The Strongest Farmer's Woman: Farming is a must

Chapter 99: The ability to make money and the ability to spend money coexist

Chapter 99: The ability to make money and the ability to spend money coexist

Yunzhuo is a person who can make money and spend money.

She got an unexpected fortune last night, so she decided to spend it today, one thousand, six hundred and thirty taels, without leaving any money.

The first step is to repair the house, overthrow it and rebuild it again.

After asking someone to inquire, she learned that there were several teams building houses in the county. After spending a little money, she summoned several foremen.

Yun Zhuo is not the kind of person who is stupid and has no plans.

The house could be renovated and people could live in it, but she just wanted to tear it down and build it again, plowing the land and everything, and laying a new foundation.

When he had no money, a penny would stump a heroic man, but now that he had some extra wealth, Yun Zhuo felt a little lost.

"This is the situation in this house. Don't throw these things away after taking them down. Clean them up and stack them for me!"

"Try not to damage the tiles or anything like that. They are only allowed to be thrown away unless they are so damaged that they can no longer be used!"

"I have to pry up the slates, and dig out the potted plants, trees, flowers and plants in the yard!"

"Dig the ground three feet for me and look it over. If you find gold, silver and jewelry..."

Yunzhuo paused and looked at several Baotou.

Someone immediately stood up and said, "Everything in this house belongs to Madam. If gold, silver and jewelry are dug out, they belong to Madam. We dare not take them privately!"

Yun Zhuo nodded with satisfaction.

Although this is most likely just what they said, if they really dig up gold, silver and jewelry, they will definitely hide it secretly.

"You are all veterans in building houses. Tell me, how much wood do you need to build a house like this? How many green bricks, black tiles, and slates do you need to buy? Do you have the supply of these? What is the price? How good are the things? The wood, Are there any finished products for wooden windows and doors? Just look for things that are simple and elegant, and don’t be too complicated. I don’t like complicated things!”

This includes people and things.

"The most important thing is that these dismantled items must be marked well to avoid being unable to repair them later!"

She has already decided to take the dismantled things back to Damu Village and build several small yards behind the mansion for the servants she will buy in the future.

Or housing for those who are homeless.

If you have a place to live and land, if you survive for two years, life will slow down.

She never thought that she could help everyone. She just wanted to remind herself that while she had revenge and grievances, she still had a conscience in the days when she drifted with the crowd.

Yunzhuo hasn't decided yet what kind of house he wants to build. He can't even calculate how many things are needed for a few Baotou.

But since he can get into Baotou, he must have connections, and the prices quoted by several people are all related to wood.

"What about camphor wood? The entire yard and furniture are all made of camphor wood!" Yunzhuo asked.


Several Baotou began to settle accounts and then gave Yunzhuo a quotation.

"According to your request, all made of camphor wood, blue bricks and black tiles, a total of 200 taels to 300 taels of silver, not including wages!"

Including wages, it should be between 400 and [-] taels.

Yunzhuo thought it was okay, within the acceptable range.

"How many people do you have working every day? Do I need to send a supervisor here?" Yunzhuo asked again.

"At least a hundred people work every day. To be honest with you, madam, if it is completed within the time specified by madam, we can only work together as a team. One person cannot do it!"

Yun Zhuo thinks it's worth 400 taels to build a house she likes.

It also requires landscaping, layout, and sketching.

She doesn't care about food yet.

"Then send someone to sign the deed with me. If you do it well, I will be happy to pay you. If you don't do it well..." Yun Zhuo paused slightly after finishing speaking, "You are all masters and know better than a layman like me. I I still believe in your professional ability and you will definitely be able to build my house beautifully and tidy it up!"

"If you can build it well, I will come back to you when I build a house in the future!"

Yunzhuo thought that she could develop real estate in this other world and become a real estate tycoon.

(End of this chapter)

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