King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 726: Thick eyebrows and big eyes can also deceive people

Chapter 726: Thick eyebrows and big eyes can also deceive people

Anfortas turned his head and glanced at Ember. They had fought with Ember before, and his strength should not be underestimated.

This is also the reason why Embers stayed on the edge without being disturbed. Anfortas did not want to have a powerful enemy out of nowhere.

Since he likes to watch the fun, let him watch, as long as it doesn't affect your actions.

"Yes, since you know my name, the Sword of Last Light, you must be a remnant of Kanreya."

"My words should be enough for you to trust, right?"

Dain crossed his arms and nodded as he spoke.

He actually felt a little pity for Abyss. He was just a chanter, but he had to shoulder such high expectations of the Abyss Cult and go through so many troubles.

"What? You said he was the one who purified the Hilichurls?" Kong was shocked. He had believed that Yuan Shang was a genius and hoped that one day Yuan Shang would work harder and purify all the Hilichurls! Now Dain told him that Yuan Shang didn't have this ability?
"What else? No matter how talented a chanter is, his strength is there. Even if there is a way to resolve the curse, he won't be able to implement it. You know this, right?"

"Isn't that an ancient civilization device with a layer of rock abyss?"

"Humph! You are really going backwards by pinning your hopes on this kind of old antique of unknown origin."

Dain snorted coldly. What ancient civilization device could have an effect on the curse of heaven? If there was, he would have tried it long ago.

His words were addressed to both Sora and Amfortas. Upon hearing this, the latter successfully shifted his gaze to Ember.

"I say... do you think it's possible?"

Yu Jin stood up from the ground and spread his hands.

"It is better to kill someone by mistake than to let him go!"

"Moreover, the Sword of the Last Light is a person who deserves my trust for once."

Anfortas recalled the character of the Sword of Last Light. Let's put it this way, Dain once held the title of "Outstanding Youth" in Kanria for ten consecutive years!

It wasn't because his moral character had declined, but because Dain was already over thirty years old at that time and had entered his prime.

"Okay, okay! Fellow villagers don't cheat on each other, right?"

"Those tortoises in the desert are great teachers. Dain, you better learn from them before I give you a beating!"


The earth cracked and the embers flew high into the sky with a big leap.

"Can't run away!"


There was another roar, and Anfortas's huge body turned into lightning and flashed out.

"Huh... it's over."

"It's far from over. Perhaps we should talk about the Loom of Fate..."

Kong watched as Dain pressed forward step by step. He was not panicked at all. This kind of scene had happened too many times in the past five hundred years.

What should we do in this situation? Of course, we should run away.

"Daiyin, what did you say? I don't know! Goodbye!"

"Don't run!"


The Atuo River Valley is located deep in the jungle of Xumi, where there are dense rainforests and abundant water.

But now, for some reason, part of the rainforest is missing. Countless broken trees lie across the rainforest, and the charred black on them indicates that a fire once broke out here.

The huge ruined heavy machine covered by countless vegetation was leaning against the mountain peak as usual. It was almost as high as the mountain peak, so huge that it gave people a speechless shock.

When many tourists see this steel creation, the first thing they think about is who created it.

At this moment, a flash of red suddenly appeared in the quiet and decayed ruins of the heavy machine, and then a figure quickly jumped out from the gap.

The fiery red was just a minor change in the body of the Relic Heavy Machine, but the following changes were huge.



The entire body of the relic machine emitted a dazzling flash of lightning, followed by a creaking sound of steel friction.

Countless vines broke, rocks collapsed, and the mountain behind the heavy aircraft "bulged" up, and the paralyzed machine also slowly stood up.

Then, there was a loud bang that shook the earth.



The mountain was almost razed to the ground. Under the violent explosion, the huge head of the relic heavy machine was even thrown out directly. It rubbed out a bright light in the air, like a meteor about to fall to the ground.

In fact, if the head of this ancient machine really fell to the ground, the damage it caused would be no less than that of a meteor. A steel sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters fell from the sky, hitting one without making a sound.

The head of the relic machine threw out a smooth curve and was about to fall into the jungle. Once it fell, the ecology of the Atuo River Valley would be almost destroyed.

Fortunately, the Great Compassion Tree King was more foresighted. When she saw the Embers following the Abyss Apostle into the space crack, she immediately ignored her own fatigue and shuttled among the grass and trees.

It turns out that she is very good at judging people.

"I will never let you fall! Nashida, hurry up and work together!"

The Great Tree King faced the strong wind and shouted to Nashida who was stunned behind him.


After being yelled at like that, Nashida, who was at a loss, finally reacted. She held the Heart of God in her hand and frantically mobilized the power within it.

Not only that, she also did not forget to put her arm around the Great Compassion Tree King's shoulders and transfer some of his power to her.

"Stop... just now!"


The peaceful towering trees around here have a second spring, freed from the constraints of nature and growing wildly once again.

The swollen roots spread rapidly underground, and the surrounding land seemed to have turned into a sea in a storm, with the ground constantly fluctuating due to the growth of the tree roots.

The changes on the surface are even more eye-catching. The trees that were originally unrelated to each other grow upwards, becoming taller and taller while also intertwining with each other.

In the rainforest, an extremely thick "hemp rope" rises from the ground, and the thin lines that make up the "hemp rope" are the towering trees that are growing one by one.


The top of the "hemp rope" suddenly exploded, and the intertwined giant trees were separated into separate ropes.

From a distance, it looked like a giant open hand appeared in the rainforest, quietly waiting for the arrival of the huge iron ball in the distance.



The hands formed by the interweaving of the big trees caught the head of the relic machine exactly. The huge force was transmitted to the ground, causing the surrounding strata to rise up, and a circle of low hills was born.


Everything about the trees rapidly turned to wood, and soon the green trees that had grown in the mist and rain were stained with a tough brown.

And those terrifying "creaking" sounds have disappeared.

The huge iron ball of several hundred meters was caught firmly in the air. The price paid was only the addition of a loose circular hill in the rain forest... and also the two exhausted white badminton balls.

"I'm so... so tired..."

"Just bury yourself in the ground and lie there for a while." The Great Compassion Tree King said with great experience - she had already buried herself in the soil, leaving only her head.


After a while of silence, two small white heads appeared on the ground in the rainforest. At first glance, they looked like white mushrooms that had grown after a recent rain.



"Don't chase me! I can't do anything—"

The shadow of the ember shuttled through the yellow sand, and the strong wind it brought blew a huge hole in the flat sea of ​​sand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"How can someone run so fast?!"

Behind the human figure was a giant puppet running madly. The puppet was dozens of meters tall. Although it was huge, it was not slow at all.

Because it is difficult for anyone to associate something that leaves an afterimage of the thigh with the word "sluggish".

But even so, it couldn't catch up with the fast-running embers in front of it.

Along with the shaking of the earth, the giant puppet chased the ant-like figure in front of it in the sea of ​​sand. From time to time, it missed a step and fell into the tomb of an ancient civilization that was built at an unknown time.

But for a creature of its size, man-made buildings are like children's building blocks and cannot stop it at all.

They ran through the sea of ​​sand and across the gullies, deep into the desert. Then, the embers ahead stopped.

"Huh..., what's wrong? Can't run anymore?"

Anfortas laughed grimly.

My goodness, the long-distance running just now almost made him think that he was a new recruit, being led by the instructor to run cross-country.

(End of this chapter)

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