King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 526 Different sword lights

Chapter 526 Different sword lights

"Then please." Hearing this, Yi Jin picked out his ears, and then made a "please" gesture to Ying.

Shadow became silent again. She raised her Dream Isshin. Thunder and lightning surged on the blade, looking like it was about to hit Ember.

Seeing this, Yi Yan was also prepared, and he changed his posture as if he were watching a drama. Apart from anything else, being hit by Kage's knife still hurts a lot.

The lightning in Dream Yi's heart flickered even more, and Yi Yan's eyes never moved away from the knife.

This is a powerful move at first glance, and there is no room for sloppiness.

But just when Yi Yan held his breath and prepared to take the attack, the figure in front of him suddenly disappeared.

"Boom!" The shadow passed over the embers, leaving a weak thunder mark, and then rushed straight to another battlefield with thunderous sounds in the distance.

"You, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually do sneak attacks?!" After realizing that Ying was planning to sneak attack on the Crucible Knight, Yi Yan immediately shouted angrily.

While yelling and cursing, he turned into an afterimage and followed closely.

In the raging thunderstorm on the other side, the Furnace Knights were fighting with the Thunder General.

With that strange "ritual", the Crucible Knights fully stimulated the infinite potential in their bodies.

Every Crucible Knight who drinks the Holy Grail bottle is equivalent to a low-end version of the teleportation anchor.

As long as the conditions are met, the scattered furnace knights can all rush over with a "swipe" sound.

Of course, it may not be known whether the Crucible Knight who serves as the anchor can survive the unconscious gang fights of his companions.

During the battle with General Thunder, the Crucible Knight took full advantage of this to dodge and attack.


Thick thunder fell from the sky, and the moment it came into contact with General Thunder and Lightning, the thunder scattered in all directions, forming a violent sea of ​​thunder.

"The purple thunder... is no worse than the golden thunder of those in the royal city and the red thunder of the ancient dragon."

Otaubis held the big shield in front of him and looked in front of him, using his body to draw thunder and lightning, the general said with emotion.

The guy in front of him had already surpassed many people Otaubis knew in terms of thunder and lightning.

I am afraid that at the junction, only the Dragon King hidden in the cracks of time and space can surpass it.

Thunder filled the air, but no Crucible Knight used the magical "ritual" to try to dodge.

The attack range in front of you is indeed large, but this also means that the power is smaller than other moves that focus on one target.

With this power alone, the Crucible Knight cannot dodge. And even if you hide, where can you hide in such a large area?
The action they use to interrupt others from using Blessing is running, not teleporting. In the face of a large-scale attack, if you rashly surrender your body to instinct, some flaws may be revealed.

Looking at the Furnace Knight who was still walking leisurely amidst the thunder, General Thunder was not surprised at all.

She had known for a long time that this move would only cause limited damage to the Crucible Knight, but General Thunder still used it because it was one of the few moves she could do to the Crucible Knight.

Her sword skills were either parried by the Crucible Knights, or they were dodged by their strange methods.

It was obvious that these people were heavily armored, and their every move was strong but not flexible enough. But with their cooperation, General Thunder felt like he was stuck in a quagmire.

This feeling of being powerless made General Thunderbolt, a puppet, unable to help but feel a little irritated.

General Thunder is having a hard time, and the Knights of the Furnace are not much better. Their flexibility is limited to dodge, and if used for offense, it is much worse.

Therefore, after fighting for so long, the injuries on both sides were only scratches. And it seems that this trend will continue until one party cannot hold on.


With a quick and accurate knife, the light of the knife came to Otaubis's eyes in the blink of an eye, leaving him unable to react at all.

But he doesn't need to react, because his body can sometimes move on its own without the need for a brain.

Otaubis dodged Iai's sword light, his vision was blurred due to the high speed, and his own brain was also in a down state.

But the next moment, what he was seeing became clearer, and the sensations in every part of his body returned to his brain.

This does not mean that Otaubis suddenly made a breakthrough and raised his reaction ability to a new level.

The reason for all this is an instinct more powerful than interrupting others to drink from the Holy Grail bottle - the instinct to sense the coming crisis. Otaubis's chest felt a dull pain, and a purple stream of light in the distance appeared in front of him at some point.

At this distance, based on Otaubis's understanding of his speed, he knew that he would definitely not be able to escape. So he quickly held his breath, gathered his strength, and prepared to bear it down.

"Didn't anyone tell you that sneak attacks are bad behavior?!"

There are many people who are faster than Otaubis, and there are very few people who are faster than Shadow. It just so happens that there is someone here who perfectly satisfies these two points.

At the critical moment, Yan Yan's big flying kick hit Ying's waist without any hesitation.

"Boom!" The air echoed with mournful screams, and the purple flash was instantly knocked back to its original form, rolling far on the ground before stopping its momentum.

"Cough cough cough!" Ying climbed up from the ground and coughed a few times. There was no blood in her mouth, but some kind of bright debris.

"Can't solve it?"

"It's hard."

General Thunder and Lightning briefly exchanged a few words with Ying, and then fell silent at the same time.

"No, why are there so many scars on your bodies? If I hadn't come, you wouldn't have been beaten to death by that doll, right?"

"The king himself doesn't seem to be doing much better, does he?"

"I'll be fine by myself in a while, can you?"


Contrary to General Thunder and Shadow, the conversation between Ember and the Furnace Knights on the other side can be called noisy.

They first talked about their injuries, then discussed the strength of General Raiden and Kage, and finally even dismantled their tricks on the spot...

Looking at the chattering crowd of Embers, Shadow raised his dream and stared at its blade.

"Use that knife."

"Wu Xiang's sword?"

"It's an ordinary person's nonsense. That knife has no name."

Ying took a deep breath, "Wu Xiang's Sword" was the name given to that sword by the people of Inazuma.

But Ying herself knew that that knife was the condensation of her power. It includes both her martial arts skills and her state of mind when she wielded the sword.

When giving instructions to Inazuma warriors, the power of this sword is just beyond ordinary martial arts. But when fighting against the demons of the outside world, this sword has the ability to separate the heaven and the earth.

The state of mind when swinging the sword is different, and the power of the sword is also completely different. Such a trick cannot be summed up in a simple name.

"Whatever you say, I am different from you. No matter how I chop, the power of my sword is the same."

After General Thunder finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Ember and the Furnace Knight in the distance who seemed not to notice at all.

She took a deep breath, and her whole body escaped into the void.


Along with this huge buzzing sound, the entire space began to tremble up and down. Outside the space, there seems to be something huge that is constantly colliding with the barriers of space.

"Be careful with this kind of breath."

Silua was the first to react. She looked up at the sky. The space there cracked inch by inch, revealing a bright background like a starry night behind the cracks.


The golden vortex rushed towards the crack in the air, and merged with the crack without causing any waves, as if it had never existed.

Just when Silua was about to take further action, another change occurred.


Light soaring into the sky spurted out from under the cracks in the fluctuations. It was an aura more powerful than General Thunder and Lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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