King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 528 What? Do you have a pot too?

Chapter 528 What? Do you have a pot too?

"Is that that time?" Ying thought in his mind for a while, and then remembered Yi Yan's actions of looking around during the initial test.

At first, Ying thought it was because of Yu Jin's own character and strength, but now it seems that he underestimated him.

Also, how could a person with such martial arts make meaningless actions in battle?

Shadow was reviewing all the mistakes in his actions in his mind, while General Raiden was cooling his core.

As for the Crucible Knights, they were waiting for Ember's next order, and Ember... Ember was in a daze.

He was in a daze for a while, but he didn't see any movement from the shadows and generals on the opposite side.

"Aren't you going to fight? If you don't want to fight, I have to make conditions." Yi Jin looked at Ying and General Thunder, who were motionless, and felt that he had won, so he asked for conditions carelessly.

"Conditions?" Ying was stunned when she heard this. This was the first time that someone had asked for conditions, which made her a little uncomfortable.

But considering the various performances of Ember in the battle just now, it would be better for Shadow to listen first.

If Yan Yan just acted casually and made some unreasonable demands, Ying could reluctantly comply with his temper, as long as he could finally leave Tao Wife.

"I think the lock-down order and the eye-hunting order can be revoked."

"Don't look at what a mess Dao's wife will become after these two orders."


Ember's first request was unacceptable to General Thunderbolt. A country running at full speed will be destroyed by the hands of heaven. If you want Daozu to last, everything about Daozu must be brought to a standstill.

This was not only her own obsession, but also what her sister had hoped for.

"What? You said it's impossible?" Yi Yan was shocked. Did Lei Movie not understand the situation? His fist is bigger now, right?

Shadow saw Ember's excited look, and the Dream Isshin in his hand shone brightly again. She took a few steps back and said as if to defend herself:

"The Eye Hunting Order itself will not cause anyone to die."

"Don't just talk about the Eye Hunting Order. You can also defend the Locking Order." Yi Yan looked at Ying and added seriously.

"The same is true for the national lockdown. The people of Daozhu are completely self-sufficient. As for external threats, I am the only one."

Ying's world-defying aura has returned a bit.

"It's a good idea, but the noble people below you took the opportunity to do a lot of bad things. These two decrees have become a cover for them to amass wealth and oppress."

"Not only that, they also colluded with the fools and blatantly ignored the national lockdown order."

Yi Yan crossed his arms, he wanted to see how Ying would argue next.

However, Ying only said one sentence in response to Ember.

"I understand everything about [eternity]."

"Fools, they do not pose a threat to eternity, otherwise they would have been eliminated long ago without any suspense..."

"What? You said you knew everything?"

Yan Yan immediately stretched out his hand to interrupt Ying's words. He picked out his ears, as if he couldn't believe what he heard with his ears.

"Everything about [eternity] is like this." Ying nodded.

"What about things outside?"

"I know too."

"Okay, okay!" Yi Yan laughed angrily and clapped several times. Under Ying's surprised gaze, he continued to pace back and forth:
"I heard Mrs. Dao boast that you are invincible and number one in the world, and I actually believed it a little bit."

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it. What would the dead bodies on Yaozu Island and the skeletons of Inazumami hear you say?"

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The sound of amber breaking sounded one after another. After noticing the change in the aura of Ember, the Furnace Knight held up the rune arc and crushed it decisively.

Blessings continued to flow, and the aura on the Crucible Knight continued to rise.

"You are not needed." Seeing that the Furnace Knights were about to rush forward, Ember immediately reached out and stopped them. "You guys get out! Now I have discovered that there is no normal person in Ina Wife from top to bottom."

"That pink-furred fox also has a criminal record. I'm afraid he might be playing some balancing act or something like that."

"Don't give her a chance. Anyone who commits a crime will be turned into fertilizer for me! If the shogunate is involved, I will throw the entire shogunate into the sea to feed the fish!"

Ember did not shy away from the Shadow and Thunder General in front of him, and gave instructions to the Crucible Knight with great fanfare.

"Go!" After Yu Yan finished speaking, he thrust his hands toward the void, and a huge space crack was torn out by him.

"Yes!" The Furnace Knight nodded and rushed into the space crack without any hesitation.

"That's right! Kamisato Ayato is okay. You can listen to his opinions. As for other people's opinions, I'll give them a shit!"

As if remembering something, Ember gave a few more instructions to the Knights of the Furnace. The only person in the shogunate who is still somewhat human is Kamisato Ayato.

Due to his untainted personality, Yi Yan was willing to give him a little more trust.

With the entry of the Furnace Knight, the originally huge space crack gradually narrowed and completely healed in this space.

"Chasing desires will make you lose more..."

"Correction, wanting to survive should be called instinct, not wish." Yi Yan bent his arm, placed the rusty straight sword within his elbow and made a stroke.


Large sparks appeared along with unknown stains on the sword. When the entire straight sword was pulled out, its blade had turned into the original silver color of steel.

Seeing that Ember had no intention of communicating, Shadow and General Thunder immediately cheered up.

The current Ember, both in condition and momentum, is much stronger than before.


Thunder exploded, and the general Thunderbolt who had just returned to his original state once again entered the Fujin Yujian Mingming Divine Life state.

The shadow beside her didn't give in much, and the dream in her hand once again danced with lightning.

"Why are you so nervous?" Yu Jin saw the two men preparing for battle and suddenly took back the polished straight sword in his hand.

"Go!" General Leiden ignored him and struck preemptively. She didn't care about Ember's strange movements, but directly raised her arms and pressed down.

The two palms under his feet were reversed, and the huge puppet palms followed the body of General Thunder above and hit the ground heavily.

"Boom!" The ground shook a little due to the slap of the palm. Where the puppet's palm was photographed, a deep purple spread from the ground, heading straight for the embers in the distance.

Looking at the deep purple rushing toward him, Ember remained motionless, as if he hadn't seen it at all.

In the blink of an eye, this piece of purple came to the feet of Ember. The purple color shrank, and a rising electric charge appeared next to the ember.


The mirror-like ground cracked, and a puppet arm made of pure thunder elemental power stretched out from the cracks in the earth, looking like it was about to hold the embers firmly in the palm of its hand.

"Get down here!"


An even louder sound came. Yi Yan looked at the palm stretched out from the ground, raised his leg and stomped it away.

The earth trembled more violently, and the soles of Ember's feet stepped on the huge outstretched palms. The stalemate only lasted for a while before it was broken.


First, cracks appeared on the palm, which was composed of pure elemental power. As the ember exerted further force, the puppet's palm could no longer support it and turned into flying fragments.

"Looking at your appearance, it would be impossible for you to revoke the Eye Hunting Order and the National Lockdown Order yourself."

"Then let me see if the eternity you have in mind can remain stable under my impact!"

After grinding the soles of his feet on the ground, Ember waved to General Thunder and Shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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