King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 575 Abyss Wake-up Service

Chapter 575 Abyss Wake-up Service
With the blessing of the sleeping pot, the battle was almost one-sided.

After all, with the Hypnosis Pot, you can immediately declare the end of the battle with just one throw, which really doesn't hold much value.

"Ahem! Isn't your Haiji Island said to be barren of grass? How did you raise such a big thing?"

A soldier used a long rope to drag the sleeping dragon lizard in the distance, and asked his companion from Kaiji Island beside him.

"The key point is that this dragon lizard didn't grow up from our Haiji Island." The soldier from Haiji Island tightened the scarf he temporarily put on his chin and shrugged at his companions.

"Should I say it or not, I think you can try digging holes underground. If you can feed these thugs so well, I guess there must be something to feed people under the ground on your Haiji Island."

After hearing this, the soldier stopped worrying about the origin of the dragon lizard, and instead launched a move against Haiji Island.

"Thank you, but there's one thing you should overlook. Dragon lizards are elemental beings. They can survive even if they eat rocks."

The soldier from Haiji Island yawned. Do you really think Haiji Island has not dug into the ground?

It's a pity that no matter how the people of Haiji Island turn over and over, poverty will always be with this land.

After several attempts, the people of Haiji Island gradually came to a consensus—the only way to stay away from the barrenness of Haiji Island was to leave Haiji Island.

"Tsk, your situation here is worse than I imagined."

"Nonsense, aren't you so full that you rebelled?"

The two soldiers who had been in hostile forces before pulled the dragon lizard behind them and chatted with each other.

This scene can be seen everywhere on the battlefield filled with purple mist.

"Come on, come on, hurry up and take a close-up photo of this big guy!"

In front of the big dragon lizard that required a dozen people to pull it, Yan Yan ran over with several temporary photographers he had pulled over.

"Take a close-up photo..." Ying and the others looked at the unconscious big dragon lizard in front of them. Its tongue alone was almost as big as Ying's arm.

After finding the right angle, several people immediately hit the dragon lizard's big head a few times. Not only that, Paimon also flew into the sky and shot a few shots at the overall situation.

"Hey, this is pretty good." Taking the video camera and looking at the pictures, Yi Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then he ran to the body of the dragon lizard and carefully pulled the giant beast that was being dragged.

"What? What's the problem?"

Standing aside, Kujo Sanluo saw that Yu Yan was so attached to this dragon lizard, and was afraid that something unexpected would happen.

This big dragon lizard is not an ordinary monster. The other dragon lizards will wake up when they wake up. Anyway, whether it is Kujo Sora or Goro, they can suppress it with one hand.

But if these two big dragon lizards wake up, a fierce battle will definitely happen.

"Nothing, I just want to see if there are any obvious wounds on this guy's body."

The embers pressed against the horny skin on the surface of the dragon lizard, letting go of the worries in his heart.

Based on the hardness of this dragon lizard's skin, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is invulnerable. Without making any big noise, I am afraid it will be difficult to open a hole in its body.

"Why are you so interested in the dragon lizard? It was like this the last two times, and it's the same this time."

Kujo Sora looked at the sleeping dragon lizard on the ground, then at the excited embers next to him, and asked out the doubts he had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

The first two crusade armies were so embarrassed by the dragon lizards. Of course, it was because of the dragon lizards themselves that they were powerful, but Ember's restrained requirement to capture the dragon lizards alive was also an important reason for this phenomenon.

If we fight with real swords and guns, humans may not win, but dragon lizards will never be as comfortable as they are now.

"Don't you understand this?" Yi Yan stretched out his finger and shook it at Kujo Sora. Then he patted the latter on the shoulder and said mysteriously: "If you are not busy during this period, don't leave Haiji Island. Soon I will show you what the 'peak of elemental power' is." '!"

"The pinnacle of elemental power..." Kujo Sora crossed her arms. She thought for a while, then looked into the distance, "I have seen what you are talking about. The General is the pinnacle of elemental power."

As he spoke, Yi Yan also saw the expression on Kujo Sora's face change from indifference to one of overwhelming admiration.

Yi Yan scratched his head, what Kujo Sora said was indeed correct. The God of Thunder is also one of the pinnacles of elemental power. Judging from the fact that Kujo Sora always goes to the castle tower no matter what, she has met quite a lot with General Raiden.

Soon, Ember found a breakthrough: "Isn't this only the thunder element? I'll show you the other elements!"

"Other elements? Is it as strong as the General?" Kujo Sora asked immediately.

"I haven't fought, and I don't know, but I don't know if he is strong or not, but he will definitely not be weaker than your general."

Ember shook his head. Kutli must be stronger than Shadow. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and turned into a useless dragon.

As for Ruituo, this ember is really uncertain. He felt that if these two guys really fight, how long it will take to determine the winner is second, and the key is whether Inazuma still exists after the fight.

"Oh? If you say that, then I will indeed stay on Haiji Island for a while." Kujo Sora's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Kujo Sora has never seen a guy who can compete with General Raiden - only a few people know about the fight between Ember and Shadow.

Kujo Sora was not in the castle tower at the time, and Ember, Shadow, and others did not say anything, so she didn't know what happened at that time.

Kujo Sora only knew that on the night of the third anniversary ceremony of the Seclusion Order, there was a huge riot in "Narukami Taisha Shrine". Then a group of people were killed, and the Seclusion Order and the Eye Hunting Order were abolished.

Among those killed was Kujo Sora's adoptive father, Kujo Takayuki, the head of the Kujo family.

Everyone in the Kujo family knows these things. But so what if you know?
The remnants of the Kujo family also tried to go to Feimu Village to take revenge. Torn between the revenge of killing their father and their own conscience, Kujo Sanra stopped them too late.

So when she came to Feimu Village, she only saw a few more graves around Feimu Village, as well as the Furnace Knights and the villagers of Feimu Village who were digging holes.

This situation immediately cleared up a lot of the tangles in Kujo Sanra's heart. After determining that there was no hope of revenge, she concentrated on rectifying the affairs of Kujo's family with Kujo Masahito and Kujo Kamaharu.

From then on, if anyone mentioned the matter of revenge for the head of the family, Kujo Sura would kill them with the force of thunder.

Kujo Sora no longer wanted to fall into the torn relationship between family affection and loyalty. This could be regarded as an escape.

Of course, it’s okay to put it another way: the current situation is turbulent, and the Kujo family is at the center of the whirlpool. The most important thing for this big family now is not revenge, but how to avoid being sucked into the bottom of the sea by the whirlpool.

All these considerations really annoyed the upright Kujo Sora. Since Ember, as her temporary boss, asked her to stay on Kaiji Island for a while, Kujo Sora agreed.

Just treat yourself as a vacation here! Although the land on Haiji Island is barren, the scenery is infinite. Taking into account the high cost of living here, it is a good place for leisure.

"Then please take good care of these dragon lizards and prevent anything from happening!" Yu Yan finally revealed his original purpose.

Do you really think he let Kujo Sora stay on Kaiji Island to play? He was afraid that Wulang wouldn't be able to handle so many people by himself. If someone among them moved around and made a fuss, it would be a blow to Ember's plans.

The purple mist on the battlefield has dissipated a lot due to time and wind, but there are still many dragon lizards still sleeping on the ground.

"Huh? What's going on? Why is this dragon lizard so black?" The soldier who ran by was just about to pull the dragon lizard away in front of him when he saw black on the skin of the dragon lizard.

This immediately made him extremely confused, but just when the soldier was about to call someone, a deafening roar came from behind him.


"It's not good!! The dragon lizard is going crazy!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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