King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 643 Compatriots

Chapter 643 Compatriots
The chatter of chatter echoed across the green field for a while. Ella and Yaros seemed to be excited to find such a good-tempered person in each other, so they simply forgot that Kaia existed around them.

Although he could not understand the content of the conversation between the two, this did not prevent Kaiya from smiling.

At this moment, he was looking at a sunset fruit tree, quietly waiting for the end of their chat.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we really hit it off." Kaia, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help laughing as she watched Ella and Yalos chatting passionately with no intention of stopping.

"Qiuqiu people... and those eyes... is it a coincidence, or am I overthinking it..."

After laughing, Kaia fell into deep thought. He looked at Alos's bent eyes and murmured to himself.

It was not a dream, he had seen the Kharians in Mondstadt.

Just when Kaia was thinking about how to further gain Yaros's trust, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

It was a hill with dense vegetation, and the gentle breeze blew, and the berries growing vigorously appeared in Kaiya's eyes.

But what he cared about was not these, but other places - there was the familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere of Kaia on the hills.

After glancing at Ella and Yaros who were not aware at all, Kaia silently backed away.

He moved his legs very fast, but the movement was very small. Quietly, Kaia came to the bushy hills from below.

"Why are you here?! Didn't you say that I will handle everything about Mondstadt for the time being!"

As expected by Kaia, in the green, several figures shrouded in black cloaks were whispering.

"Oh? It's Master Kaia." The few people who were peeping at Yalos were not too surprised when they saw Kaia coming. Although they were called adults, there was no respect in their tone.

"You guys, it seems like you didn't hear what I said clearly." Kaia's exposed single eye narrowed slightly.

Under the black robe in front of him, a pair of eyes also had star-shaped pupils, but Kaia's attitude towards them was much worse than that towards Yalos.

"Master Kaiya, we have given you several days, but you seem to have made no progress at all."

Not to be outdone, the man in black robe opposite him spoke in a tone that could be called questioning.


Kaia looked down at Yalos below, but there was no response. He was extremely excited to see the unexpected Kanrians for the first time, and so were his "compatriots"?

"His eyes are different from ours. The stars in his eyes are not pure. You should know what this means..."

The people in black robes became excited as they talked. They looked at Yaros who was talking eloquently, as if they were seeing some rare treasure.

"I understand, Yalos is... a civilian." Kaia pursed her lips.

The cross stars in Alos' pupils were not pure, and the star angles inside were even blurry.

All these characteristics point to the possibility that Yalos is a commoner of Kanria.

Not a powerful warrior, not a powerful noble, just the largest number of ordinary people in Kanria.

They were supposed to have all turned into Qiuqiu people due to the curse, but now they appeared openly on the surface.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

"Civilian, yes, he is a civilian." The people in black robes nodded in agreement.

"A commoner, a commoner without a [ring], a commoner whose fate has not been did he escape the curse?"

The man in black robe looked at Kaia, "You should know the weight of this better than us, right? Master Kaia Alberich?"

Alberich, this surname was pronounced from the mouth of the man in black robes, causing Kaia's body to tremble.

"Huh..., it's not that I don't trust you..., it's just that you are too attached to the past..."

"He is one of our compatriots, and the Kharians will not attack their compatriots."

Hearing this, Kaiya glanced at the man in black robe standing quietly. To be honest, he didn't believe it.

But in the end, Kaiya did not express the suspicion in his heart. The weight of the name Alberich was enough to distort his behavior.

Kaia nodded silently, and upon seeing this, several men in black robes left the hill one by one.

"Master Kaiya... let me call you prince." One of the men in black robes fell a few steps behind the other companions. He looked back at Kaiya, who was standing quietly on the hill, not knowing what he was thinking. "You are a descendant of the regent. The surname [Alberich] destined you to dedicate everything to the rebirth of Camrea."

"So... I hope you will stop acting like a child... Otherwise, your father will be very disappointed."

The man in black robe said a few words to the silent Kaia and then retreated. Kaia was left alone enjoying the breeze blowing from nowhere.

"Father..." Kaiya closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Father, such a long-lasting word.




Ella and Yaros hit it off instantly, as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for many years, and they had countless things to say.

In fact, it was mainly because Ella was nagging one-sidedly. The whole of Mondstadt was not very optimistic about her research on Qiuqiu language.

Therefore, all the achievements have been completed by Ella alone. She has not communicated with her peers and has no peers to communicate with.

Now that she met Yalos, a person who was as proficient in Qiuqiu language as she was, Ella immediately started chatting and had countless questions to ask.

"What? My carefully prepared opening remarks turned out to be curse words!"

"As far as I know, it should be right."

"ika means enemy, mosi means eating, and gusha means grass."

Yaros nodded to the shocked Ella.

"So Ye ika gusha mosi really means..."

"Give me some grass! Bad guy!"

Alos spread his hands and said what Ella didn't say.

As soon as these words came out, Ella immediately squatted on the ground in frustration and started drawing circles. The greeting she had carefully prepared for a long time to greet people in Qiuqiu turned out to be a curse word? !
No wonder when I gave the adventurers the language I wanted to understand, they always responded that they would be beaten by the Qiuqiu people as soon as they said it. It turned out that it was wrong at the beginning.

"There's no need to be so frustrated. Most of the words you understand have accurate meanings, with just a few flaws."

Yaros patted Ella on the shoulder and comforted her.

"I understand, Yalos, you don't need to comfort me, I'm not that fragile."

As a being who has been chased and beaten by Qiuqiu people all year round, Ella's psychological quality is obviously tougher than her appearance.

After removing the turf on the ground, Ella stood up. She asked Alos curiously:
"Yaros, can you tell me how you learned Qiuqiu language? You know a lot."

After finally meeting someone who was more accomplished than herself in Qiuqiu language, Ella immediately started asking eagerly.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After passing this village, there is no such store!

"Um..., if that's the case..." Yaros looked around. He didn't know where Kaia had gone. Now they were the only two people left in the vast wilderness.

"Ella, do you think your dream has come true?" Yaros suddenly asked with his eyes focused.

"Huh? Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"If I really want to say it, my dream is to make friends with the Qiuqiu people. Unfortunately, as you can see, with my level of Qiuqiu language, I probably haven't made any friends. I'm afraid there are a lot of Qiuqiu people who hold grudges against me."

Ella scratched her head and responded with some embarrassment. Even Qiuqiu people will hate a guy who curses whenever they meet.

"No, your wish has been fulfilled." Yaros shook his head, then he took a deep breath and said, "Do you still remember the Qiuqiu people who once talked to you?"

"Remember, I even gave them names!" Ella nodded heavily. Although the times were few, she still had time to communicate normally with the Qiuqiu people.

"I'm one of them."

"What?! Were you once a Qiuqiu person?!!!"

As soon as Yaros finished speaking, and before Ella could react, a group of big men jumped out of the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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