King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 596: Attracting the old, weak, sick and disabled

Chapter 596: Attracting the old, weak, sick and disabled
At the bottom of the dark rocky abyss, in a place where light rarely shines in the center of the upside-down city, several black spots are moving back and forth, like mosquitoes swarming around the light.

"Didn't you say that the Qiuqiu people would come? How long has it been, and you haven't even seen a single shadow of the Qiuqiu people?"

Paimon, who was always full of energy, was a little discouraged at this moment. She looked at Yuan Shang, who was already squatting on the ground beside her, and asked feebly.

"His Royal Highness said that people from Qiuqiu will come, but I don't know when exactly." Yuanshang shook his head, and his high energy and momentum had been smoothed out by time.

After discussing the Abyss Order's plan, Abyss was even more motivated. He really wanted to show off his skills and beat all the people in Qiuqiu back to their original shape.

Although this is a giant abyss of rock, the abyss still believes that there are Qiuqiu people here.

Not to mention anything else, just based on those actions before leaving, Yuan Shang also believed that Qiuqiu people could come over.

Don't doubt the Qiuqiu people's ability to survive, even if it's under the bottomless earth.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. Everyone has been waiting here for who knows how long, and not even a shadow of Qiuqiu people can be seen.

"No, the Qiuqiu people must be lost, right? I'm going to go down and bring them here!"

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the darkness. So Yuanshang couldn't bear the loneliness.

He stood up from the ground and planned to take the initiative to find the Qiuqiu people.

"It' dark. Are you sure you want to jump down?" Paimon looked down at the gap in the altar and saw only darkness.

Without a light source, it would be impossible to move here!

"Lost? I think it's very possible." Hearing Yuan Shang's words, Yi Yan lowered his head and glanced at the darkness below.

His eyesight was relatively good, and these darknesses were nothing to him. Because of this, Yi Yan could see the complex and rugged terrain of the Rock Abyss. With the darkness, it was not impossible for the Qiuqiu people to get lost?

"You should study this ancient civilization device here carefully. Don't let people come and you won't be able to do it."

After waving his hands to everyone, Ember jumped down from the high air. Although he felt that using this thing to purify Qiuqiu people would probably be impossible, but there might be some miracle?

Don't say anything too harsh, otherwise you will be slapped in the face.


There was a dull sound of falling to the ground in the darkness. The embers that fell to the ground turned around and waved to the light above their heads. Naturally, no one could notice.

"Did the ember really jump?" Paimon stretched her little head out of the gap to look, and then she saw a bright light extending upwards.

The light is emitted from each stone, with many colors and looks very gorgeous.

And the source of these lights is naturally the embers that are constantly throwing stones from the pocket.

Iridescent stone - a finished product simply processed from relic stone. After being placed, it can emit any of the seven colors and become a luminous road sign.

In addition, it can also be used to estimate the height from the ground. If you hear a sharp sound after dropping it, it means you will definitely die if you jump.

These stones are not suspended in the air out of thin air, but the embers have found a path that leads directly to the hanging city on top.

With his amazing hand speed and throwing power, a road with colorful lights on both sides appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Standing in the center of the road, Ember waved at them. Now everyone saw it, so they responded.

"It seems we'd better delve into this thing!" Seeing that the problem of getting lost was solved so easily by Ember, Fuchigami had no choice but to shrink his head and ran back to tinker with the altar.

And the darkness outside the altar is being torn apart by a little bit of light.


"Where are the Qiuqiu people?"

With a flick of Ember's hand, a glowing iridescent stone fell into the gap, emitting a ray of light.

Where the light illuminates, there are only gravels and stalagmites, without any breath of life.

"The Qiuqiu people are not here." Ember shook his head, and then began to shoot iridescent stones everywhere. After a while, the vast tunnel was illuminated as brightly as day by densely packed iridescent stones.

The seven colors of light complement each other and can blind the eyes of passers-by.

However, although Yan Yan didn't pay much attention to other places, he was very concerned about the dangers on the road.

For example, the mud that can often be seen on the road has been surrounded by embers with red iridescent stones. That circle of bright red, I believe anyone who is not blind can see it.

For example, at some forks in the road, Ember used green iridescent stones to spell out an arrow in the middle of the road.

It can be said that he is quite good as a guide. After all, along the way, the ground that Ember passed through turned into colorful skin, and it was hard not to see it.

As he advanced in the tunnel, he threw iridescent stones, and soon a bright light appeared in front of Ember.

This bright light was not illuminated by the iridescent stone he threw casually, but by a bonfire that was about to go out.

Through the dim light emitted by the campfire, a simple hilly camp could be vaguely seen.

Next to the bonfire, several Qiuqiu people were lying in twos and threes. Some of them had a layer of thatch spread under their bodies, and some were sleeping directly on the ground.

If it weren't for the skin on these Qiuqiu people, at first glance, Ember would have thought they were all dead.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The iron boots of Ember Armor made a crisp sound when they stepped on the gravel on the ground. In this silent tunnel, this level of sound can be considered harsh.

But the Qiuqiu man lying on the ground just arched his body and made no movement.


Yi Yan squatted on the ground and poked the Qiuqiu man with his hand, uttering a series of strange syllables, which in the Qiuqiu man's sentence meant "Hello!"

"Mi nye..."

The Qiuqiu people weakly replied "I'm not good". After that, no matter how the embers creaked, these Qiuqiu people had no reaction.

"This is... an old Qiuqiu man?" Yi Yan lifted the arm of a Qiuqiu man lying on the ground. The brown-black skin was dry and rough, with countless scars etched on it.

It can be seen that this Qiuqiu man is extremely rare, an old Qiuqiu man who has been around for a long time and has not been killed.

Yi Yan's head tilted, and he suddenly realized why the Qiuqiu people in the Qiuqiu camp were always full of energy.

It turns out that once the Qiuqiu people reach a certain age, they will take the initiative to leave the camp and find a quiet place to wait quietly for death.

Of course, there are definitely only a few Qiuqiu people who can die like this. Because most Qiuqiu people will not live to old age due to various reasons.

For example, when catching a fire slime, he was blown up to death, when catching a wild boar, he was pushed away by the wild boar, and when he was dancing after grabbing something, he was suffocated by a stick...

The way people from Qiuqiu died didn't require much. But like most monsters, they don't know what death is.

Therefore, even though the Qiuqiu people die in various strange ways, they will not learn any lessons and still vent their infinite energy on the mainland that belongs only to the Qiuqiu people.

"Are all the Qiuqiu people attracted here old and infirm?" Yi Yan turned over the bodies of several more Qiuqiu people and found that these Qiuqiu people were almost dying.

The fact that they can run from their original camp into the rocky abyss is enough to illustrate the tenacity of the Qiuqiu people's vitality.

"A little conscience, but not much." Ember complained as he picked up the Qiuqiu man on the ground.

It seems that the Abyss Cult also knew that the possibility of the ancient civilization device purifying the curse was very low, so they specially attracted the dying Qiuqiu people to do the experiment.

"But fortunately you met me, I am a good person with a conscience!"

After laughing loudly, Yan Yan carried the motionless Qiuqiu man and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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