King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 708: The True Master of Slacking Off

Chapter 708 True Master of Slacking Off

"Shoot! I shoot!"

Rahman pulled the crossbow string and then shot it out, tirelessly repeating this action countless times.

As he had only used the "Ahmar Flying Kick" once from beginning to end, he was extremely eager to go up and teach the doctor a lesson himself.

Unfortunately, the roar of the battlefield in the distance forced him to give up this idea. So, Rahman attached his resentment and anger to the poisoned arrow and shot it fiercely at the doctor in the distance.

Although most of these were shot off target.

"Save it! Use everything sparingly!" Samel couldn't help but remind them with concern when he saw everyone putting arrows into the poison tube and then taking out a few drops of venom and spilling them on the ground.

These venoms took countless efforts and countless Moras to make.

Why didn't he use it normally? First, it was unnecessary, and second, Samel was worried that if the poison was applied to the weapon, the enemy would not be killed by the poison, but the town spirit living in the weapon would be killed first, which shows how strong its toxicity is.

Of course, Sameer no longer has this worry now.

Upon hearing this, Gabriel could not help but put the arrow in the poison tube and swung it up and down a few more times, wasting more venom.

"Gabriel, did you do this on purpose?" Seeing this, Samel asked Gabriel in a bad tone.

"Of course... no." Gabriel shook his head. In fact, he wanted to pour the tube of venom into Samel's mouth, but considering the current situation, he gave up.

“Swoosh, bang!”

The ground shook, and the poison cylinder containing the venom fell to the ground. The colorful venom spread out, eroding the ground into hideous holes.

"My poison—"

"Excuse me, do you have any extra crossbows? Give me one." The culprit got up from the ground, patted his butt, walked around Venom, and asked everyone without any self-consciousness.

"Damn it! Are you the gangster?" Samel grabbed Elhaisen's collar with a ferocious look on his face.

"Let me remind you, this is a dream. Your poison is still fine in reality." Elhaisen turned his head and responded in a flat tone.

After these words were spoken, Sameer's momentum suddenly weakened a lot, but soon he found a new reason.

"The Venom is a minor issue, but delaying the victory over this Fatui Executor is a major issue! Tell me, without Venom, how can we hurt him?!"

"Besides, I'm not the master of the dream. Once the poison in the dream is consumed, it's all over!"

Sameer pointed at the flashing lights in the distance and asked righteously. I didn't know and thought he was a good partner of justice.

What he said was not false. With their strength, if they wanted to hurt someone of the Doctor's level, they would have to do it secretly.

Poison is a very good choice. As long as it is flesh and blood, you can stuff it with snake venom, scorpion venom, and filthy poison. You don't have to worry about losing your life. At the very least, you can get a sore.

"Let me make it clear that there is no sarcasm in what I am going to say next." Elhaisen patted Samel's arm and continued:

"According to my calculations, your chance of hitting a moving target this fast should be less than one in a thousand."

"What? Are you looking down on us?"

"I should have made it clear enough. It's just that your hit rate is so high."

Elhaisen and Samel were at loggerheads. At this moment, Paimon, who had only used the "Salted Fish Thrust" once from beginning to end like Rahman, came over with a crossbow that was almost as long as himself.

"Hey, I'll give you my crossbow. This thing is too big and too heavy. I can't use it."

"Thank you."

Elhaisen took Paimon's crossbow, stretched his muscles, and pulled it casually. With a "snap" sound, the crossbow was ready to fire.

"I have poison here." Seeing this, Jade took out the poison she had secretly hidden.

"Why do you have Sameer's poison in your body?" Gabriel looked incredulous and almost popped his eyes out.

"Dad, this guy is so insidious. Fortunately, you have me. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know how you were killed by him."

Jade's words made Gabriel and Sameer sweat. Gabriel was surprised that his little cotton-padded jacket had turned into a black-hearted jacket, while Sameer was worried that he would have to check if there was any poison on the toilet paper when he went to the toilet in the future.

"There's plenty of time for small talk." Elhaisen had no interest in the grudges between the two. He pulled out an arrow, poisoned it, and began to aim.

"Drip drip!"

Three prismatic green lenses appeared beside him, projecting light onto each other. This allowed Elhaisen to clearly know where the doctor would be in the next moment. "What is this?" Jade ran over and asked curiously.

"A little gadget I developed for calculating!"

"call out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Elhaisen pulled the trigger, and the arrow dripping with poison rushed out and shot towards several flashes of light in the distance.

Then, one of the flashes suddenly stopped, and he was knocked to the ground heavily by the other flashes that followed.


"It's done."


Drawing the arrow, poisoning it, and stringing the bow, Elhaisen's movements were very clean and neat.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

In the sunken ground in the distance, the doctor pulled out the arrow from his kidney. The poison from the desert was not lethal, but it was enough to rot a piece of his flesh.


The whistling black fireball came at him, and the doctor dodged it immediately. Then, on his path, a dormant seed sprouted, and the vines that exploded bound him tightly.

The doctor's body in the air trembled a few times, and he tried to use his own strength to break free from the newly grown vines.

But unfortunately, the grass elemental power in the vines was unusually rich, and he was unable to break free no matter how hard he tried.

Sensing the doctor's struggle, the hard vines grew faster. The new vines at the back squeezed the old vines in front, making the whole vine look like it was spinning.


The ferocious spikes cut through the flesh, but there was no blood splattering, only more intense demon residue.

Then, Seno, carrying the phantom of a jackal on his back, rushed into the remains of the demon, and smashed down with the wolf claws on his arms, smashing the doctor's body and vines into a pile of mud.


In the demon remnants that were almost turning into substance, Seno's nose moved, so he instantly moved over and kicked the newly formed doctor far away.

"How long will it take?" Seno walked out of the remnants of the demon and asked Cole behind him.

"Based on my experience and the data I found, the damage that a fused slice can withstand is limited to two times at most."

Cole stared at the purple remnants of the demon in the distance. Among them was her enemy, whom she wished to tear into pieces.

However, Cole only looked for a while and then turned his attention back to Seno.

Revenge is not all she wants, she also has many people she cares about - Cole has always reminded himself of this.

"This thing can temporarily relieve the demon residue, Seno, you can use it."

Cole took out a bottle of potion, which she had researched after destroying many doctoral bases.

"No need, I have the real power of the devil in my body. It's just the remnants of the devil. It doesn't matter."

Seno took a deep breath, and the power of Hermanubis contained in his body continued to counter the influx of demon residue, allowing him to engage in close combat with the doctor.

"Give it to the blonde girl from before."

Thinking of the blonde girl lying on the ground twitching, Seno decisively pushed the potion in Cole's hand back.

"Here I am!" After Ying, who had been lying dead for a long time, finished his treatment and ran back to the battlefield.

"In your mouth?"

"Yes. It will allow you to move around in places with dense demonic residue and elemental energy for a while without being affected."

"It's so great, I can't wait to fight you!"

Ying swallowed the potion in one gulp, mumbling something, her eyes flickering, and she couldn't wait to fight the doctor again.

(End of this chapter)

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