King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 561 Finishing

Chapter 561 Finishing

"Human...human, don't come here!"

Kujo Sanluo stepped on one bloody footprint after another, causing a rare hint of fear to appear in the heart of the big blue dragon lizard.

It looked at Kujo Sora's determined eyes (looking for an opportunity to take advantage of the trap) and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

After suffering such a serious injury, he can still stand up and walk around. Why are humans different from before? !
"I won't fight you! Goodbye!" The more blood spurted from Kujo Sanra's body, the more the dragon lizard felt something was wrong.

In the dragon lizard's impression, a creature injured like this is either dead or screaming. How can it move like the human in front of it?

After saying these harsh words, the dragon lizard turned around and ran away. It felt that the humans on the ground might not be the same species as the humans in Yuanxia Palace, and it had to go back and discuss with its companions what to do next.

The dragon lizard's running immediately made Kujo Sanluo anxious. In addition to pretending to be seriously injured, she also had another important job - to capture the dragon lizard.

"Don't run!" Regardless of the bloody dendrobium water on his arms, Kujo Sanluo immediately took out the big net he had prepared and chased after the big dragon lizard.

"Wow! You're definitely not human!"

The big dragon lizard turned around, and when it caught a glimpse of the blood-stained Kujo Sanora running wildly, it immediately concluded that she was not a human being.

How can a normal person run around like crazy while being covered in blood?
"Hit me!" Kujo Sanluo ignored the strange cry of the big dragon lizard. She saw the right moment and threw the big net in her hand.

As a top figure in the art of archery, Kujo Sora's accuracy is not average. She threw the big net and it hit the dragon lizard's head very accurately.

Then she was pulled directly to the ground by the dragon lizard.

Climbing up from the ground, Kujou Sanluo looked blankly at the broken network cable in his hand.

In front of her, the dragon lizard with a broken net on its head was running farther away at high speed.

"Is this monster so powerful?" He threw away the broken network cable in his hand, and a brighter red color remained from Kujo Sora's palm, which was real blood.


"Ho! Human! Don't set a net! Show your true skills!" On the chaotic battlefield, a dragon lizard tore apart the big net that was placed over his head again.

It looked at the "scarred" soldiers in front of it with both surprise and admiration in its heart.

What is surprising is why these humans always like to use steel forks and big nets to humiliate themselves; what is admirable is that these humans are still fighting to the death despite being so seriously injured.

Although dragon lizards and humans have many different concepts, they are very similar in terms of fighting will.

Dragon lizards will also rebuke those who run away from battle and admire those who fight bloody battles. It was obvious that the few human soldiers in front of it were the latter.

But admiration is admiration, and you can't show mercy on the battlefield. Trampling the rotten net on his body with one foot, the dragon lizard roared loudly:
"Here you go, have fun!"


After saying that, a powerful and heavy tail flick came.




The soldiers cooperated very well and flew out directly. This made the stopped dragon lizard wonder. He just... seemed to have missed, right?

But it saw several soldiers lying next to it, and felt that it must have felt wrong.

"Soldiers need to be buried..."

Before Dragon Lizard finished saying the word "burial", his words stopped. It rubbed the dragon's eyes that had widened inadvertently, and the slender dragon's face showed shock that even a human could see.

"Humans, not dead yet?!!"

In the disbelief of the dragon lizard, the human that it originally thought would die unexpectedly stood up again - and there were a few more wounds on its body that spurted blood.

"Damn it! There must be... something went wrong!" The dragon lizard felt a little frightened when he saw the soldiers surrounding him again. It has never seen a creature that was so seriously injured and still alive and well, whether it was a human or a monster.

"We won't fall until you are captured. Watch our move!" The soldier who was drawing blood roared angrily, and then he stabbed the steel fork in his hand into the dragon lizard's body. .

However, the dragon lizard with the steel fork inserted into its waist remained motionless, as if a soldier had inserted his own steel fork into a giant tree.

The dragon lizard lowered its head and looked at the human who was using all its strength to suck the milk. It pinched the handle of the fork in front of it with its claws and squeezed it hard.


The steel fork broke instantly, which made several people present instantly embarrassed. The soldier raised the broken steel fork and looked at the fracture in bewilderment.

Could it be that the people in the logistics department were so crazy that they were given defective products?

"Although it is strange, it is very weak!" The uneasiness in the dragon lizard's heart disappeared because of the poor performance of the soldiers. It shook its head and rushed towards the soldiers in front again.

Looking at the menacing dragon lizards, the soldiers finally realized why Ember told them not to confront the dragon lizards head-on.

Because you can't touch it at all!
"Run away!" After shouting, the soldier turned around and started running wildly on the open flat ground.

Soldiers covered in blood ran in front, while ferocious monsters pursued relentlessly from behind.

This scene should be extremely terrifying, but there is always a sense of dissonance here.

The reason was that the "blood-stained" soldiers in front ran too fast, and they didn't look like they were seriously injured.

In battlefields of all sizes, this combination occupies the absolute mainstream. It's not so much a battle as it is a cat and mouse between dragon lizards and humans.

Even if there are some particularly strong soldiers in the army who can pack up the dragon lizard and take them away, it will not change the weird atmosphere of the battlefield.

This situation did not improve until the big blue dragon lizard ran away frantically with a broken net on its head.


"Human, I've fought you enough!" With a paw, the running Inuzaka was knocked away. The purple dragon lizard looked at Goro, who was also covered in blood, and said viciously.

In fact, it had already thought about leaving. The human being in front of it was really too strange.

Even though he had hit him so many times, this human could stand up again every time, which made the dragon lizard begin to doubt his own strength.

Of course there is no problem with the strength of the dragon lizard. As for why Wulang can withstand so many attacks and stand up again...

That's because the dragon lizard didn't consider the possibility of his attack failing at all.

After all, every time he attacks, there will always be many more "wounds" on Wulang's body, which makes the dragon lizard automatically ignore the strange feel when hitting.

The dragon lizards are still very simple, and they have no thought at all about humans pretending to be injured.

Seeing his companion quickly retreating, the purple dragon lizard immediately ran away without bothering him.

Its mind can't figure out why humans are so weird. So it’s natural to seek help from your own kind.

If the two leader dragon lizards are like this, there is no need to say more about the other dragon lizards. After seeing that their leader had retreated, the other dragon lizards, whether they were chasing or fighting, quickly followed suit.

On the huge battlefield, only panting humans and a few unlucky egg dragon lizards were caught.

"Huh..., this over?" Goro picked up Inuzaka, who was dizzy on the ground. The latter's body was also covered with blood dendrobium water by Goro.

When it comes to acting, it's natural to make it more realistic.

"I don't know." Kujo Sanra rushed over. There were large blood-red patches on her face. At first glance, she looked extremely miserable.

Just as everyone was discussing their experiences of this "battle", the sound of embers resounded again.

I saw him holding a big loudspeaker, appearing out of nowhere, and shouting loudly in the battlefield: "Thank you for your cooperation! I declare that the first act has been successfully completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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