Boss, she was forced to be the wife

Chapter 109 Runzhi is missing

It took Wanmoluo five days to enter samadhi.

During this period, Mr. Chen would intermittently input his internal power into Wan Mo Luo's body.

Wait until she has digested it before continuing to input her internal energy into it.

After Wan Moluo first expelled the turbid air from his body, he felt that his whole body was occasionally enveloped by waves of warmth.

She couldn't help but be moved in her heart, and secretly made up her mind to treat Mr. Chen like her biological parents.

After the effects of the herbs and pills were completely absorbed by Wan Mo Luo, Mo Luo opened his eyes and felt that his five senses were greatly amplified.

Whether it's the chirping of birds in the distance, the sound of gurgling streams, or the breeze blowing around you, you can feel it.

Mr. Chen in front of him was sitting on the bedside, looking at Wan Mo Luo with a kind smile.

Wan Moluo stood up and stretched his muscles, then knelt down to Mr. Chen again:

"Thank you, senior, for helping me. If senior doesn't dislike me, you will treat me as your biological daughter from now on. I am willing to be loyal and filial to you."

Chen Lao was very happy when she heard Wan Moluo's words, but in the end she waved her hands, sighed and said:

"I saved you because of my kindness; I didn't expect you to be my sister's close disciple."

"So later on, I helped you open up the Ren Du Second Meridian and transferred your internal energy to you, just to promote Xuanmen. As long as I can revive Xuanmen, my old bones are nothing."

"Mr. Chen, I understand."

"When you travel around the world in the future, you must carry forward my Xuanmen."

As Mr. Chen spoke, he touched Wan Moluo's head, and a feeling that the elders had high hopes for the younger generation emerged spontaneously.

"Follow the teachings of the elders."

Mr. Chen took out the iron fan made by Xuan Tie from his arms and solemnly placed it in Wan Mo Luo's hand and said:
"You know this is the only weapon of my Xuanmen, this is the only one."


"You have to remember that when you walk in the world, the sword is with you, and the sword dies with you."

"Senior, don't worry, as long as I have a breath, Xuanmen will have a breath, and the iron fan will never be lost."

Mr. Chen looked at Wan Mo Luo with satisfaction, nodded and said:
"Very good. I have always been worried that I would not have the face to meet the ancestors of Xuanmen in the future. Now I am relieved to see that there are successors to Xuanmen."

"You go."

"Mr. Chen"

Mr. Chen looked at Wan Mo Luo and sighed and said:

"The world of the rivers and lakes is now dominated by you young people. I, an old man like me, have long stopped participating in the disputes in the rivers and lakes. You take your husband and leave to seek a broader world. One day, Xuanmen will become one of the top sects. , you come again and take me back in all my glory."

Wan Moluo nodded, and she listened to what Mr. Chen said.

The rivers and lakes she has never penetrated are still in the future, and she, who shoulders hopes and blessings, must fulfill everyone's wishes.

Whether it's old man Fang Lan, the two old men from the Xuanmen Chen family, or Wei Xicai and Dan'er who have left him.

"Okay, I will definitely live up to my trust."

After Wan Moluo finished speaking, he knelt down again and kowtowed to Mr. Chen three times.

In the past, Mara had never kowtowed to others in his own world.

One is because she is in a jungle environment where she is not allowed to bow to anyone, even the bosses of the killer organization. They are just following orders.

But in today's different world, there are a group of people who are willing to dedicate their lives and everything because of their faith and sect.

Their souls shone brightly in the darkness, a spirit that Mora had never known.

Mara secretly thought in her heart that no matter whether she agreed with this spirit of dedication or not, just because of this spirit of being able to sacrifice herself without hesitation was enough for her to go.

Whether it is Qiao Runzhi who is devoted to him, Wei Xicai and Dan'er who sacrificed their lives without regrets, or the two old people who run around for Xuanmen, or the one who has been dormant in Weiling Villa for decades for revenge. Wei Xiwen, or the old man Fang Lan in the Lost Valley.

It is their spirit that has supported them to this day.

Wan Moluo took a deep look at Mr. Chen, then took the iron fan, put it on his waist and left without looking back.

Don't look back, Manmara.

Mara said to himself in his heart.

Don't look back, keep moving forward, keep looking forward.

