King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 536 Blasting the castle tower

Chapter 536 Blasting the castle tower

On the wall of the castle tower, Ying and Paimon were peeping inside.

Different from what the two of them had heard, the castle tower at this moment could not be called solemn and solemn at all.

The soldiers scattered in all directions, the arguing crowd, and the messy ground...

No matter how you look at it, this looks like the scene after a big fuss. However, Ying and Paimon didn't have any doubts in their hearts.

After all, they watched with their own eyes as Ember led a large group of people to run towards the castle tower. If this didn't cause a big fuss, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

"Miyagashi, are you involved in this matter?!" Kujo Takayuki, who was tied into a rice dumpling, struggled on the ground for a few times.

Unfortunately, the rope was tied too tightly, making him look like an old caterpillar squirming, which was extremely funny.

"Oh, the head of the Kujo family doesn't want to slander others. Do you have any evidence?" Yae Shenzi looked at Kujo Takayuki, half mocking and half teasing.

"Evidence?" Kujo Takayuki gave up the useless struggle and tried his best to look up at Yae Shenzi beside him. The smiling face was still as unclear as before.

Kujo Takayuki lowered his head and moved his eyes slightly. He pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "It seems that I have mistakenly blamed Mr. Gongji. I would like to ask Mr. Gongji to untie me. The Kujo family will be grateful in the future." !”

"Untie?" Yae Kamiko glanced sideways at Kujo Takayuki who was tied into a rice dumpling on the ground.

"As long as Miyaji-sama can help the Kujo family avoid this disaster, the Kujo family will owe Miyaji-sama a favor from now on."

"Oh? The Kujo family's favor sounds good, right?"

Yae Shenzi raised his eyebrows and looked very interested.

"That's natural. I swear on the honor of the Kujo family that from now on, if you have any requests from the Palace Secretary, just ask them."

"Whether it's the repair of the shrine, the shaman ritual tools of the shrine maidens, or other things... whatever the Lord Palace Secretary wants, the Kujo family will give it to you!"

Kujo Takayuki saw that Yae Shenzi was wavering and immediately increased his chips. Inazuma's aristocratic family valued honor most, and Kujo Takayuki didn't believe that Yae Kamiko wouldn't understand the weight of this promise.

"That's really heart-warming." Yae Kamiko smiled at Kujo Takayuki, and this smile also entered Kujo Takayuki's heart and appeared on his own face.

As long as I can escape unscathed this time, none of the thieves who made me so embarrassed will be able to escape!
"But you allow me to refuse." Yae Kamiko's next words immediately caused the smile on Kujo Takayuki's face to freeze.

"Kujo-sama, think carefully about your current attire. If the restraints are released, I will be ashamed of the Kujo family."

Yae Kamiko's words made Kujo Takayuki react. He was caught by Washizu and others while he was soaking in a hot spring. He only had a bath towel all over his body.

"Also, think about what you have done before. Is this condition a little too insincere? Lord Kujo?"

Yae Kamiko leaned down with a smile on his face, but it looked like he was mocking him.


"About Narukami Taisha Shrine."

Kujo Takayuki's pupils shrank. It turned out that Yae Shenzi already knew that he had concealed the information about the destruction of the evil spirit.

"You'd better get down from this position. As for the Kujo family, I will protect it."

"Oh, by the way, so are the Tong family. Go and tell them not to let me do anything."

"You two families are still useful. Remember your guilt and prepare to sacrifice everything for the General."

People who are guilty are sometimes more dedicated and cautious than those who rise straight up.

After today, it goes without saying that the Kamisato family will grow stronger, and other aristocratic families will definitely want a share of the pie.

To make it easier to control the situation, two stained dogs are still necessary.

"I see, I understand."

"As long as you understand..., huh?!"

Seeing Kujo Takayuki nodding in agreement, Yae Kamiko was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt his heart tightening.

She stepped back sideways, dancing with the cursed branch in her hand. In the flash of lightning, there was a blackened and smoky arrow in front of her.

