped its wings and flew high.

"Useless!" This trick of sneak attack from behind is of no use to General Thunder.

She didn't have to look back to figure out where the attacker was coming from based on the movement behind her.

So the Thunderbolt General raised his sword and swung it back. If nothing unexpected happened, she should soon hear the sound of the Crucible Knight landing.

But with the ember here, it is impossible not to have an accident.


A golden vortex passed by the side of General Thunder, making a tooth-gripping sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other.

General Thunderbolt looked at the broken skin on his shoulder and felt a little confused. She looked at the golden vortex that landed on the ground, and as expected, there was a Holy Grail bottle held by Otaubis in his hand.

Due to the toughness of General Thunder's body, the flying claypot Leiter deviated from its direction when it hit her, thus saving Otaubis from being knocked away.

Of course, the price was the small crack in the body of Thunder General Fujin Yujian Mingshenming.

"This is the perfect combination of skills between me and Mud Pot Leiter!"

"That's right, countless tomb robbers were killed by our move!"

Seeing the wounds finally appearing on General Thunder in the distance, Otaubis and Mudpen Leiter were extremely angry.

"Run! She's coming!"

However, the two of them didn't chatter for long before they started running away.

(End of this chapter)

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