Don't follow the rules

Chapter 101 Hospital 5 (36)

Chapter 101 The Fifth Hospital (36)


This was Ning Yao's first impression of meeting Du Jingxiu for the first time.

Not only the noble and alienated appearance, but also his eyes are full of tenderness and compassion for the world, which is completely inconsistent with Ning Yao's stereotyped image of the head of a villain organization who "does all kinds of evil", and it is not at all like Chunyu's mouth The great demon king who killed mankind.

He looks like a god with perfect merits and virtues.

"It's not easy to meet you." Du Jingxiu smiled gently.

Ning Yao smiled and went straight up and hooked his shoulders: "Why be so polite, Buzz's brother is my brother, a family~"

Du Jingxiu didn't refuse his "hook-up", he just looked at the hand on his shoulder and said calmly: "There are no dirty tricks in this family."

Ning Yao waved away the black mist on his fingertips in embarrassment: "If you say black hands, you will be out of sight, this is an in-depth understanding."

Du Jingxiu went straight to the point: "Join us, or cooperate with me, you can learn more about it if you want."

Ning Yao found it difficult to do the same thing: "Oh, how could you let me betray my elder brother~"

Du Jingxiu: "We can't do anything like coercion and inducement. We just gather because of the resonance of our ideas. If you refuse now, I won't force you, but if one day you discover the truth about the world, the Alliance welcomes you at any time." ."

Ning Yao: "...are you really villains?"

Du Jingxiu: "You are really an interesting person."

Ning Yao: "I thought you were praising me."

Buzz: "Silly beep."

Du Jingxiu bent down to pick up Bass, rubbed Maomao's head: "That's a swear word, kittens are not allowed to swear."

Bass: "You're an idiot too."

Du Jingxiu hugged Bass and nodded apologetically to Ning Yao: "I'm sorry. The person I want to see has already been met, and I have finished what I want to say. If you need to contact us in the future, please send this eye to me Bar."

"Eyes?" Ning Yao was slightly taken aback.

Du Jingxiu stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand was a round and clean eyeball, emitting a faint blue light: "Since you have acquired the Eye of Surveillance, the more things like familiars, the better."

Ning Yao took the eyeball from Du Jingxiu with mixed emotions. It seemed that his whereabouts had been passed on to him by Bai Mugui, but he didn't seem to care that he had devoured his men.

Hesitating again and again, Ning Yao still couldn't help asking the question in his heart: "What are you going to do? You don't have any ambition to dominate the world and rule the world, so why do you create so many strange stories and ghosts? Then this kind of human beings with special abilities become the parts for you to run the ghost story?"

Du Jingxiu's expression remained unchanged: "When you get to ten, you'll know."

"To ten?" Ning Yao couldn't understand at all.

"Yeah, walk to ten."

"Where is ten? What do you mean? Don't give me riddles, my brain is very weak." Ning Yao tried to get more information.

Du Jingxiu hugged Bass, raised one of her little paws and shook Ning Yao: "Wait until you reach ten."

"You..." Before Ning Yao could finish his curse words, Du Jingxiu disappeared from his eyes as suddenly as he had appeared before.

His appearance and disappearance are very strange, as if his existence is not determined by this body, but by the withdrawal of his consciousness.When he decides to no longer focus on you, you will lose his presence.

In short, Du Jingxiu is like an active player. Only the NPC selected by his mouse can find him and talk to him.When he removes the mouse, the NPC loses the goal of the conversation and returns to the NPC's trajectory.

However, this is not a hidden skill like the Turtle's Breath Talisman, but a rule that follows him.

Ning Yao has not realized this yet, and just keeps on cursing with his hands on his hips.

Ning Yao felt that he had been slapped hard for having gone to such great lengths to meet here alone, just to say a few specious words, but because of Du Jingxiu's good manners and the gift of a meeting, he decided to The scolding is not so unpleasant.


Chunyu felt like he was trapped in a strange circle.

If you want to find your teammates, the best option is to get rid of the three little zombies behind you who may be monitors and act independently.

But these three little zombies are most likely his teammates who were [blinded].

Whether it's a monitor or a teammate, Chunyu can't tell based on his own ability.

Moreover, these three little zombies will only jump with themselves now and cannot respond to any other instructions from them.

Chunyu guessed that this might be because he had been deceived by his interactions with his teammates. Maybe in the eyes of his teammates, everything was normal for him.

He finally felt the power of this "old-timer". With such an ability, he could disintegrate the enemy's team with almost no effort, and even control them.

"This is much better than that kid Rao Qian." Chunyu felt a little sour. If Rao Ze hadn't defected, he must have tried his best to join Rao Ze's team.This was too attractive to Chunyu.

Why would such a strong person choose to betray...

It's not like he is a loner, he has many connections.

He has a lover, blood relatives, and comrades who have been through life and death. Unless he encounters a major event that shakes his outlook on life, such a person will never let go of these bonds and join the Alliance.

Chunyu stopped and walked, constantly speculating on Rao Ze's choice.

The three little zombies behind him also jumped around. When Chunyu stopped and thought, they also stopped obediently, waiting for the locomotive to start again.

Except for the three followers behind him, Chunyu was obsessed with thinking along the way, and he didn't encounter any obstructions or hindrances, just like walking in an ordinary corridor without ghosts.

But Rao would not let him wander around leisurely like this.The little zombie in the third position suddenly stopped. It grabbed the jumping partner in front, looked towards a branch in the corridor, and made a purring sound like a kitten, trying to attract the attention of the locomotive in front.

Chunyu, who never let go of his vigilance, of course noticed the little zombie's reminder immediately.

He also looked in the direction shown by the little zombie, squinting his eyes and seeing nothing.

But he didn't hesitate at the same place, but quickly walked towards that road.Although he also had some doubts that what the little zombie showed might be a trap, whether it was a trap or a prompt, he decided to test it himself. After all, wandering around on his own would not advance the progress of the exploration.

Then check it out!

Chunyu's feet speeded up unconsciously. He vaguely felt that the front was not a trap, but an unlucky teammate who was in urgent need of rescue. The little zombie was beckoning him to save him.

"Captain, come and help!" Rao Qian desperately pressed his back against a warehouse door, looking exhausted.

And someone behind the door was beating hard, so hard that the entire door was almost torn down.

“Lots of chicken wraps inside!”

(End of this chapter)

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