Chapter 186
Xiao Qiang listened and felt that what he said made sense, so she slightly raised her hand towards him.
Manager Lin was so understanding, he quickly stretched out his hand and let her hand rest on his arm, and with a little force, he helped her up.

Xiao Qiang stood there while Manager Lin bent down slightly and gently patted away the dust on Princess Changping's skirt.

Xiao Qiang's mood felt slightly better after seeing Manager Lin's unscrupulous behavior.

"The princess is gone."

"Congratulations to the eldest princess."

A team of imperial guards should have been 50 people, but because of what Xiao Qiang did just now, Director Lin only arranged for ten people to send Princess Changping back home.


On the way back home, because of Princess Changping's spoiled temperament and her unhappiness, she always complained to the imperial guards.

The imperial guards are all the emperor's people, so they are only listening to Princess Changping's complaints, and no one dares to express their opinions.

It was late at night, there was a curfew in Kyoto, and the usually busy streets were deserted at the moment.

The wind blew gently, bringing with it a hint of coolness, which made people shiver involuntarily.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly paused, and then the carriage that was moving forward stopped.

Xiao Qiang in the carriage stopped suddenly because the carriage stopped, and she fell forward. Fortunately, she had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and supported the carriage, otherwise she would have fallen out.

She angrily opened the curtain of the carriage, and shouted angrily, "You bastards..."

Looking at the imperial guards who were still around her carriage just now, they were all lying on the ground at this moment, and a cool wind was blowing, carrying the murderous aura from hell.

"Who? Who dares to kill me? I am Princess Changping." Xiao Qiang yelled towards the empty street in horror.


A thin figure appeared in front of the carriage, with his hands folded around his chest and a long sword in his arms.

Xiao Qiang was shocked when she saw this scene. She trembled: "You, you, you..."

"My blood-drinking sword hasn't tasted enough blood tonight, so I think Princess Changping wouldn't mind feeding me some."

The man in black approached Xiao Qiang step by step.

Xiao Qiang backed back again and again in fright, she could not retreat, she opened her mouth: "How dare you..."


Before she could finish her words, she felt a sharp pain in her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she covered her mouth in pain, the tears couldn't stop flowing down, and the voice of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." came out of her mouth unceasingly.

Standing beside the carriage, the man in black wiped off the blood on the long sword, and said, "I've always heard that Princess Changping is kind and generous, and it's true."

The implication is that she did not hesitate to sacrifice her tongue to feed her blood-drinking sword.

Xiao Qiang covered her mouth and looked at her angrily. Finally, because of the pain, she fainted completely.

Just before fainting, she realized that this person was petite, and she was undoubtedly a woman.

and so……


Imperial Palace, Tai Chi Hall.

Just as Xiao Ye was about to lie down and rest, Director Lin's anxious voice sounded outside the hall: "Report to the Emperor, I have something to report."

"You dog slave, you came here just as soon as I lay down, did you do it on purpose?"

"I don't dare. Your Majesty, I have something urgent to report." Manager Lin hesitated because of his words, but thinking of what happened, he had to bite the bullet and said, "Your Majesty, Princess Changping is on her way back to the palace. Encountered an assassin."

"You say it again?"

During the questioning, Xiao Ye had already got up from the bed and came to the outer hall.

(End of this chapter)

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