King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 649: Ke Yuren and the Killers

Chapter 649 Ke·Fools and Killers·Lai
"Hoo..., hoo..."

Kelai's small but long breaths blew out weak air currents. This tiny nose could not even blow the nearby leaves.

At this moment, her body was curled up in the grass and leaves of the forest. With her "slightly" modified ranger uniform, she was perfectly hidden in the dense forest.

"Familiar means..., fooling everyone..." Kelai thought of what happened recently in Weimo Village - there are always children who disappear inexplicably. Although they were eventually found, there was no memory of the period of disappearance.

This caused panic in the entire Vimo Village, and after Ke Lai heard about it, he walked directly through the dense forest from Huachengguo to Vimo Village.

Because this kind of strange incident looks like the work of fools. Ever since he gained strength, Kelai has never given up his pursuit of the Fools.

The number of fools in Sumeru is somewhat unusual. Thinking back to the recent performances of his master Tinari and Dafeng Jiguanseno, it seems that Xumi is engaged in a silent contest with the fools.

What I'm just a little bit confused about is why all the preparations now are done privately by Tinari and Seno? What about the official power of the Ecclesiastical Order? Kelai is not very clear about the various anomalies in this.

But she didn't really want to figure it out. Tinari and Seno were both smarter than her, so she just had to do what she had always done.

As for what these things are…

In the darkness, Kelai quietly took off the bow and arrow from her back, drew out an arrow tempered with anesthetic, and aimed at the crowd of fools advancing slowly in front of her.

"Where is that little brat? Where did he go?" The muscular Thunder Hammer was in front, asking the musket behind him.

"I don't know, how come the kid here runs so fast? He disappears in the blink of an eye?" Musket also looked confused. As soon as he drove the kid into the jungle, the guy disappeared.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a native of Xumi, and his ability to drill into the woods is far beyond the reach of outsiders like them.

"Wait, what is this?" The thunder hammer in front stopped, and he saw the desolation ahead.

"Dead Realm..." Musket walked out from behind Thunder Hammer and slowly spit out two words.


Thunder Hammer knocked the ground heavily with his weapon. Even though he and Musket were the only two people here, he still said in a low voice:
"The mission is over, close the team!"


Musket straightened his body and responded loudly.

"Dead Realm... I didn't expect my luck to be so bad." Thunder Hammer looked at the large desolate land behind him and sighed.

Who knew there would be a dead zone here? If that little kid accidentally stepped on this place, he would probably be dead by now, right?
"Didn't the Doctor tell us to be more careful... After all, we still need to use the children here to attract Lannaro..."

Musket looked at the Dead Realm behind him and asked worriedly. They are an advance team under the doctor's command. They lurked into Vimo Village in order to find a creature called "Lana Luo".

According to the doctor, this magical creature seems to be only interested in children, so in order to ensure sufficient "bait", the safety of the children in Vimo Village must be ensured when letting them act.

"Huh..., there is no pattern in the appearance of the dead realm, and we don't know there is a dead realm here. I believe that the doctor will forgive us."

"What's more, there are so many children in Weimo Village, and the doctor has so many things to do every day. Who can find out if there is one missing?"

Thunder Hammer said as he put away his weapons and prepared to leave.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the arrows filled with grass elemental power split into several in the air and shot at the two fools on the ground at completely different angles.

The arrows had been stored in the dark for a long time, and with the blessing of elemental power, facing this almost carefully prepared sneak attack, two ordinary Fool soldiers had no ability to react.

Not surprisingly, arrows laced with anesthetic were inserted into their bodies.

"Which direction?!" Holding back the pain in his body, Thunder Hammer raised his weapon and looked around.

"I don't know, these arrows are from all angles. There may be more than one person attacking us." Huo Qian reluctantly pulled out the arrows from his body. Fortunately, the arrows did not hit the vital points, as if the attackers specially reserved them. Like his life.

"Retreat!" Thunder Hammer looked at the dense forest around him, feeling that there were countless pairs of malicious eyes hidden in it.

This dense forest seems to have turned into a man-eating beast. Unfortunately, Thunder Hammer fell heavily to the ground before taking a few steps forward.

"Your body...can't move?" Thunder Hammer tried hard to get up, but found that his body didn't obey his orders at all.

"After being poisoned, strenuous activities will only make the poison spread faster. You should learn this from your companions behind you."

A petite figure appeared in the dense forest. It was hard to imagine that the ambush just now was completed by her.

"Poof!" There was a muffled sound from the musket in the distant musketeer. He looked at the weapon that only emitted black smoke in horror, as if he couldn't believe that it would malfunction at this time.

"The equipment iterations of you fools are too slow. The weaknesses discovered a long time ago have not been improved yet. Is it because no one wants to be your enemy?"

The Eye of the Grass God on Kelai's waist glowed slightly green, and then countless vines sprouted from the muskets in the entire musketeer.

"When..." Huo Qian squatted on the ground, the effects of the anesthetic began to show, and he couldn't control his body.

"When you pulled out the arrows from your body, did you really think that the arrows were so easy to pull out?" Kelai picked up the arrows made of vines on the ground, squeezed them hard, and the vines turned into countless pieces and shot. go out.

As soon as the flying vines came into contact with other objects, they quickly curled up. Soon, they were entangled in the grass blades, the gravel, and... Kelai's hair.

"Well... I shouldn't have demonstrated it to you. It's more annoying than Mondstadt's Gauntlet!"

After pulling it, the curly vines were still tightly wrapped around Kelai's head, making her a little irritated.

The thunder hammer on the ground used the last of his strength and changed from lying down to lying flat on his back.

Because of this, he was able to see the whole picture of Kelai. When he saw that this was just a girl, Thunder Hammer could no longer hide the shock on his face.

"Aren't you afraid of revenge when you go against us fools like this?"

"Retaliation? This should be what I said to you. What you did back then is the reason why I will retaliate against you now." Kelai responded with a cold expression.

The reason why she goes against the Fools is of course not just because of hatred. The other "Eye of God" hidden under the Eye of the Grass God is Kelai's real support.

But there is no need to talk to fools about this.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is that child?" Looking at the nearby death realm, Kelai felt a lot gloomy, but she still symbolically asked the fools on her body.

"That child? Haha, you saw it too. We actually don't want him to die, but who knew there was a death realm here?"

"Perhaps he is still alive and well after the death realm? You can go and see."

Thunder Hammer lay on the ground and laughed a few times.

"One more question, your purpose." Kelai lowered his eyes and placed one hand on the arrow cage.

"Haha, kid, you still have a lot to learn. For example, before asking for information about the enemy, draw a pie first."

Thunder Hammer saw Kelai's movements and shook his head.

"Haha, actually I didn't expect you to be able to answer. The news among the fools is the most credible if you find out by yourself. I can't believe a word of what you say!"

Ke Lai sneered a few times after hearing this, then she took out an arrow with a purple arrowhead and pierced the necks of the two fools.



The fools all foamed at the mouth, and veins popped out on their exposed skin. They whimpered and struggled on the ground for a long time, and then they died.


Black flames ignited from the bodies of the fools, and after a while, only a black mark was left on the ground.

"Well..., at least you have to see the corpse." Kelai raised his head and glanced at the dead area in front of him, and took out his longbow.

(End of this chapter)

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