King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 720 Confrontation

Chapter 720 Confrontation

The Great Compassionate Tree King gave a clear shout, and then the doctor felt that his surroundings were "empty".

The elemental power in his body kept pouring out like a leaky pot, and then quickly moved away from here. After a while, he realized that his physical fitness had dropped significantly.

This slice returned to its original state without any elemental force bonus.

The doctor tried desperately to squeeze out the vitality, but the result was still no change.

The vitality of this slice only brought a slight increase in the elemental power of Sumeru.

"As expected of the source of the earth veins, the World Tree's control over elemental forces is unexpectedly strong."

The doctor gave up the idea of ​​using elemental power. If he used elemental power in front of the incarnation of the world tree, he might find that the attack was reversed and hit him right after he threw it out.

"I didn't expect the new Ice God's subordinates to be so difficult to deal with. What benefit did she give you to make you work for her?"

The mood of the Great Compassion Tree King at this moment is similar to that of the Doctor. This guy named "Doctor" is impossible to kill.

As long as there is one slice left, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

Not to mention the scene where he transferred the damage to other slices just now. This is equivalent to allocating all the damage to other slices.

A little here, a little there. Even the most powerful attack would be insignificant if it was spread over all the slices.

"Haha, the Queen and I have more of a cooperative relationship. If you can give me the same conditions as Zhidong and let me enter and exit the World Tree as I please, I can negotiate to serve you."

"You're overthinking. I have stricter ideas about you than the House of Lords. You shouldn't be exiled. Lying in the ground as fertilizer is your only destiny."

"Really? But that depends on whether you have the ability."

The doctor snorted coldly, and then quickly rushed towards the Great Compassion Tree King. However, just as he was about to get close to the Great Compassion Tree King, a familiar scene happened again.

The figure in front of him twisted and disappeared again, and the Church of the Immaculate Conception became empty in his eyes.

"It's this trick again!"

He jumped sideways, and the throbbing in his temples calmed down a little. The doctor looked carefully at the original one, and finally saw a clue.

There seemed to be some ordinary patterns on the ground there. The patterns lay quietly on the floor, and no one would care even if they were stepped on countless times.

But the doctor knew that there was no pattern here originally, and if you look more carefully, you will find that the pattern is not lying on the ground, but is three-dimensional.

"Did it change my cognition, or her own definition?" The doctor relaxed slightly, and the pattern blended seamlessly into the space. Subconsciously, he could not detect any abnormality here.

If you want to fight against your subconscious, you have to focus your whole body on the place where you think there is "abnormality", but this is simply impossible in battle.

When facing Ying and others, the doctor might be able to divert the damage without any concern, but when facing the Great Compassion Tree King who has discovered the countermeasures, it is basically like handing the slice to him.

"Since the damage can be transferred, I will keep you under my control. When the time comes, will you transfer the damage or give up this slice..."

The Great Compassion Tree King, who had merged into the entire space, stood openly opposite the doctor. Even though the doctor's eyes were sometimes aimed at her, he still could not notice her.

As soon as the Great Compassionate Tree King had an idea, the sacred tree grew more branches. They suddenly emerged from the ground from all directions, trying to grab the doctor firmly and then repeat the same trick.

But the doctor's instinct was of course not to be underestimated. Relying solely on instinct, he managed to avoid encirclement several times.

But can you dodge it once, twice, three times, or even a hundred times? Just one mistake will cost the life of this slice.

The doctor also understood this, so after he stepped back, new changes began to occur in his body.

The sliced ​​body was constantly expanding. A huge tumor was growing on the doctor's neck, and new limbs were growing near his limbs. A new person was growing out of this slice.

"watch out!"

An emerald green color formed from the middle of the doctor's body. It was a blade composed of elemental forces, which were supplied by the elemental forces flowing in the earth veins.

But before the blades could fly over, the body itself broke into pieces.

Blood and broken skin were scattered all over the ground, and then two brand new doctors appeared in front of the Great Compassionate Tree King.

At the same time, the Great Compassion Tree King also appeared in the eyes of the two doctors.

As if some kind of tacit understanding was broken, the Great Compassion Tree King instantly realized that the cognition he had just modified for the doctor was invalid.

The belated grass blade only split the wall of the Church Hall in half.

"Not just a clone?" The Great Compassion Tree King narrowed her eyes. At first, she thought that the doctor's so-called "slice" was just a special name for clone, but now it seems that she underestimated him.

At least ordinary clones cannot avoid the influence of the World Tree. However, the moment the two bodies of the doctor in front of him separated, he broke through the cognitive barriers caused by the World Tree.

"I don't think highly of the little tricks of the clone!" The two bodies approached the Great Compassion Tree King quickly, one in front and one behind.

Taking advantage of the birth of the new slice, before the Great Compassion Tree King had time to find the information of the new slice in the World Tree, the doctor decided to make a quick decision.

The air was soon no longer empty, and large amounts of purple and black gas were released from the doctor's body, causing the plants that were spawned by the Great Compassion Tree King to quickly wither and die.

The demon residue and breath of death that would kill ordinary people with just one breath, to the Great Compassion Tree King, smelled like a large amount of corpse stench mixed with some extremely irritating gas.

"The remnants of the defeated demon god... and the weakened forbidden knowledge..., cough cough..."

A dazzling green light emanated from her whole body, and the disgusting air around her instantly became fresh, but this also meant exposing her position.


The surging wind caused the surrounding gas to churn. The doctor swung his punch, but the Great Compassion Tree King dodged it thanks to its small size.

But the doctor couldn't have made such a big fuss just to throw a punch. As he jumped and ran, the Great Compassion Tree King felt that his physical strength was depleting at an abnormal rate.

Not only that, she felt her body getting heavier. The foul smelling gas around her not only disgusted her, but also attached to her body, condensing into a sticky mud that was difficult to clean.

"It's really... bad memories."

This scene reminded the Great Tree King of her previous experience in the Layered Abyss. The feeling when the embers pushed her into the mud was similar to the current one.

But now the mud was everywhere, not only on her body, but the entire oratory became dirty because of it.

In this chaotic and smelly space, only the Doctor was unaffected. One of him was persevering in playing the game of "cat and mouse" with the Great Mercy Tree King, while the other was hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for the right time to strike.

The movements of the Great Compassion Tree King became increasingly slow, and her forced attacks were not very effective due to the erosion of the demon remnants and the dead zone.

"Now, catch it!"

In a thick black and purple fog, the density of the fog suddenly thinned, and then dark and purple tentacles stretched out dancing.

They grabbed the slow-moving Great Mercy Tree King in the air and wrapped her up tightly.


"Don't take it lightly."

The two slices looked at each other, and then the tentacles in the air suddenly exerted force. The doctor might not kill the Great Compassion Tree King, but he was happy to see her fall to the ground with serious injuries.

"Ka... ka ka!"

"Wait, it doesn't feel right!"

When the tentacles loosened, there was no Great Compassion Tree King inside, just a piece of wood in the shape of a human.

(End of this chapter)

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