King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 541 Silver ship?

Chapter 541 Silver ship?

"What are you doing in such a dangerous place?" Putting away the Heart of God in his hand, Ying turned around and asked the stragglers and the young master.

If she remembered correctly, they should all be serving the Fools now.

"Brother Gongzi and Brother Shanbing are here to escort me to sing!" Aru couldn't wait to explain to Ying.

"Singing?" Ying looked at the indifferent soldiers and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

The doll that he wanted to come out in the first place will now help others.

I don’t know how Ying would feel if he knew that all of this was done because Ember coerced the skirmishers.

"Come here to sing?"

"Sing to Kapachili. Where is she!" Aru pointed to the floating island in the sky and said to Ying.

"Thunder and Lightning Resentment..., Heguan..." After listening to Aru's words, and thinking about what happened in Heguan before, Ying had another rough guess in his mind.

Looking back at the distance, at the end of the sea level, a black shadow shrouded in fog loomed.

That is Heguan, located at the very edge of Inazuma and the rarest place in Inazuma’s records.

Thinking of Thunderbird's unprovoked rage before, Shadow shook his head. Who would have thought that such a desolate and remote place could contain such sincere feelings?
"Can you hear it if you sing to it here?" Yi Yan looked at the huge whirlpool in the sky. This was the vision caused by the resentment after the death of the thunderbird.

"It doesn't matter. Watching Capaccili sing from a distance is already pretty good." Aru scratched his head contentedly and said with a smile.

In fact, when Tsurukan still existed, Aru sang to Kapachili from a distance like this, but now the distance is just farther.

"How about that? I'll send you up!" Yu Jin said and wanted to send Aru up, but he picked up the young master and the skirmishers in his hands.

"What do you want to do?" The young master struggled several times in Yu En's hands. After finding that it was as useless as before, he autistically gave up the struggle.

"Let you two go explore the road!" Yi Yan said, waving his hands and throwing the young master and the skirmishers to the floating island high in the sky.

"Hold me tight." Yi Jin grabbed Aru's hand. He was about to jump up, but took a few steps back and came to Ying's side.

"You don't need me to 'send' you, right?"

Shadow glanced at Ember, did not answer him, and turned into a bolt of lightning that shuttled through the air.

"Awesome!" Yi Yan gave a thumbs up, and then gave instructions to Aru beside him.

"Hurry up - take off!"


After a moment, Ember flew to the floating island in mid-air with Aru, who was screaming.

The closer you get to the floating island, the more gravel you see suspended in your field of vision. It's like this island was blasted up by someone.

It was dark near the floating island, and thick dark clouds blocked the light. The only light source here is the constant thunder in the center of the floating island.

However, there are now two more jumping figures in the lightning.

"Where did this thing come from?!"

"I told you not to hold back. As soon as you came up, you ran around and lured this thing out!"

The young master and the skirmishers blamed each other while dodging Lei Yinquan's attack.

"Is this the remaining resentment of the Thunderbird? It is indeed very strong." Yi Yan glanced at the strange thing below that was chasing the young master's skirmishers, and sighed with emotion.

It is indeed an existence that can turn an island into a deserted land, even if it is just the resentment left behind, it is so powerful.

Ember fell to the ground with Aru, and Lei Yinquan suddenly noticed the two new arrivals.

Like a simple conditioned reflex, it immediately gave up the young master and the skirmishers and came to hunt down the newly arrived Ember and Aru.

But just when its steel-like wings were about to fly across Aru's body, it suddenly stopped.

"Ah~~, la..."

The ethereal and innocent voices of children broke through the roar of thunderstorms and echoed across the island. The song Aru always wanted to sing to Thunderbird was just a repetitive ditty.

But just such a sound made Lei Yinquan stop his movements.

"The power of a promise..." "It can also be said to be the power of wishes." Yi Yan glanced at the approaching shadow and said secretly.

"Okay, I know I was wrong, can you please stop arranging me?" Ying looked at Yu Ember speechlessly.

Before coming to Qing Lai Island, Yi Yan took Ying to visit both Kannauzhong and Baolu Island.

What you hear is not as good as what you see. Knowing something is one thing, but seeing it with your own eyes is another.

The more he saw, the more Ying's heart became shaken. Maybe, I was indeed wrong at the beginning.

Ordinary Aru's voice would never be so loud, and the reason for everything now is naturally that Aru used her own little strength.

The singing was gradually covered by the thunderstorm again. Aru's figure has become illusory and blurry.

After the song ended, a piece of purple feather slowly fell from Lei Yinquan's body to Aru's hand.

"Brothers, this is the last feather. If you offer it to the perch, Heguan will return to normal."

Aru looked at the feather in her hand with a somewhat complicated expression. For thousands of years he has wanted to complete the festival and end the reincarnation of Tsurukwan.

But who would have thought that one of the feathers enshrined in the perch would be taken away by Capaccili?
With a slight lift of his arm, purple feathers floated in front of several people. The expression on Aru's face was no longer complicated, he became very pure.

Pure joy, pure relief.

"Goodbye, big brothers...and this big sister."

"I'm going to take the boat."

"The shining silver ship heading to the moon, I'm going home, the big golden house on the moon..."

Humming an unknown song, Aru waved to several people with a smile on her face, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Huh..., that boy... really likes to sing." The young master shook his head with emotion.

Aru really likes to sing. Even before he completely dissipated, he still sang a ballad to them, although the young master didn't understand what he sang.

"Go home, the moon, the golden house..." The skirmisher chanted Aru's last lyrics, and suddenly looked up at the sky as if he remembered something.

Unfortunately, the thick thunderstorm obscured his vision, making it impossible for him to see anything clearly.

"Hey..., did you hear it? That boy seems to be telling us something." Ying watched Aru leave. She thought about Aru's last lyrics, a little bit in hindsight.

"Ah? I heard it. Isn't it just a matter of flying to the moon in a boat?"

"Hiss..., this is wrong. People in Teyvat should return to the earth's veins after death. Why are they on the moon again?"

When Ying heard this, he took a deep look at Ember. She couldn't figure out whether Yan Yan really didn't know or was pretending to be dumbfounded.

"Hiss..., it's still wrong, a silver boat? I seem to have packed up the boatman and took him away. Aru can't get on the boat!"

Yi Yan clapped his hands and suddenly realized a big problem - that is, the boatman of the "silver ship" that Aru mentioned had been thrown into his body a long time ago.

That's good, the ship has no crew. Now Yan Yan only hopes that Aru can row a boat and can row to the moon by herself.


On the other side, in a world invisible to ordinary people. Aru opened her eyes in confusion.

"Is this the world after death?" Aru looked around. There were only large blurred spots in his field of vision, which made him unable to see anything clearly.

Aru was a little panicked. According to the legend of Hekan, after death, people will be taken to the golden land by a silver boat.

Is the golden land just such a chaos?

Just when Aru was panicking, a suction suddenly came from a distance, and Aru's body moved quickly with the suction.

Part of the light spot became clear, and Aru's eyes widened, because those clear parts gradually outlined a figure, which was the figure of Ember.

Before he could say anything, Aru was sucked into Ember's body by the suction force.

At the end, he vaguely heard this sentence.

"Isn't it? I'm in a boat?!!"

(End of this chapter)

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