King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 652: The bad guys in Vimalakirti Village

Chapter 652: The bad guys in Vimalakirti Village
"Okay, okay, applause and encouragement, I didn't expect to become a forest ranger!" The small house in Weimo Village was very lively.

Yi Yan was listening to Kelai's story about her experience in Xumi, and what made her most proud was her identity as a ranger.

For a girl's first job, not to mention looking at the woods, even if it is sweeping the streets, the embers will express encouragement.

Ever since, his enduring applause sounded in the small wooden house.

"Oh, you have told me so much. Brother Yujin, when did you come to Xumi? Why didn't you tell me so that I could make some preparations!"

After almost finishing telling his story, Kelai looked at the embers with joy on his face.

To be honest, she had wanted to find him through the badge given by Yi Yan on many occasions, but considering her heavy studies and Yi Yan's never restful temperament, she gave up this plan in the end.

"I just ran here randomly. After running to one place, I ran to another place. This is how I got to Xumi."

Ember shrugged and responded with a relaxed look.

"Then this little girl is..."

Kelai nodded, and then turned his gaze to the Great Ci Tree King sitting on the chair.

This little girl looks even younger than Youdan. Could it be that Ember also saved her from the fools, or was she simply lost in the forest?
Yi Yan glanced at the Great Ci Tree King, who shook her head. It seemed that she didn't want to reveal her identity yet.

"She is Xiaohua. I met her on the road. Although she is young, she is actually very old! She is older than the entire Weimo Village combined!"

Yu Yanxin understood and immediately gave the Great Ci Tree King a nickname and introduced him by the way.

"Is that so? Hello... Miss Xiaohua." Kelai looked at the Daci Tree King in surprise. This appearance did not look like an old monster that was hundreds or even thousands of years old.

However, out of trust in Ember, Kelai still accepted this setting in his heart.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her. I never expected that there would be such a magical person in Sumeru—if she was really a human being.

"Just call me...Shushahua." The Daci Tree King nodded to Kelai with a smile on his face, but the wooden water cup in her hand was already squeaking sadly - she was not as friendly as she seemed at all!

"Okay... okay." Kelai nodded quickly. For some reason, she suddenly felt that it seemed a lot colder here.

【Um? Are you dissatisfied with the name Xiaohua? There are trees and grass, shouldn’t flowers be next? 】

[Hehehe, what you said makes sense, but next time please let me introduce myself, okay? 】

Ember and King Daci Tree had a heated discussion in secret about the name "Little Flower". It seemed that King Daci Tree was very dissatisfied with the name that Ember had temporarily grown.

Unfortunately, just when the two were preparing to argue further, Youdan sneaked over. He stood at the door, looking at Huanyan to his left, Kelai to his right, and finally waved quietly to King Daci Shu.

This kid seems to have some serious secret, everything is done quietly. Naturally, this could not escape the sight of Yi Yan and Kelai, but neither of them made a sound to disturb him.

"Youdan, what's going on?" King Daci Shu ran to the door and asked Youdan.

Then she discovered that there was not only Youdan outside the door, but also a large group of children waiting quietly.

"Sister, have you seen Lan... Lan La Na?"

"It's Lan Lana!" King Daci Shu slightly corrected Youdan's mispronunciation, but he couldn't be blamed for this. After all, Lan Lana's name was very difficult to pronounce and it was easy to mispronounce it.

"Lan Lana has gone home. Don't worry, she will come to play with you when she is lonely." King Daci Tree explained to a group of disappointed children, and immediately cheered them up again.

"But...but we were the ones looking for it. Lan Lana seems to have never looked for us!"

Youdan scratched his head in distress. There were green elves in the jungle. This was a secret known to all the children in Vimo Village.

The only pity is that they never seem to come to Weimo Village to play with them. Every time, the children go to the jungle to find them.

"That's because they are afraid of this place."

"Ah? Why, sister, can you tell them that everyone in Weimo Village is a very good person, and we will protect them together!"

When the children heard this, they were both anxious and puzzled. Why are the Lannaros afraid of Vimalakirti? It's obviously quiet and peaceful here, and everyone is a nice person. "Everyone in Weimo Village is fine. The danger does not come from everyone in Weimo Village." King Daci Shu shook his head, and then waved to the children gathered in front of him:
"Everyone, please go back. We are discussing the dangers of cleaning up Vimo Village. It won't be long before the Lannaros will come to the village to play with you."

"Is that so? Then I want to help too!"

"Go back quickly, I've already seen your mother coming over with a tree stick!"

"Wow! Goodbye sister!"


King Daci Shu coaxed and deceived, and finally made the surrounding children disperse. When she returned to the house, her expression became slightly more serious.

"You should have heard just now that Lan Lana ran away when she was approaching Weimo Village."

"The reason it gave me was that there was malice here from people who didn't belong in the forest, there were bad people."

King Dacishu repeated what Lan Lana said to her before leaving.

"Huh? Why can't I understand what Sister Shahua said?"

Ke Lai's words made Daci Shuwang's little face twitch, "Sister Shahua", this new name is almost the same as "Xiaohua" from Yi Yan.

"Those words just now were all spoken by a creature named [Lannaro]. How should I put it? It seems that only children can see them."

Yi Yan saw that Ke Lai was confused and King Daci Shu was depressed, so he explained.

"Then this means that the little elves mentioned by the children in Vimo Village actually exist?" Ke Lai was all shocked.

The children in Weimo Village always like to discuss "elves in the forest" when they get together.

Adults dismissed these as children's wild fantasies and were amused by their wary looks.

But who knew that the "elves in the forest" that children talk about actually exist, and only adults can't see them.

"That's right." The Great Ci Tree King nodded, and she suddenly thought, how many people in Sumeru have seen Lannaluo now?
In the ancient past, Lannaro worked with humans to open up forests and control wind and sand. But now, the children of Xumi cannot dream, and there are many malicious people on the land of Xumi.

Lanaro is sensitive to malice and afraid of it like a child. So even though they have the power of dreams and memories, Lanaro's first thought for malice is always to run away.

"Let's put aside Lannalo's problem for now, now it's time to discuss the 'bad guys' in Vimalakirti!"

Ember knocked on the table, ending the conversation about Lanaro. Anyway, these little guys are wandering around in the jungle, so you can always meet them.

"Bad guy, this one is just a fool, isn't it?" King Daci Tree looked at the two of them and asked.

"Yes, it's very likely." Both Yi Jin and Kelai nodded.

"Fools..., what on earth is this?" King Daci Shu lowered his head and pondered.

When I woke up, there was less Kanriya in the world and more fools in the world. It is because of them that there is a lot of evil in the land of Sumeru.

What do they want to do when Ice God is established? King Daci Shu currently knows very little about them, not very clearly. She only knows that these people are very malicious.

Why did they come to Sumeru? King Daci Shu didn't know either. She only knew that these people were very malicious.

The Great Ci Tree King didn't know whether the actions of the Fools had been approved by the Teaching Council and the Grass God. She only knew that these people were very malicious.

"It would be fine if I didn't wake up. Now that I've woken up..."

"Set a small goal first and throw all these guys called 'Fools' out of Sumeru!"

The Daci Tree King lowered his head, and his face in the shadow showed a "kind and kind" smile.

(End of this chapter)

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