King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 669 Creating God

Chapter 669 Creating God
"You must have come here to collect the knowledge from the gods, right? It's all here." Yu Yan dragged a few people to the corner, where all the canned knowledge was piled up.

There are large and small ones. They are glowing green in the corner and look really beautiful.

But Hui Yan only knows that every piece of canned knowledge here represents a destruction of the brain.

"Oh ho? Is this considered getting rich?" Samer raised his eyebrows when he saw the canned knowledge stacked randomly in the corner.

Canned knowledge is one of Xumi's specialties. Every year, the Order Academy extracts various kinds of knowledge or data from the void and cans them.

This knowledge transformed into reality can turn an ordinary person into a rich and professional scholar, or it can turn him into a battle-experienced warrior.

Such a convenient thing naturally attracts the prying eyes of many interested people. Whether it was a direct robbery, or someone deliberately leaked it. In short, a batch of canned knowledge pops up in Xumi's black market from time to time.

Even if they are expensive, they never lack buyers.

"I advise you to give up this idea, if you don't want to have other people's thoughts in your mind."

Rahman looked at the iron chair that looked like a torture instrument, and then flipped the green helmet on the iron chair. He easily thought of the source of this pile of canned knowledge.

"What do you mean..., these things are extracted from human brains?" Samer also reacted. When he looked at the canned knowledge again, he only felt that the patterns on the surface of the thing looked like human beings. Folds on the brain.

"Let me ask you, your Order is willing to turn normal people into lunatics just to extract these things?"

Ember picked up a can of knowledge, which contained a hint of "godly knowledge".

Several scholars nodded under the crowd.

"You rainforest people never disappoint when it comes to inflicting torture on your own countrymen." Seeing this, Rahman shook his head in disappointment.

He once had hope for the people in the rainforest, but this hope disappeared due to such incidents time and time again.

"If there are enough benefits, it's not impossible." Sameer's answer was completely different from Rahman's, and then he was targeted by Ember.

"Wait...wait! I'm just joking. It's too slow to kill me with one knife! If the enemy takes a breath, it will make me sleepless!"

Samer gave up decisively and waved his hand towards the embers, fearing that he would become as unconscious as the scholar on the ground.

"Eh? Wait, where is my scimitar?" As he waved his arms, Sameer discovered a blind spot - his weapon seemed to be missing.

"Maybe it was lost somewhere? You go back and look for it." Yi Yan suggested without changing his expression. He still wanted to study the consciousness in the scimitar. How could he just return it like this?
Returning his attention to the scholars, Yi Yan saw a familiar scene.

This group of scholars gritted their teeth and trembled, as if they were fighting against something.

"Crack!" The arms waved, and the embers crushed all the void terminals beside the scholars' ears.

"Can we talk now?"

"Will you let us go?"

Several scholars asked with their legs shaking. Their eyes kept moving back and forth on the few people and embers on the ground.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm a friendly person. They became like this purely because of their heinous crimes and taking the initiative to provoke me."

"As for you..., it depends on what you have committed. When the time comes, I will throw you directly next to a badminton ball, and I guarantee that you will be convinced!"

Yan Yan patted his chest confidently, he did not look very ferocious.

Hearing this, the scholars automatically ignored the "badminton" mentioned by Yi Yan. They briefly thought about their position in the plan and what they were doing, and then took the initiative to speak after considering their current situation.

"Don't believe it when I tell you."

"Go ahead."

"What can scare me?"

"I, Sameer, have traveled all over the world for many years, and I have never been scared before!"

Several people gave their assurances with great confidence, and even the mercenaries further away couldn't help but straighten their ears.

"Huh..." The scholar took a deep breath. He recalled the huge mecha he had seen when he handed over the knowledge to the gods, and his breathing became heavier involuntarily.

"The Order wants to create new gods."


"..." "..."

"What?!" Yi Jin picked his ears. He suspected that he had been distracted and heard wrongly.

Why are the rainforest people and the desert people so mad at each other? First he threatened to resurrect the Red King, and now he wants to create new gods. It is indeed a wise country, but it dares to think more than people in other countries!

"You also said that the news of resurrecting the Red King is false! The Order Institute can create gods, why can't the Red King be resurrected?" Rahman grabbed Yi Yan's shoulders and shook him.

"Really? I don't believe it." Sameer gave full play to his suspicious characteristics. Whether it was the resurrection of the Red King or the creation of a god by the Order, his first reaction was always disbelief.

"But this is true. I have seen the body of the New God. The feeling of suffocation is very similar to what I felt when my consciousness entered the World Tree."

The scholar shook his head at Sameer and said with half awe and half fear.

"It seems that I can't sit here and wait for death. Lord Red King is waiting for us to wake him up!"



Rahman, whose face was full of excitement, was roaring excitedly, but his excitement did not last long before he was punched by Ember and hammered into the floor along with his body.

Rahman crawled out from the figure mark on the floor. He shook his dazed head and asked the embers:
"The Order has begun to create new gods. Our desert cannot lag behind them. Ember, do you want to side with the rain forest?"

"I don't stand for anyone. I just want to remind you that it is possible for the Order Academy to create a new god. But for you to resurrect the Red King, I only think the future is slim."

"Are you looking down on us desert people?" Rahman was a little angry when he heard this.

"Just stating the facts." Ember shook his head, then he stretched out three fingers and asked the mercenaries behind Rahman:
"Let me ask you, what do the three phases of the alchemy platform represent?"

The question was raised, but more questions were raised.

"Alchemy platform? Does Xumi have an alchemy platform?"

"Yes! It's on the streets of Xumi City! You bumpkin!"

"Three phases, I remember the alchemy platform is not four phases?"

The mercenaries looked at each other, and no one could answer this question.

"Say what you say." Seeing this, Yi Yan turned his attention to the scholar of Xumi.

Several people looked left and right, and finally one person stepped forward and answered: "If I remember correctly, the three phases of the alchemy platform should be the stars, the moon, and the sun. This is why the three phases must be synthesized together to synthesize advanced materials. "

"Bah, bang, bang!" Yi Yan clapped, and then he spread his hands to Rahman:

"I'm really not belittling the desert people. The gap lies here. Moreover, the Order only creates new gods and does not resurrect old gods. They even use their own people as consumables. Are you sure they can do this?"

As he spoke, Yi Yan also pointed at several scholars lying on the ground with bleeding from their orifices. If he hadn't been here, people in this situation would have suffered many times more.

If this kind of behavior is exposed, even if the Order Academy controls the Void Terminal, its credibility will probably be ruined.

To be able to pay such a high price, the Order must have made some progress in creating gods.


Rahman fell silent, thinking of the current situation in the desert. How can desert people scattered like a sea of ​​sand contend with rainforest people hugging each other as tightly as pomegranate seeds?
Even if there are gaps between the seeds of this pomegranate, even if it is about to explode, the desert people have no chance of defeating it.

"I have a question." Sameer suddenly broke the silence.

"What questions?"

"Where is the little Lucky Grass King? Isn't she the god of Sumeru?"

Sameer looked at the scholar on the side.

Facing everyone's gaze, the numb scholar took a long time to utter one word:


(End of this chapter)

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