Don't follow the rules

Chapter 206 Qimeng Amusement Park (46)

Chapter 206 Qimeng Amusement Park (46)
Compared with before, Chunyu could clearly feel that the visibility was improving rapidly.

Although there is no light source involved, the entire space is no longer dim, and the brightness of the original dark part has been increased, and they can even directly see the entire hall on the ground floor.

Looking up, what you see is no longer nothingness, but with eyesight that is almost equal to that of ordinary people. You can see the general building, but the details are lacking, and the whole space turns from black to gray.

This is a good sign. "Seeing" is always more reassuring than "not seeing".

But they didn't touch any organs or mechanisms, but they gained visibility for no reason, and they had to raise their vigilance to deal with possible crises.

After all, in the game, a large supply package will be set up for the player before the BOSS level.

Chunyu was not in a hurry to detonate the talisman, he raised his arms to protect Ning Yao and No. [-] behind his back, taking advantage of his clear vision to memorize the scene and arrangement as quickly as possible.

What was even more weird than before was that not only the corpses of giant spiders that were like hills disappeared strangely, but even the corpses of small spiders piled up like hills disappeared completely.

However, Chunyu's keen senses did not notice any movement, as if such a large spider corpse disappeared completely out of thin air.

Removing so many spiders, whether using physics or magic, shouldn't leave the air without ripples.

"Could it be that the spider... was teleported?" Combined with the current scene, Chunyu could only think of this possibility.

If dead spiders can trigger teleportation, then what exactly is the teleportation mechanism in this space linked to?
Ning Yao is now two heads and one big. The matter of falling and teleportation was already difficult to explain. Now that the spider corpses have disappeared en masse, it is even more difficult for him to close this loophole.

He could only pretend to be silent for now. After all, Chunyu was the one with rich experience in talking about ghosts. If he talked too much, he would show his cowardice.

The visibility of the line of sight finally stabilized at a relatively clear and not bright passing line, enough for them to see the outline of the entire building.

Without the spiders, the entire space seemed extremely empty, with only some broken glass and construction debris remaining on the ground.

"The insect needles also disappeared." Ning Yao muttered.

In fact, it's not just insect needles. After the first teleportation occurs, the items related to the teleported person will disappear.

"Then shall we still blow up the wall?" Ning Yao couldn't help urging his speed, he didn't want to stay in this place for a second.

"Fry" Chunyu retracted his gaze, "The talismans are all attached, so of course it has to be fried."

They returned to their previous formation for blasting the wall, stayed away from the blast point, set up a small barrier, and covered their ears.

Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, Chunyu detonated the talisman.

After the loud noise, the talisman lived up to expectations and broke through the wall, raising a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

Before the dust settled, they couldn't wait to push away the smoke and dust to check the holes in the wall.

Unsurprisingly, even after massive damage was done, the walls retained their ability to repair themselves.

Unexpectedly, outside the broken wall is not a way out, but another vast nothingness.

"This is?" Ning Yao covered his mouth, the nothingness looked very familiar.

Chunyu frowned: "...the mezzanine space that has not been described."

Ning Yao was dejected: "Then it seems that this road will not work."

Chunyu didn't say anything, but the weird feeling inside became stronger and stronger.He watched as the wall tirelessly repaired itself. In a short time, the holes they had blasted were completely filled, and the void outside could no longer be seen.

Ning Yao poked Chunyu: "What's the matter with you? You are frowning. If this road doesn't work, we can try something else~"

Chunyu remained silent, raised his head and locked his gaze on Ning Yao's face.

Ning Yao was so stared at that his back was hairy, and he forced a smile and said: "What do you think I am doing?"

Chunyu pursed his lips, and finally said, "I don't know... When you were dealing with the spiders, I was very relaxed and watched from the sidelines with the mentality of 'training a rookie', but after the giant spider died, things seemed to be getting worse and worse. Weird places have developed…”

Ning Yao was puzzled: "What a strange place, if you say it is strange, the strange talk itself is a very strange place."

Chunyu shook his head: "This is not a strange talk."

Ning Yao was startled, and quickly took the words and said, "What are you talking about? If this is not a strange talk, how could there be such unscientific giant spiders and teleportation?"

Chunyu stared into Ning Yao's eyes: "If this is a strange talk, why isn't there a single rule?"

Ning Yao opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

The two men just faced each other in silence.

"Why do you insist that this is a strange talk?" Chunyu still couldn't help asking.

Ning Yao hurriedly denied: "No, no, I don't insist, I just feel this way. Because this is inconsistent with common sense, I judge this to be a weird story. Isn't this normal logic?"

Chunyu looked at him suspiciously: "But what doesn't match the reality is not only strange stories, but also dreams."

A bright stabbing pain suddenly flashed before their eyes, making them close their eyes subconsciously.

When I opened it again, I saw a bright and clean butterfly exhibition hall in front of me.

The hard touch of the floor came from the back of the head, and a slight movement could make a person's skull crack.

Ning Yao couldn't help but reach out and rub the back of his head after sleeping on the hard floor for too long. He got up from the floor dizzily and raised his head just in time to catch Chunyu's eyes.

"Good morning, boss~" Ning Yao quickly sent a sweet good morning smile.

Chunyu didn't give him a good face: "You fucking knew already?"

"What?" Ning Yao pretended to be stupid.

"You already knew we were in a dream?" Chunyu grabbed Ning Yao by the collar, "Seeing that I didn't realize it, I'm looking for the exit like a fool, isn't it fun?"

"I'm wronged, Dad!" Ning Yao wailed, "Even you haven't reacted, can I react? I've been with you for so long, don't you know that I'm a fool? Why don't you understand me at all! You Do you have me in your heart!"

Chunyu was caught off guard and was bitten back. For a moment, he felt that what he said was very reasonable, and even felt a little ashamed in his heart.

Ning Yao was already lying on the ground and kicking his legs again: "I don't know anything! I'm so weak, so weak, I'm scared, I'm struggling, I'm afraid of belching but I still insist on staying with you until the last second, you You still doubt your most sincere partner!"

Chunyu apologized in a low voice in embarrassment: "Hush, keep your voice down. I'm sorry I was paranoid, you should get up first..."

Ning Yao put it away when he saw it was good, got up with the support of No. [-], and looked around.

"Eh? What about the others? Why are there only a few of us?"

Chunyu pointed to the direction of the next exhibition hall: "There are voices over there, and they are in the next exhibition hall."

Ning Yao groaned in dissatisfaction: "The whole team ran away and left us on the ground?"

Just as he was talking, a pink-haired head poked out from the door at the end of the exhibition hall.

She shouted to Ning Yao and the others: "Are you awake? Come and help as soon as you wake up!"

 Thank you for your reward!What! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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