"Arrow?" Yae Shenzi looked up and saw Dangui Liu gradually walking towards him in the distance.

"Dangui Liu..., are you the only surviving kid from the third division stationed on Hachi Island?"

Yae Shenzi picked up the broken arrow on the ground, narrowed his eyes and asked Danki Liu.

"I'm really frightened that the Lord Palace Secretary actually remembered my name." Dangui Liu nodded and stopped some distance away from the Yae Shenzi.

"As one of the very few survivors, isn't it normal for people to look at you a few times?" Yae Shenzi broke the arrow in his hand that was turned into charcoal by lightning, and asked calmly:
"Can you tell me what you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to..." Tuan Gui Liu picked up his bow and arrow, and accidentally aimed at Yae Shenzi's eyebrows.

"Master Palace Secretary, just stay away!"


The arrow came out of the string and hit the center of Yae Shenzi's eyebrows.

"How brave!" Yae Shenzi felt the tightness between his eyebrows and immediately realized that Dangui Liu was not just joking.

If nothing was done, the arrow would really pierce her forehead.

"The little guy doesn't know etiquette, you should teach him a lesson!" Yae Shenzi ignored the arrows that were flying towards him.

She immediately turned into a streak of purple light. After the purple light, you could still vaguely see the shadow of a fox tail painted by thunder and lightning.

"So fast!" Danki Roku saw that the Eightfold Divine Son had suddenly disappeared, and regardless of the outcome of the arrow he shot, he turned around and ran back.

"Little guy, you don't think you can be on par with me if you gain some power, do you?"

Behind Danki Liu, Yae Shenzi's slightly teasing voice came. Immediately, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and hit Dangui Liu who was flying.

"Ah!" After a scream, Tuangui Liu fell to the ground. However, there was no trace of fear on his face, and instead he shouted loudly:

"Washizu, take action!"


Jiujin, who had been lurking for a long time, immediately responded. On the top of the palace pillar, Washizu jumped down and landed next to Kujo Takayuki.



The white blade was dyed bright red, and no one could know the words Kujo Takayuki had yet to say.

"Kid, don't look at this!" Ying immediately kicked Paimon off the wall, causing Paimon to cry out in pain.

Fortunately, everyone else's thoughts were on Jiujin at this moment, so naturally no one paid attention to Paimon's little cry.

"Ahem, cough, cough! I was offended just now, Miyaji-sama." Danki Roku saw blood spurting out from Kujo Takayuki's body, and a few smiles appeared on his charred face.

He stood up from the ground with difficulty, picked up the bow and arrows scattered on the ground, and was about to leave the castle tower.

Yae Kamiko looked at Washizu who was dragging his sword and Danki Roku who was carrying his bow and arrows, but didn't respond.

"You... are just as disgusting as that guy!" The blood-stained Washiujin walked up to Yae Shenzi, and the latter finally uttered a sentence through gritted teeth.

"It's easy for others to say, but Kujo Takayuki must die. This is my explanation for the unmarked tombs on Yaoji Island." Washijin was unmoved and confronted Yae Shenzi tit for tat.

"Is this going to be a fight?" Pamon stood on the wall and asked Ying.

She didn't care, she just wanted to kick Paimon down again. Someone died, and Paimon felt inappropriate.

"Ouch! Stop kicking me, I just don't want to watch the scene above!" Paimon shouted loudly as he got tired of being kicked.

"That's okay." Seeing that Paimon really lowered his head, he gave up the idea of ​​kicking her down.

After all, Paimon has been taking risks with her, and taking risks means fighting and dying. It wouldn't be a bad thing to let her get used to it as soon as possible.

"Maybe, do you think I should go and break up the fight?" Ying was considering whether she should jump down to ease the situation.

But soon, she found that her thoughts were a little redundant.


The ground of the castle tower began to tremble, and the splendid and vast palace gradually collapsed.

From the cracks in the palace, strands of green were drawn out, and they were still expanding.

"Oh my god... there are trees growing in the castle tower!!!"

Paimon broke her promise to her just now, raised her head and shouted in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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