King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 717: The Stressful Xumi

Chapter 717: The Stressful Xumi


The deafening roar of killing made the doctor a little irritated. He took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the charging guard's neck.

With a "click", the guard's head tilted weakly to one side, and his body stopped flapping.


The guard's body was thrown out, its broken spine connected to the lifeless head swaying around as the body rolled, which was truly horrifying.

But to the guards surging in the distance, all this seemed to not exist.

The scattered limbs, the corpses with their eyes open, and the blood that would splash everywhere with just a step...all of this failed to affect the guards' attack in the slightest.

These people seemed to have become consciousnessless machines, whose only purpose was to kill the doctor in front of them.


Retracting the arm that pierced his chest, the doctor saw the void terminal flashing continuously beside the fallen guard's ear, and then he understood where all the weirdness came from.

"I didn't expect that this thing could make people die without hesitation. It's really surprising." The doctor smiled. Now that he knew the problem, it would be easy to solve.

He asked a corpse on the ground to take off the void terminal next to its ear, and his blood-soaked palm dyed the emerald green leaves red.

A green light flashed in the scarlet. The doctor was modifying the void terminal while dealing with the guards rushing in from all around.

But there were too many guards, and the doctor found that instead of modifying the void terminals one by one, it would be better to start directly from the last order of the great sage.

But how could this be easy? The Great Sage had the highest authority in the void, and he had compiled this order just in case. Both the authority and the level of protection were at their peak.

So it is impossible to modify it in a short time.

Just when the doctor was feeling troubled by this, his brows suddenly tightened, and he instinctively focused his mind. He jumped backwards. This was also the first time he retreated.


The green light dissipated, and Elhaisen pulled out the weapon that he had stuck in the ground. He had originally wanted to smash the doctor's head in one go, but now it seemed that he had failed.

The guards continued to attack the doctor tirelessly, the only difference was that they bypassed the standing El Haisen.

"Scatter! Go to the back!" The void terminal next to Elhaisen's ear also flashed brightly. With his shout, the charging guards actually stopped.


“What…what happened here?”

“Tired… so tired…”


The guards who woke up from their frenzy saw the square covered in blood, and many of them even vomited on the spot.

"Xumi has been invaded by foreign enemies." Seno jumped out of the crowd and stood beside Elhaisen.

"Big...Big Disciplinary Officer?!"

After seeing Seno, the guards' tone immediately became complicated, full of fear, yet not lacking in strength.

The only explanation might be that the dreaded disciplinary officer stood on their side.

"Long Spear Brigade, take your men to seize all the assets and personnel of the Fatui in Xumi City."

"Bow and Crossbow Team 3, one hundred meters southeast at 3 o'clock, in hunting formation; Alchemy Team 4, follow behind us and release interference potions and strengthening potions according to the time."

"Notify Sipantama Academy to activate the alchemy array in Xumi City, strengthen the perception of earth vein circulation, and implement elemental closure on the Fatui in the city."


As Seno's orders came down from the void terminal, everyone realized that the Grand Disciplinary Officer was more than just a Grand Disciplinary Officer.

When the Great Sage gave up his power, the Great Disciplinary Officer took charge of the armed forces of Sumeru.

The crowded crowd quickly retreated from the square of the Church Order Institute. Soon, only Elhaisen and his group and the two teams of guards that Seno personally asked to stay were left there.

"Do we need to notify Ridovanti Academy to disrupt Zhidong's astrology and communications? Otherwise, if another executive comes, we can't handle it." Seno completely released the power of Hermanubis in his body, but even so, he did not act rashly.

"No need." Elhaisen lifted his foot and saw a blood stain on his boots.

Looking around, the bodies, body parts, and wounded had been taken away. Yu Jin and Jia Luluo, who were standing on the branches of the holy tree in the distance, waved to El Haisen, telling him not to worry.


After seeing the blood flowing on the holy tree and the wailing coming from time to time, Elhaisen took a deep breath.

"Another executive officer will be here. Then notify Little Auspicious Grass King to modify the World Tree! As for how to modify it, we have the final say!"

Elhaisen pointed his weapon at the doctor, his calm face suppressing his anger.

"Haha, don't be so radical. Am I not busy trying to get that ignorant guard to retreat?"

A thin layer of sweat seeped out of the doctor's face beneath the mask. He now regretted killing the great sage so rashly.

If he hadn't died, there wouldn't be so many troubles. Maybe he could even be used to cause trouble for Elhaisen and his people.

"You are very talented. I am curious about how you managed to get those guys to retreat. Are you interested in joining the Assassins?"

The doctor looked at Elhaisen and wanted to recruit him. He was still in need of a capable assistant, and someone like Elhaisen would be the perfect fit.

"Hmm... Have you ever seen a great sage of Xumi defect? ​​Although I am only half of one now."

Elhaisen refused without thinking. Like the doctor, he also wanted the guards to stop.

However, his idea was different from the doctor's. The doctor directly used an identity that did not exist in the database to forcibly modify the void, while Elhaisen tried to usurp the authority of the great sage with his identity as a secretary, so as to prevent the guards from dying.

"I see. Your abilities are more suitable for the position of Great Sage than that loser Azar."

The doctor nodded in sudden realization. He indeed had not expected that there would be such a talented person in the Academy of Ordinances.

"Xumi, I really underestimated you. So, goodbye everyone!"

After saying this, the doctor's figure suddenly turned into thin air and disappeared.

"Follow me!" ×2
However, Keseno and Elhaisen shouted in unison to the people behind them, and then quickly rushed into the Church Hall.

Just as everyone was confused, their void terminal suddenly lit up, and then a vertical "spider web" appeared in front of everyone.

Looking closely, that was not a spider web, but a vein under the ground of Xumi City. It cannot be said to be underground, but it should be in the tree.

Xumi City was built around a tree. The ground veins here are different from those of ordinary places. They are deeply buried in the sacred tree, so they appear "vertical".

On the white spider web, there were several bright spots flashing and extremely eye-catching. One of them was moving quickly, followed closely by the other two.

"Follow me!" Tinari knew that no one would look, so he asked everyone behind him to follow him.

Everyone followed him without a doubt. The guards outside also slowly retreated because of Senor's order.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Finally it seems that the House of Lords has some brains." Yu Jin stood on the blood-stained branch and exclaimed in amazement.

"Using elemental forces to disturb the earth veins to reflect people's positions, Sipandama Academy has become more advanced than when I was there."

"So this is why you came so late?" Yu Jin glanced at the Great Ci Tree King. This guy just arrived when Elhaisen and the others rushed in. He was really too slow.

" can go and see the deep pit in Atuo Valley if you can stay calm and pretend I didn't say anything."

"I'll go take a look once I'm done with things here."

Hearing Jialuo calling him again, Yu Jin hurriedly replied and turned and ran away.

Looking at the corpses and wounded on the branches, the Great Compassionate Tree King asked.

"They...should be all right, right?"

"Who are you looking down on? Of course, that's assuming you don't throw in some old corpse."

Ember waved, his tone full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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