Chapter 31, Meddling in My Business

Fu Xi glanced at Yunzhuo and nodded silently.


Yun Zhuo turned back to the yard, walked up to Mu Shiyi, and said to him as calmly as possible, "Actually, you don't need to ask Fu Xi to follow me. I'm not going to the mountains, and I won't go far. I met someone at the foot of the mountain over there. Not in any danger!"

"Zhuozhuo, don't think so well of people, those people in the Mu family are a lesson to you!" Mu Shiyi reminded.

Yunzhuo took out the dagger from his waist, "I'm not afraid of them!"

"I'm not afraid of any stinky gangsters either!"

After Yun Zhuo finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Mu Shiyi opened his mouth, unable to utter the words of persuasion.

Yun Zhuo has always been very stubborn and has her own opinions. No matter how much others persuade her to do something she believes in, it will be useless.

Fu Xi came forward, a little anxious, "General!"

He suddenly felt that he was very useless.

He was fooled by the Mu family when he brought something back earlier, and now he was following his wife and was discovered in one go.

"You go to the dental shop in the county and choose a maid who knows martial arts and is strong!"

He was worried that Yun Zhuo went out to dig herbs by himself.

She doesn't want anyone to follow her, so why not buy a maid who knows martial arts to follow her into the mountains so that she can be protected along the way.

When she has had enough trouble and her anger subsides, she will go to the capital with him.

He believes that this day will not be long ago.


Fuxi responded and rode to the county seat.

Bai Yixuan looked and shook his head.

This is too makeshift.

Pingting stood aside, looking at Mu Shiyi with thoughtful eyes, and then went into the house without saying a word.

Mu Shiyi looked at Pingting's small back and sighed softly.

Of the two mother and daughter, one held her own opinion and the other ignored him at all.

Yun Zhuo was angry, but it was understandable.

But Pingting was also very different from other children. She had no intention of being close to his father, which was very strange.

Yunzhuo went into the mountains again, still looking and digging, but this time she was luckier and found more than a dozen Bletilla striata. Compared with the worthless Prunella vulgaris, Bletilla striata was much more valuable.

Yunzhuo immediately started digging, and then carefully put them into the basket. She decided to get a few more small baskets, and then she would sort the herbs directly.

After more than a dozen Bletilla striata plants were dug, Yunzhuo felt it was time to go home.

Standing on the path, looking at the house at the end of the village.

Yunzhuo couldn't help but sigh, "When will I have a home that belongs to me?"

It's not that she's hypocritical.

But she couldn't feel a sense of belonging, which made her a little anxious.

When Yunzhuo went home, he met people working in the fields.


Yunzhuo nodded.

"Are you going to dig up herbs? Is your Shiyi seriously injured?" the village uncle asked curiously.

"It's an injury, a bit serious, but the doctor said it will be fine after you rest and rest!"

This answer should be correct, Yunzhuo thought.

The village uncle nodded, "Do you really want to break off your relationship with Shi Yi's parents?"

"?" Yun Zhuo frowned, thought for a while and said, "I want to break it off. As for Mu Shiyi, he can do whatever he says, I don't care!"

"You really shouldn't have done this. Did you take what Shi Yi said in anger seriously? You should even more persuade Shi Yi to just let it go if you make trouble with your parents. There is no overnight feud between parents and children. If his behavior spreads, his reputation will be lost. It will be ruined, and it will also be harmful to the future. And you, a womanly family, will be turned upside down after being scolded by your mother-in-law for a few words, and you don’t know how to restrain yourself. Who dares to ask for your Pingting in the future..."

Yun Zhuo blinked as he listened.

Where did this idiot come from?Talk nonsense in front of her and teach her how to do things.

She interrupted the village uncle's gesticulation.

"According to your age, I should call you uncle. You are so kind and righteous, so if I beat you, stab you a few times, and apologize to you, you should also forgive me and not ask me to pay you any money. Let's go!" After Yunzhuo said that, he ran away and threw the dagger in his hand.

She looked like she would pull out a dagger and stab the village uncle if he dared to comply.

"You, you, you..." The uncle in the village was very angry.

"Humph, your back hurts when you sit and talk. When the charcoal fire falls on your feet, you don't know the pain. You are nosy. Do you know what the doctor said when I went to the county medical clinic? He said that I became sick due to overwork, and he couldn't cure it at all. !”

"Already like this, I still talk about benevolence, justice, morality and filial piety to the Mu family. Am I out of my mind? Or am I not being taught enough and am I destined to be a bad person?"

(End of this chapter)

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