King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 689 Carrying the power of gods

Chapter 689 Carrying the power of gods


"Thunder God's Heart of God is truly extraordinary in its power!"

In the underground Jing Liuli Workshop, the factory building that should have been extremely dark is now as bright as day.

The source of these lights is the huge doll. The doll stood quietly in the open space below, its head, joints, limbs... all filled with thick pipes.

But the most eye-catching thing is the extremely dazzling thunder and lightning pattern on the doll's chest. It can be said that 90% of the light in the entire workshop is emanated from this thunder pattern.


Thunder and lightning violently overflowed from the doll's chest, and the tyrannical force directly shattered the specially reinforced floor.

In just a short moment, the doll's chest had completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. Nothing could be seen there but purple.

The purple sea of ​​thunder and lightning rose upward, but after rising to a certain height, it was intercepted by an emerald green barrier.

"Quick, quick, maximum power!" Azar stood on the steel support. Behind him were five other scholars with different expressions. In front of him were the grinning skirmishers and the doctor with a solemn face.

"It can't be any bigger! Azar, no matter how powerful the Void Terminal is, it will damage people's consciousness!"

"Is it possible that you want others to spot you?"

Nafes, one of the five people behind the Great Sage, took a step forward and yelled at Azar.

"Nafis? Do you want to listen to what you have to say? How can a mortal stop the mighty power below? As long as this power enters the body of the new god, what if the entire Sumeru people know about it?!"

Azar pointed to the endless sea of ​​thunder below. All these powers will enter the body of the new god!

By then, what if the entire Sumeru people know what the Order Academy has done? The power of God will destroy all opposition!

"Okay! Let's make things clear today! The new god is born, so let me ask you, where should the little Lucky Grass King be placed?!"

Nafis, who has always had a hot temper, suddenly became furious when he heard Azar's rebuttal. He rolled up his sleeves and said that he was going to have a "reason" with Azar!
Azar showed a sneer on his face when he saw that Nafis was still confused about where he was.

"Nafis, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"The New God's bionic project has ended, and your work ends here."

"Guards! Take Sage Nafes down, he needs a good rest."


Several guards standing guard on the steel frame received Azar's order from the void terminal and escorted the rampaging Nafis down without hesitation.

"Azar, wait for me! Let's see how our Sheng Lun sect can crush your Ming Lun sect to death..."

Nafis is just a scholar and does not have strong power, so all he can do is the final threat.

Generally speaking, Nafi's threat is very useful. The Sheng Lun School is the largest, most populous, and oldest school in the Order Academy. Its foundation is far beyond that of the other five schools.

As the highest-level person recognized by the Biophysics School, Nafis not only has first-class academic ability, but also has extremely high prestige in the academy.

Because of this, Azar did not dare to kill Nafes. If the Myungron sect goes berserk, it will really break up the Ecclesiastical Council.

Nafis's voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. When the remaining sages saw this, they all remained silent.

"After working together for so long to eliminate different voices, the Order Academy is really becoming more and more useless."

The doctor who stood aside quietly observing this "farce" finally spoke after Nafis was escorted away.

But in the eyes of the sages, he might as well shut up.

"The affairs of the Order Academy are not for you, the exile, to point your fingers at. You only need to do what you are supposed to do in accordance with our cooperation agreement. It is enough."

"I'm just stating the facts. Also, the power of God's Heart will be attached to the doll's body next, and the movement will be a bit loud. I hope you won't be scared."

The doctor smiled and nodded, and then came to the operating table.

His hands quickly appeared on the operating table, and the entire body of the puppet began to be projected on the operating interface.


The thunder pattern on the doll's chest shines brighter, like a purple sun that is always rioting.

As if an invisible hand reached into the Jingliu Glass Workshop, the purple ocean below began to surge, and the powerful thunder elemental force and grass elemental force began to compete more fiercely. "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The flat emerald green elemental barrier continued to rise and fall under the impact of the elemental waves, as if it was about to be swallowed up by the vast thunder elemental power below at any time.

"I didn't expect that after being absorbed for so long, I would still have such a powerful power." Looking at the barrier stirring below, the doctor's face first showed surprise, and then, this surprise turned into eagerness to try.

This kind of power is consistent with the identity of the God of Thunder, who is famous for his force among the Seven Gods.

A glimmer of green light flashed in the purple ocean, which was a special void terminal installed everywhere on the doll's body.

The specially made void terminal was activated, and the consciousness of all the Sumeru people who had been secretly harvested by the void for a long time spurted out from it.

Under the control of the doctor, these consciousnesses tightly wrapped the divine power released from the heart of God and pulled it into the body of the doll.

The body of a god must of course be tempered with the power of the god. Ordinary materials cannot withstand the power of gods flowing through them.

Divine power and huge elemental power poured into the doll. Under the suppression of the huge will, they slowly circulated in the circuit that had been planned in the doll's body.

"It seems to be going well. The materials you found are good."

The gleaming purple light adheres to the body surface of the doll, reflecting the doctor's slightly excited face.

"Those institutions in the desert, the ruins guards in the rain forest, the Miao Lun sect did not study them in vain."

Azar just responded calmly.

Purple light swayed on the doll's body. This artificial "divine body" was adapting to the huge power that belonged to the gods alone.

The power in the body flows through every place along the circuit, and finally returns to the chest of the doll - where the heart of God is.


The heart of God is spewing power outward, while the circuit is transporting power inward. The opposite divine powers collide, and the huge shock makes the puppet's chest scream.

"Isn't it enough? We need to be prepared in advance. Where are the consciousnesses of those madmen? Hurry! Now is the time to use them!"

While trying his best to suppress the power of the riot, the doctor turned to Azar and shouted.

Azar did not respond for a long time.

"What are you doing in your daze? Quickly take out the consciousness of those lunatics!"

A slight sweat broke out on the doctor's forehead, and he turned around and yelled at Azar again.

"The canned knowledge...and the group of mad scholars...were all intercepted."

Azar responded with a panicked expression.

"What did you say?!"

With a cry of "Whisper!", the doctor came to Azar in an instant. His face was as gloomy as water, and he looked like he wanted to swallow Azar in one gulp.

"The thing... is gone."

"Incompetent bungler!"

The doctor took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

After An spat, he quickly took out an emerald green leaf-shaped thing - the Void Terminal. The doctor always carried this thing with him.

Without saying the activation command, the void terminal in the doctor's hand directly emitted a faint green light.

Putting the device he had previously scorned on his ears, he closed his eyes. The doctor, and his slices, all poured their consciousness into the void at this moment.

The huge consciousness entered the void, and before the void terminal could harvest it, they couldn't wait to come to the doll's body through the pipe.

The violent God's Heart was suppressed again, and the divine power within it finally completed its cycle within the doll's body.

"Huh...huh... finally... it's done..."

The doctor put his hands on the railing and suppressed the dizziness in his mind and breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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