Wan Moluo walked all the way down the mountain, feeling that her limbs were even lighter than when she came here. The internal energy in her body was mobilized at will, and she could move slowly in Xiao Zhoutian even if she was not in samadhi.

So with a thought in her mind, her energy sank from her dantian, and she poured all her internal energy into her legs. Her legs and feet felt relaxed, and she flew down from a high stone platform, finally landing smoothly on the ground ten meters below.

He couldn't help but feel novel in his heart. Wanmoluo had never experienced this wonderful feeling before.

This may be the Qing Gong that has only existed in novels and stories.

Thinking of this, Wan Mo Luo couldn't help but quicken his pace. Half walking and half using Qinggong, he returned to the courtyard where Mr. Chen was in less than a third of the time it took to go up the mountain.

When Wan Moluo stood in the courtyard, he realized that something was wrong.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden have not been watered for several days and are now dry. The firewood pile is no different from the day before.

This is not something Qiao Runzhi would do. He has always been diligent.

Hearing that there was no movement in the house, Wanmoluo's ears moved to confirm that there was really no sound, and then he cautiously walked into the house.

Pushing the door open and walking in, there was deathly silence inside. Wanmoluo didn't feel any sign of anyone's presence, so he walked in quickly.

The strange man lying on the bed at this time was no longer lying flat on the bed.

Mo Luo looked at the man who had been lying on his side on the bed and had expired for a long time, and was shocked.

Then he quickly searched every corner inside and outside the house, but no trace of Qiao Runzhi was found.

Could it be that people from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect found this place and took Qiao Runzhi away.

He has no power to restrain a chicken. Even if the people from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect really come, Qiao Runzhi won't even be able to defeat them in one round.

Thinking of this, Wan Moluo's heart couldn't help but twitch.

If Qiao Runzhi falls into the hands of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, based on the feud between her and the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, I am afraid that Qiao Runzhi will be unable to survive or die.

Wanmo Luosi couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he saw this.

Looking at the strange man who was completely dead, Wanmoluo stretched out his hand to detect his pulse, but only felt that the internal energy in the pulse was exhausted, which seemed to be caused by the internal energy being drained before death.

I couldn't help but feel even more confused. I looked at the strange man's index finger and middle finger, and saw that the man's unique internal energy remained on them.

Wan Moluo didn't know anything about Jianghu, and didn't know which sect this inner force represented. He could only simply deduce that this person's inner force was transmitted by himself.

But whether it was voluntary or coerced is unknown.

Wanmoluo put down his finger and confirmed that there were no traces of fighting in the house. Then he quickly walked out and started searching under the cliff.

She was worried that she might not have come back for many days. Worried, Qiao Runzhi went into the mountains to search for her.If this was the case, he would probably get lost in the mountains.

Wan Moluo followed several obvious roads and searched in a large circle, but found nothing. Seeing that it was getting late, there was still no sign of Qiao Runzhi.

Wanmoluo drank some water by the stream and looked upstream of the stream.

In the past, they fell into the water after falling off the cliff, floated down from the upper reaches, and were picked up by Mr. Chen.

Could it be that Qiao Runzhi also went upstream?

Now that there are no clues, Wanmoluo has already searched the area near Chen Lao's yard.

Now we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and search all possible places.

Mara then walked along the upper reaches of the stream.

When we really reached the upper reaches of the stream, we saw a waterfall sloping down from top to bottom. The source of the stream downstream was formed by the convergence of waterfalls.

Wan Moluo searched around but couldn't find Qiao Runzhi, so he entered the deep forest and prepared to search again.

The sun was setting at this time, and the blue-black sky gradually covered the forest. As night came, the scene inside the forest gradually became blurry.

Wan Moluo was walking in the forest and was not at all panicked when she heard the rustling sounds. Her only thought now was to find Qiao Runzhi.

——If Runzhi is not lost, the worst possibility is that he is taken away by others.

——Could he be a member of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect?

At this time, Wan Moluo had a lot of thoughts in her heart. While she was looking around, she heard someone talking in the distance.

"I've been looking for it for ten days, why is there no news at all?"

"If you ask me, those two people must have fallen down and their bodies were gone. Why continue to look for them!"

"That's it!"

"Stop talking nonsense. You can't guess what the young master is thinking."

There was a lot of murmuring and complaining, and it seemed like there were two groups of people with different opinions.

