King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 666 Desert people don’t fight desert people

Chapter 666 Desert people don’t fight desert people
"In front is the Vitality House!"

Led by the scholar, the group soon saw the Vibrant House located in the desert.

Looking at the dilapidated building in front of them, the reaction of the Gilded Brigade was very similar to that of Ember.

"Here? Are you sure this isn't the place where you rainforest people throw garbage?"

The Vitality House has been abandoned for many years and was only recently opened. Many of its components have not been renovated or replaced at all, making the building look as if it will collapse at any time.

"That's how no one will find out." The scholars laughed at the mercenaries a few times and explained.

"You two, in the front. You two, in the middle. The rest of you, come to the end!"

The Vitality House is very quiet, surrounded by only the howling desert wind, which inexplicably gives people a feeling of swallowing everything.

To be on the safe side, Rahman dispersed the scholars into various parts of the team.

Naturally, all the scholars agreed. Who allowed them to be caught by this group of desert people?

As everyone approached the quiet Vitality House, the atmosphere among the team became a little solemn.

This group of scholars said that there were only a group of mad scholars and a few technicians who extracted the knowledge of the gods, but who could know the real situation?
There are probably fewer people who are living in the desert with little thought than the rare animals classified by the Order.

"Huh? Scholar? And a large group of bodyguards?" Yi Yan stayed in the dark and looked at the people approaching, and felt that it was extremely strange.

Are the bodyguards hired by these scholars a little too aggressive? There are actually some who think the employer is too slow and just jump in.

"It was not caused by hiring adventurers." Ember commented on this. If it were the Adventurers Association, such a thing would never happen.

But it is a pity that the Adventurers Association's power in Xumi has shrunk to a point where it cannot be seen.

It is mainly caused by the harsh desert environmental conditions. People who are not native to the desert may not survive even three days in the desert.

As for setting up a reception in the desert... the embers can only mean that those desert people who can write their own names are considered literate.

So they still have a long way to go before becoming a qualified adventurer - among other things, to be an adventurer, you must at least understand the power of attorney, right?
Just when Yi Yan was expecting the group to fall into a trap, he found that they suddenly stopped at the door.


Standing in front of the door of the Vitality House, Rahman waved to his companions behind him.

The advancing team stopped instantly, and both mercenaries and scholars cast doubtful glances at Rahman.

Not paying attention to the eyes of his companions, Rahman turned around and slightly separated from the team.

He would tilt his head slightly and set his gaze behind the rocks in the distance.

"My endurance is better than I thought. Come out. You are a subject of the Red King and my compatriot. We can talk."

"Someone is following!"

"Damn it! When?!"


After Rahman shouted loudly, the restless team fell silent. Now everyone's eyes followed Rahman's gaze to the boulder in the distance.

"Hahaha! I have long heard that Rahman is devout in his faith in the Red King. He is a desert citizen as if he were his own son. When we see him today, it is true."

There was a burst of laughter from behind the rock, and then a mercenary wearing a turban and blindfold, with most of his face covered by cloth, walked out.

"Isn't this guy stuffy?" Yu Jin saw the visitor's attire with his entire head almost suffocated, and complained without any conscious thought.

Apart from this strange costume, the most noticeable thing is the pair of shining scimitars behind this person.

When Rahman saw the stalker appearing, he took a moment to look at his outfit and already had a certain idea in his mind.

"Samer of Thutmose?"

"Yes, I'm curious how you found out about me? You also saw it. In order to hide, I didn't even bring any of my men."

Sameer nodded and admitted his identity, and then he asked a question.

"One of the two swords of Thutmose... is famous." Rahman closed his eyes slightly and complimented Sameer inexplicably.

"Not compared to you, your brigade is ranked among the best in the entire desert." Samer's face changed slightly, and Rahman's words were more like exposing his scars than a compliment.

Thutmose resounded throughout the desert many years ago, relying on Samer and Jibrele, known as the "double swords of the desert".

Unfortunately, when Zebrel had a daughter, he and Sameer parted ways, and Thutmose fell into despair.

Rahman opened his eyes, took out his ears, and said to Sameer in the distance:

"I advise you to throw away your weapons as soon as possible. The roar of the spirit inside is very noisy."

Samer paused when he heard this, and he understood why he was exposed. But even so, he had no intention of abandoning his weapons.

"Don't worry about it, I have my own way of dealing with this."

The weapon that houses the long-lasting spirit is a rare way for the godless people in the desert to control the power of the elements. There is no way Samer would abandon it under any circumstances.

"As you wish, I just hope you don't turn into a lunatic the next time I meet you."

Rahman shook his head. There is no free lunch in the world. Zhenling allows an ordinary person to use elemental power, but the price is to use the wail of the defeated to quell the endless anger - whether the defeated is the "master" or the opponent.

Those who use the soul-suppressing equipment will be hacked to death with knives or tortured to death by the spirit-suppressing equipment. There is no other outcome.

That's why Rahman never touches weapons containing suppressing spirits. He neither believed in the madman-like Zhenling nor the seven gods on the earth.

The only thing he believed in was the deceased Red King and his own muscles.

"My impression of you is not that good now." Samer walked into the team from a distance easily and comfortably, without the slightest worry that Rahman would get angry.

And Rahman did not embarrass him as he thought.

"Purpose?" Rahman asked, looking at Samer in front of him.

"As you know, I am not interested in other things. I just want to find the legendary golden dreamland."

"I've heard that, if Thutmose's whereabouts hadn't been hidden, I would have sent some people over to help you."

Rahman nodded, Sameer... No, it should be said that this Thutmose has endless interest in the [Golden Dreamland] promised by the legendary Red King. This is not a secret in the desert.

Most people ridiculed this, but Rahman was different. He also believed in the existence of the Golden Dream. Unfortunately, Thutmose's whereabouts had always been hidden. Rahman always failed to find cooperation with them.

"Haha, we have this opportunity now."

"The madman here?"

Rahman raised his eyebrows. He had already guessed Samer's purpose.

"That's right, you've also heard about that rumor, right?" Sameer nodded without any hesitation.

"It is precisely because of that rumor that I risked offending the Order and giving up the entire rainforest industry to kidnap these people."

Rahman pointed to a few scholars who were watching curiously. These few of them were the targets that Rahman had specially collected for a long time before deciding to take action.

Because only they know where the Order hides the mad scholar.

"Good! You are courageous! Lord Red King must have a new turn of events because of believers like you!"

Sameer praised Rahman heavily and then rubbed his hands.

"Then the mad scholar here..."

"I'm sorry, I want everyone here, no one is missing!" Rahman crossed his arms and his tone was extremely firm, which was completely opposite to his previous gentle appearance.

"Is this the only level of faith you have in Lord Red King?"

Sameer's tone also became colder. He turned his back and touched the handle of the knife behind his back.

"It is precisely because I am devout to Lord Red King that I will not miss anyone!"

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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