The Strongest Farmer's Woman: Farming is a must

Chapter 71, choose a good day to start construction

Chapter 71, choose a good day to start construction

After thinking about it, Yunzhuo quickly put it down.

Thinking about the crab pot she will make when the owner of Juyuan Restaurant comes tomorrow.

Then let’s make some fried pork ribs. I’ll sell two recipes for 100 taels. I don’t know if that’s possible.

If that doesn't work, I'll deliver fried meat and tofu.

Tofu and pork ribs are easy to handle. I wonder if the children in the village will bring crabs tomorrow.

She still had to be prepared.

I'm thinking of preparing some steamed pork tomorrow.

She still didn't know much about Dayong. Most of it was from Mu Shiyi's mouth. That day, she went to Juyuan Restaurant to listen to the waiter's name of the dishes. There were no crab pots, fried pork ribs, steamed pork with rice noodles, etc., so she thought of taking a shortcut. .

Yunzhuo said nothing, thinking about his own things.

Even though Mu Shiyi had thousands of words, he didn't know how to speak.

Finally, everyone went back to their houses to sleep.

When Yunzhuo returned to the house, Pingting was already asleep.

Sometimes, mental age and physical age are not directly proportional, especially for a child who does not have so many worries.

Yun Zhuo's sleep was not peaceful, and she had a night of bizarre dreams, but when she woke up, she could not remember anything.


Yunzhuo rubbed his temples.

She felt as if she had gone through the events in her dream, but she racked her brains and couldn't remember anything.

Yunzhuo didn't intend to dwell on it anymore. After she got up, Aunt Huang had already made breakfast. After breakfast, several sisters-in-law brought their men over to get to know each other and get familiar with Yunzhuo.

The seven of them were all well-spoken members of the younger generation in the village. Yunzhuo chose them as foremen for his own reasons.

She wants to win over the people in Damu Village little by little and isolate the Mu family.

So what if your Mu family has money?There is another family in the village who is richer and more popular than you.

"I can't let you waste your efforts. I'll give you one extra job every day, and then you can't have more than 50 people working for you!"

If you don't take care of it, it will be troublesome if something goes wrong.

Of course, they are also relatives who support relatives, brothers who support brothers, and they can control each other.

Moreover, with more than 300 and nearly 400 people working, they can do a lot of work every day. As long as you don't get lazy, the progress will be very fast.

She will also set a time limit, and will not just say that she will give money and let these people spend their time slowly.

There is no such thing as a good thing.

Yunzhuo didn't just say these things with his mouth, he wrote them in black and white on paper.

Generally, wages vary, and they are all strong men with strong labor force. She doesn't care about three meals a day, so she pays them according to the county's one hundred cents a day, which is very fair and reasonable.

"Ah Zhuo, are you going to cut down the whole mountain and dig out all the roots?" Daniel's daughter-in-law asked.

"Yes, so sister-in-law, you can also go to work. After digging out the tree roots, you need to dig them up and dry them at the foot of the mountain. They can be used to burn the kang in winter!"

Daniel's wife is overjoyed.

This kind of work does not require special skills, just a little strength.

Rural women, everyone has a lot of strength.

This little bit of work is really nothing.

When Fu Xi invited the Feng Shui master, Yun Zhuo was explaining safety precautions to several Baotou.

Mr. Feng Shui's surname is He, so everyone calls him Mr. He.

When Mr. He saw Yun Zhuo, he was startled at first, and then extremely surprised.

He never expected to see such a wealthy and wealthy person in such a small mountain village. When he saw Mu Shiyi slowly walking out of the house, he was shocked again.

I suddenly understood.

Master said that he had great luck, but in his later years, thinking about it now, these two people were his great luck.

Suddenly he became less careless and more respectful.

"The villain has seen the general and the lady!"

Mu Shiyi raised his hand slightly.

His expression was indifferent, "There is no need to be polite, sir!"

Yun Zhuo was more enthusiastic, "Sir, please sit down in the hall!"

"Come on, let's have some tea!"

Mr. He said politely and followed him into the main room.

Yunzhuo asked Daniu and the others to wait a moment and see what Mr. He said. After setting the date, they could start calling people.

Mr. He first asked the two people's zodiac signs. After the two people looked at each other, Yun Zhuo said, "To be honest, sir, our birth dates may not be accurate, so we can only tell Mr. our zodiac signs!"


Mr. He is a very talented person.

But it is possible that there are too many secrets revealed, no wealth can be kept, no good luck, and it is difficult to have children. I only got a son when I was 32. Now I am 11 years old, and I am also quite sensitive to Feng Shui and constellations.

He looked at Mu Shiyi and Yun Zhuo, pinched their fingers, muttered something, then his eyebrows lit up, and he said happily, "The fifth day of the seventh lunar month is a very auspicious day, everything will be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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