King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 733 Humph, defilement!

Chapter 733 Humph, defilement!


"Where is...where?"

Amfortas lifted his thighs, only to find that everything below his knees was sunk into gray ash.

He took a few steps in it and felt like he was walking in a muddy swamp.

After walking on the ground for a while, Anfortas stopped and looked back. The traces left behind were so clear that he was not going around in circles.

But the unchanging ruins nearby and the rolling clouds in the sky seemed to have not changed at all from when he first entered.

Anfortas stood quietly on the ground for a while, and then the pupils of his eyes gradually dilated, and the light in them gradually dimmed.

Now his eyes didn't look like human eyes, because there was no emotion in them. The two star-shaped eyeballs with dilated pupils were more like two extremely sharp and smooth lenses.

The dilation of his pupils was only a small part of the changes in Anfortas' body. Unlike the outside, his body began to undergo earth-shaking changes as the fusion progressed.

The most striking thing was the expressionless face of Anfortas. His face was blurred, and countless different faces appeared from nowhere and then stuck to his face.

Countless expressionless faces overlapped and then gradually merged. Anfortas' exposed facial features also began to change as his face melted.

The eyebrows deepened, the lips became thinner, the fat on the face was shaved off, and the pupils in the eyes became clearer...

If there is a former Kanreya scholar here, he will be surprised to find a standard Kanreya person appearing before him.

He/she has regular facial features and shining pupils shaped like crosses. It is impossible to tell whether he/she is a man/woman, but one can recognize him/her as a Kanreya at a glance.

This guy seemed to have all the striking features of the Kanriya people mixed into his face, both male and female.

It doesn't look ugly, but it's a little creepy. The facial features are not really put together properly, and they still retain some unique characteristics of others, so it looks strange.

It is these "insignificant" characteristics that ruin his face shape and make his facial features look not perfectly coordinated.

"Consciousness body..., confirmed to invade consciousness." Raising his hand, Kanreya saw that his arms were like his face, with countless arms overlapping and finally forming a standard Kanreya arm.

Similarly, the arms have the same shortcomings as the face - there are some inharmonious features on the arms.

After looking for a while, Kan Ruiya put down his arms. He already understood his situation.

The more people merge, the fewer characteristics that do not belong to oneself. When he truly has no characteristics at all and is all commonality, it means that the souls of all people have reached perfect harmony.

Then, "transcendence" will be within reach. So, he is now on the road to seeking transcendence.


[Parsing failed...]

Commonality, perfect sameness.

As soon as he thought of his own way to transcendence, he saw perfect coordination.

The ruins are in disarray, the sky is strange and beautiful. From the outside, everything here seems so disordered, as if it was randomly kneaded and broken up by someone.

But the more disorder there is outside, the heavier the pressure on Kanriya's heart becomes - he has emotions, but they must be consistent with everyone's emotions.

The messy appearance here is just an illusion. After countless deductions and analyses, Kanriya always gets the same result, and it is the same every time.

This only shows one result - the bottom layer of this world is determined by only one law.

Or maybe... this world is just a projection from a higher individual.

His breathing became heavier, and countless beads of sweat oozed out of Kanriya's forehead. This was the only time that everyone's emotions were the same, and it was also the only time he felt something like "emotion".

But now Kanriya had no time to appreciate what "emotion" was, and he started walking again.

The scene before him was beyond everyone's expectations. The previous purpose had been completely forgotten, and now Kanriya had only one goal - to quietly leave this consciousness.

He looked at the gloomy sky, struggled internally for a few times, but finally lowered his head and continued walking.

Although he didn't know why Yu Jin hadn't found him yet, Kan Ruiya knew one thing, that is, if he forced his way out, he would definitely be discovered. Even without mentioning Yu Jin, the guys around him could see the stirring of consciousness. Gods and dragons might not be good at things at the consciousness level, but just a simple consciousness shock was enough to make him suffer.

In the thick ashes, a long trail was carved. Kanriya didn't know how long he had walked, but it was far from the point where he gave up.

Perhaps, not everything here is consistent. Perhaps in a farther place, the "unidirectionality" of this world will be destroyed, and he can try to sneak out.

After a while, Kan Ruiya paused, because a gully of unknown depth appeared in front of him.

But this did not attract his attention. He looked at the isolated island standing in the abyss opposite him and felt relieved.

The essence of the space there is no longer the original result, but a pile of gibberish without any rules.

The dull pupils regained color instantly, and the handsome but somewhat creepy face gradually faded away, replaced by the fleshy face of Anfortas.


Anfortas' body trembled unconsciously. He looked at the isolated island shrouded in clouds and mist in front of him and remained silent.

"I am the marshal..."

【Come on, Marshal! 】

The voice in his head cheered for Anfortas. Although it was cheering, Anfortas felt inexplicably irritated.

He waved his hand, then walked towards the rock bridge next to him that spanned the isolated island and this place with a determined look on his face.

"Remember to send me Intivat when you visit my grave next year."


There was a narrow road under his feet and abysses on both sides. Amfortas walked carefully all the way and finally crossed the ravine and reached the other side.

When he looked up, he saw a scene that was very familiar to him.

Weapons stuck in the ground, torn flags, countless missing flames, and the pungent smell of blood and burnt smoke...

There was no doubt that this was a battlefield. As the marshal of Kanreya, Anfortas was very familiar with this scene.

"Hey, someone is coming."

There was a sound, and Anfortas looked around, but saw no one.

"Where are you looking? Here?"

Anfortas felt a dampness in his trouser legs, and when he looked down, he saw that the ground at his feet had sunk without him noticing.

In the sunken ground, a shiny black object had already climbed up to his ankles. The damp feeling just now was caused by this object.

"Wow. He actually changed his soul. I didn't expect to catch one with a string."

A chill ran from under his feet straight to Anfortas's head. Even though there were flames burning everywhere, he still shivered in an instant.

This kind of coldness is not a sense of touch, but a kind of coldness that comes from the bottom of the heart, just like facing the darkest part of one's heart.

"Your connection is a bit crude. You are just kneading everyone's souls together. This will cause great losses."

A deep voice came from under my feet again, the voice seemed a little comfortable, but also a little sarcastic.

When Anfortas heard this, he seemed to remember something. He widened his eyes and roared out.


"Hahaha, it's too late, accept the defilement!!!"

Anfortas' eyes suddenly went dark, and then his body collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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