King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 647 Ring and Transcendence

Chapter 647 Ring and Transcendence

"Huh? What's going on?" The Abyss Apostle looked at the row of black-robed men in front of him. For some reason, all their heads were lowered at this moment.

It's like a group of people running into the wilderness, doing nothing, just practicing standing up to sleep.

"Is it possible that he was frightened and fainted?" The Abyss Apostle put away his fighting posture and moved closer step by step.

But on the way forward, it was surprised to find that among a group of lowered heads, one suddenly raised its head.

"not good……"

A sense of crisis emerged from his heart, and the Abyss Apostle almost instinctively felt that danger was approaching.

It just wanted to turn around and get out of the way, but found that its body felt paralyzed as if it had been struck by lightning.

The place of paralysis was the Abyss Apostle's brain, which suddenly found that it couldn't move its head.

But the strange thing is that despite being unable to control his head, the apostle of the abyss still thinks clearly, and his long legs are also walking very fast in the field.

Soon, it figured out why it couldn't control its head.

[Memory, let me see what is in the apostle’s mind. 】

A voice that did not belong to the apostle of the abyss sounded in his mind. This voice echoed continuously, as if it was the overlapping and mixed voices of many people.

[Are you..., those sleeping guys? ! 】The apostle of the abyss instantly no longer cared about the abnormalities in his head. Compared to the outside, the problem with his inner consciousness was obviously more serious.

【let me find it……】

The voices in their minds did not respond to the frightened shouts of the abyss apostles. They were concentrating on searching for the apostles' memories.

The apostle of the abyss feels this most clearly. It only feels that there is something extra in its brain. Wherever they swim, its head becomes bigger.

The capacity of the brain is limited. Obviously, so many people entered the Abyss Apostle's brain at once, making it uncomfortable.

It was the first time for the Abyss Apostle to experience such a spiritual attack. Neither its combat experience as an apostle nor the knowledge it gained from the abyss as a chanter told it how to deal with this situation.

So it can only try its best to keep its thinking clearer and clearer, and try to encourage the taboo power in the body to flow into its mind.

[It’s still too late for you to exit my mind now, otherwise prepare to accept the grace of the abyss! 】

After threatening in his heart, the apostle concentrated on operating the abyss power in his body.

It's okay if it doesn't work, but when it does, the voice in my head reacts.

【I see! The apostles of the abyss have no brains! 】

【You have no brain! You guys have no brains! 】

When the apostle of the abyss heard that these guys dared to curse, he immediately retorted without hesitation.

However, the voice in his mind had no intention of entangled with the apostle of the abyss. It would be better to say that they had no spare mental energy to contend with the apostles of the abyss.

From their perspective, there are no organs or souls in the bodies of the apostles of the abyss. There is only endless darkness, just like the universe outside the world.

But this does not mean that the abyss monsters do not have their own consciousness, but the place where they store their consciousness is "a billion or so" different from humans.

The darkness around him began to flow, and the information that the consciousness that poured into it could absorb also began to change.

Among the countless spam messages and intense pollution, they successfully found a few identifiable memories - they were scenes from the apostles' battles.

[So it turns out, the consciousness of the Abyss Apostle exists in every corner of the body. ] The collective consciousness of the man in black thought for a moment and found the most likely guess from these clues.

Behind them is everyone. Therefore, their thinking speed is also the sum of everyone's.

The invading consciousness circulated in the abyss apostle's mind, and the apostle's head also successfully grew in size.

[Combat experience? It’s no use, change the place! 】

The swelling in the Abyss Apostle's brain subsided, but it did not disappear. They just go from the head to the torso.

At the same time, the Abyss Apostle was surprised to find that his originally immobile head had regained control.

Of course, the price is that its trunk has problems again.

[Abyss magic? Useless! Change place! 】The voices in his mind were still full of energy. They turned around in the torso of the Abyss Apostle, but there was no gain.

[The location of the Abyss Order? This is useful, remember it first! 】【Research on differences between different races? Would the apostle of the abyss still do such a thing? Useless! 】

[Flyer design plan? How did the Abyss Cult start doing such inconsequential things? Useless! 】


The collective consciousness of the people in black robes is constantly shuttling in the darkness, and countless pieces of junk information are directed to the consciousness of all citizens for distribution.

As for the pollution that comes with junk information, it is blocked by a looming ring in the consciousness.

The pollution of the abyss seems to be nothing in front of this ring. Even if it is just a shadow, it is enough to isolate the incoming darkness.

Finally, in an unknown corner of the Abyss Apostle's body, they finally found the information they wanted.

[The chanter who purifies the people of Qiuqiu is named Yuanshang. 】The image of the chanter lying on the ground and sleeping soundly flooded into the mind of the conscious body.

This is the specific performer of the Qiuqiu people's purification ritual, a unique chanter in the minds of the apostles.

[The elusive abyss...] The consciousness wandered aimlessly in the apostle's body, but no new information emerged.

[Request: consciousness upload]

【permit. 】

The apostle of the abyss collapsed on the ground, and the swelling feeling in his body disappeared, replaced by a stinging pain throughout his body.

It only felt that something inside of its body was turning upside down, and the pain that spread throughout its body came from this.

After careful recall, the Abyss Apostle discovered something unusual.

"Isn't that right? Why did I come to the surface to discuss cooperation with humans earlier than the Purification Qiuqiu people in Yushang?"

[For the sake of our people, apostles, go to the surface! 】The encouragement from the memory was particularly close to his ears, and he successfully made the apostle discover the clues.

"Is the memory confused?" He covered his forehead and stood up, and the apostle recalled his memory.

Later, it discovered several obvious contradictions in its memory.

"Huh, luckily I have a lot of junk information in my body." After the Abyss Apostle recalled it, he found that his memory was still coherent as a whole, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

I really have to thank the junk information that comes with the power of the abyss. It is precisely because of this junk information that the real memories escaped when the memory was reorganized.

Otherwise, all the memories would have been pieced together haphazardly, and a human being would probably be either crazy or stupid.

Looking up despite the pain on his body, the Abyss Apostle saw the man in black robe still standing in the distance. Without any hesitation, it turned into countless afterimages.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Gold and iron clashed, and the people in black robes were cut into countless pieces without any resistance. The apostle of the abyss put away his arm knife and looked at the corpse on the ground without saying a word for a long time.

"Can the human body... be so perfunctory?"

The apostle of the abyss leaned down and picked up a broken thigh from the ground. There was no blood on it, just flickering sparks of electricity.

Make a few dents into the wood that can be seen everywhere, embed a few screw bearings, and connect them with wires. This is a thigh.

Almost all the "corpses" on the ground looked like this. The only complicated ones were the heads and warheads of the people in black robes.

Now the apostles of the abyss understood why they wore black robes. If they appeared directly and openly outside, others might think that the scarecrow had become a spirit.


Kicking away the bulb's head with protruding eyes, the apostle of the abyss quickly ran away.

There are so many weird things about this group of "human beings" that it makes them a little scared.

Leaving together with the apostle of the abyss, was Kaia who had been silent on the hillside.

Spreading his palm, a dark and rusty ring stood quietly in Kaiya's palm.

[Kaiya, when everything is ready, put it on and transcend this world with us! 】

These were the last words Kaia heard from her father.

(End of this chapter)

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