King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 567 Migration Plan

Chapter 567 Migration Plan
"An ancient book?" The soldier from Kaiji Island looked up at Fuchigami, who was wearing glasses. He looked like an intellectual with such a gentle appearance. No wonder he knew so much about the history of Kaiji Island.

After hearing the conversation between Yuan Shang and the others, Yi Jin looked at the large number of soldiers with bruises and swollen faces around him, and suddenly made a fuss.

"I'm not telling you that the people of Yuanxia Palace defeated the dragon lizards one or two thousand years ago. Now you descendants are beaten like this by your former opponents. Don't you feel a little ashamed of your ancestors?"

"Don't take us with you. The Yuanxia Palace people are the ancestors of their Haiji Island people, not our ancestors."

As soon as Yi Jin finished speaking, a soldier from the shogunate waved his hand to distance himself.

"Do you dare to say that your ancestors never married Haizhidao?" Yu Yan pointed at the soldiers waving their hands and retorted.

Since Kaiji Island was so close to Inazuma's other main islands, he couldn't believe that the people of Kaiji Island had not married people from other islands for thousands of years.

"If you ask me, you all will embarrass our ancestors!"

No one could defend themselves now, they were all caught up in doubts about themselves. Is it possible that they have become weaker after one or two thousand years?
Or maybe everyone in Yuanxia Palace is a superman?

Fuchikami was also a little puzzled. He turned the arm of a man from Kaiji Island and looked at it several times.

"What do you want to do?" The soldier felt a little annoyed. He retracted his arm and looked at Yunshang with a strange look.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just thinking about how you defeated the dragon lizard before? Judging from your appearance, you are no different from the others?"

Fuchshang scratched his head. He had just taken a closer look at the soldier's body. It was just an ordinary human body. There was nothing interesting about it.

"I don't know. If you hadn't told me, I would have thought that these dragon lizards grew out of the soil."

The soldier shook his head. He raised his head and thought for a moment, and then said to Yuan Shang and Yu Hu:
"If you two are really curious, you can go to the Coral Palace and ask the living Goddess Miko."

"The Coral Palace has the largest collection of books, and the living goddess miko likes to read books. She must know the details of history better than us big-headed soldiers."

Yi Yan nodded when he heard the words, "I know. Judging from your appearance, I guess you won't be able to move tomorrow. I just want to go to the Coral Palace for a run."

The huge temporary bonfire gradually extinguished, and the camp became quiet.

But obviously, some people don't need to sleep.

"Stop it! What do you want to do?"

Outside the camp, the shadow floating on the ground was stopped by embers.

Ying looked up at the embers and said calmly: "Don't do anything, just do what I should do."

Shadow said, about to cross the embers. Now that he is really in charge of the overall situation, Ying's burden suddenly becomes lighter.

She has found a position that truly suits her - Shadow Warrior. There is no need to care about the stability of gods, nor the supreme majesty of generals...

All the Kagemusha needs to do is to eliminate all potential threats to Inazuma, whether this "erasure" is done openly or quietly.

"Hit, beat, beat! Can you please use your brain! Is this what you came here to do?" Yu Yan stood in front of Ying and poked her forehead with his finger.

Ying tried her best to dodge Ember's finger pokes, but she dodged for a long time and didn't dodge even once.

In desperation, Ying had to turn her back. She rubbed her red forehead, suddenly feeling a little decadent.

Not to mention the fact that he was a spiritual ember and could still poke her, but he couldn't dodge the ember's attack no matter what, which really made Ying a little frustrated.

But she didn't know that Yi Yan had been dealing with souls since she could remember.

It's just a hand poke at the soul. If Ying knew that what Yi Yan was best at was not poking souls, but eating souls, I wonder what she would think.

Putting down his arms, Ying turned around and asked calmly: "What else?"

"Well, let me ask you, who will solve the problem of Haiji Island after these dragon lizards are solved, you?" Ying stopped talking, because the problem of Haiji Island is very difficult, no matter she is still, There is no good way to solve it.

"Those dragons you are looking for...are they reliable?" The shadow no longer drifted downwards. She glanced at the white basin in the center of Haizhi Island and gradually walked back.

"It's quite reliable, but they all have a new beginning. This group of dragon lizards will probably make it difficult for them."

"Embarrassed?" Ying's forward body stopped for a moment. She thought of the dragon she had seen in her long memory, and nodded with some understanding.

"Wind dragons and rock dragons have integrated into humans. It's really difficult to step into their shoes."

Yi Yan smiled and said mysteriously to Ying: "Actually, it's okay. They are indeed a good choice, but I have a better one here."

He held the back of his head and counted the three-headed dragons he knew in detail: Ruotuo, Tevalin and Kutri.

Needless to say, Tevalin was the weakest and didn't even have any family members around him. Moreover, he had no choice but to deal with the situation of Haiji Island, so he simply ignored it.

Logically speaking, Ruotuo should be the most suitable dragon to do this. Firstly, he can change the soil quality of Haiji Island, and secondly, he can take in this group of dragon lizards.

But when Yu Yan thought of Ruo Tuo gritting his teeth, he thought it would be better not to trouble this miserable dragon who had just escaped from madness.

After all, Yi Yan was not sure to what extent his running water had "washed" Ruo Tuo. It would be bad if it left any sequelae in his mind and Ruotuo got excited again and did something weird.

Fortunately, in addition to these two "new dragons", there is also the "old dragon" Kutli.

It happened that Kutli was still in the dark sea, so he sent these dragon lizards there to provide for him in his old age.

Although there is a high probability that Kutli will raise dragon lizards, not dragon lizards raising Kutli.

Hearing this, Ying looked surprised: "Besides these two, have you found other dragons?"

"Huddled motionless outside the darkness, like a dead dragon." Ember recalled his experience when searching for Kutri.

Every time he came to Kutli, he was either sleeping or in the process of sleeping, which made Ember unable to complain.

"I understand, where is he? Tell me." After thinking briefly, Ying raised his head and stared at the embers with burning eyes.

Yi Yan was startled by Ying's eyes that suddenly lit up. He took a few steps back and asked warily: "Why are you asking about someone's location? Do you want to intimidate me?"

"I definitely won't do it if you threaten me, but if you offer inducement... maybe it's okay? By the way, am I this kind of person in your eyes?"

Shadow crossed his arms and looked at the embers speechlessly. Was the impression she left on Ember so bad?

After hearing this, Yi Yan nodded immediately: "Yes, you are such a person in my heart!
But soon he stretched out his hand again, leaving a small gap between his thumb and index finger and continued: "But recently, due to your active remedial measures, your impression has improved a little bit in my mind."

"Forget it, whatever you think." Looking at the almost negligible gap on Yi Yan's fingertips, Ying twitched the corner of his mouth. She now realizes that it was a terrible mistake to dwell on this topic with Ember.

"Actually, even if I tell you, things won't change."

"Why?" Ying asked confused.

"Because that dragon is very, very old, almost older than anyone you know." Ember patted Ying's shoulder and said sincerely.

Ying understood immediately. She always assumed that the dragons alive today were always the second generation, but she never thought about the possibility of the first generation dragon king surviving.

And what Ember has found now is probably the first-generation dragon that survived the first war.

"So, don't think about communicating with him normally. Packing the dragon lizard directly to him is better than anything else!"

(End of this chapter)

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