It ended with - 'What are you so proud of? Why don't you do it in front of her if you want to be a little master?'

Wan Moluo listened to the conversation between these people very clearly, and he knew in his heart that this was the person from the Wan Du Sect when he fell off the cliff.

Zhao Ziqian must have wanted to see the bodies, so he asked these people to come down to look for her and Runzhi's bodies.

Although what they said didn't sound like they had found someone, Wanmoluo decided to go and have a look in person so that he could feel reassured.

Following the sound he heard before, Wan Mo Luo used his inner strength to silently approach the disciples of the Wan Du Sect.

He waited until he was in front of them to make sure they didn't notice him before looking at them.

I saw those disciples of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, wearing black and powerful clothes, setting up a fire and leaning on it under a big tree.

Except for one person who was still keeping vigil, the rest of the people were already drowsy.

Wan Moluo touched the iron fan on his waist and unfolded it instantly. The iron fan made a sound of black iron colliding.

Before the sound could reach her ears, the iron fan in Wanmoluo's hand was thrown out like a boomerang.

He rushed towards the few people leaning on the big tree and took off their heads in an instant.

When the night watchman noticed something was wrong, it was too late. Wan Mo Luo had already appeared behind her, and the iron fan in her hand returned to its place. At this time, the tip of the fan was stained with the blood of her companions and was touching her neck. So close.

"do not move!"

Wanmoluo said fiercely.

The man trembled when he heard the sound, then softened, and his hand on the sword at his waist loosened.

"Hero, spare your life, I.I."

The man waited for a long time and nothing came out. Wanmoluo felt impatient and asked:
"You are from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, what are you doing here?"

The remaining disciples of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect were frightened, and immediately explained everything in detail.

"We are just here to find two people. We fell off the cliff before. We didn't mean to disturb you."

Wanmoluo raised his eyebrows and continued to ask:

"Have you found it now?"

"Nothing is gained."

"not a single one?!"

Wan Mo Luo approached the iron fan in his hand. The tip of the iron fan was extremely sharp. The skin of the man's neck was broken and bleeding when it came slightly close to it. The man was frightened and said quickly:
"Really not, I really said everything to you, Heroine, spare your life."

Wan Mo Luo's heart sank. If it wasn't the people from the Wan Du Sect who captured Qiao Runzhi, then who would it be?

Looking at the little minions who were still shivering, Wanmoluo snorted coldly and said:
"The person you are looking for is far away and right in front of you. It's just that I won't kill you today because I want you to go back and tell everyone in the Ten Thousand Poison Sect that I, Ten Thousand Demons, will one day seek revenge from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!"

After saying that, he dodged away and left. When the guy raised his head, there was no one else around except the dead people.

Wan Moluo felt unsure at this time, so he had to go back to the mountainside to look for Mr. Chen.

When they arrived in the cave, Mr. Chen was still meditating and felt someone coming. Mr. Chen opened his eyes and was a little surprised to see it was Wanmoluo:

"what happened?"

At this time, his face was even more exposed. Wanmoluo's face was already pale, and now he looked extremely pale. After walking in, he said straight to the point:

"Mr. Chen, Runzhi is missing."

Chen Lao was also very surprised when he heard that, and hurriedly asked Wan Mo Luo what happened. After listening to Wan Mo Luo telling the whole story, Chen Lao thought for a while and said:
"Let's get ready and go back now."

The two people left the cave without stopping and headed towards the courtyard.

When they returned to the house, the situation inside was exactly the same as what Wanmoluo had described. The strange man was still lying on his side on the bed.

Mr. Chen used his two fingers to feel his pulse, and after checking the strange man's eight extraordinary meridians, he sighed and said:

"This man died after his internal energy was exhausted, but there were no signs of struggle around him. He must have transmitted his internal energy to others."

"what do you mean"

Wan Moluo felt that a guess was about to come out in his heart, and looked at Mr. Chen:
"You wanted to heal him before but he refused. He once said that no one could transfer the inner strength to him with the skills he practiced."

"I'm afraid that his inner strength and inner skills are only for use by men."

Chen Lao's eyes were blazing. At this time, her long-term exposure to the world of martial arts had shown her profound knowledge. She continued:
"As far as I know, only one sect uses the technique that is limited to men——"

Mr. Chen was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Shengtian Palace"

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