Don't follow the rules

Chapter 212 Qimeng Amusement Park (52)

Chapter 212 Qimeng Amusement Park (52)
"What a pervert!" An Han collapsed and shouted, as if he had been molested.

"You stinking scoundrel!" Ning Yao shouted back, not to be outdone, even with a hint of grievance.

"Who cares about your ass, I just want to open the seat box and have a look!" An Han couldn't bear it and went straight to him, grabbed Ning Yao by the collar and picked him up. For a while, he even forgot about it. Be afraid of Ning Yao's strange ability.

Ning Yao waved his hand away, got up angrily, cursed, but still tried his best to move around in the small cabin, leaving room for An Han to search.

After the collapse, An Han gradually regained his usual calmness. He secretly feared that Ning Yao, who was worried that he would get revenge, would use the black mist to attack him again.But his face did not change, he still maintained a serious and irritable expression, his hands were constantly busy, to cover up his guilty conscience.

The seat where the passengers sit is not a separate seat bench, but a raised part of the interior of the cabin. It is just covered with a cushion cover that is easy to replace and clean, and what Anhan wants to lift is this. layer.

"Speaking of which, the only thing on the whole ship that has anything to do with the 'treasure box' is the seat box, right?" An Han gently lifted the seat cushion cover.

"It's easy to be a blind spot in the search because passengers are sitting under them from the moment they get on the boat."

"But after all, it is a level design for most tourists, so it is not set up to be too difficult to obtain. This simple blind area is the most suitable place to hide the seal."

He babbled, as if to hide the embarrassment in the air.

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere did not last long. Lifting the cover was a simple matter, and they opened the seat box easily.

As An Han expected, the seat box is the treasure box of the swan boat, and the customs clearance stamp of the eighth level lies quietly inside.


An Han quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let the others get their seals signed, and then go to the water level project." Looking up, he found that Ning Yao's attention was no longer on their cabin.

He followed Ning Yao's gaze and looked at Chunyu's boat.

"Found it? Our No. [-] is really good." Chunyu applauded lightly, and praised the No. [-] child who had just found the seal without hesitation, with a faint sense of pride as a parent in his words.

An Han's lungs were about to explode in an instant, obviously aggrieved, but because of Ning Yao's light and menacing eyes, he swallowed it back forcefully.

Seeing that he endured it, Ning Yao curled up one corner of his mouth, aggressively provoking: "Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, you are not at a loss."

An Han gritted his teeth and squeezed out a smile: "Where did you come to the conclusion that I am not at a loss?"

Ning Yao patted him on the shoulder: "I decided not to care about you looking at my butt. Don't you think you are making a lot of money?"

An Han closed his eyes to prevent himself from being pissed off.

Chunyu called on his teammates to find the seals. After confirming that they were all stamped, everyone decided to row to the island in the middle of the lake and sign up for the water challenge event.

Slowly approaching the shore, everyone boarded the pier one after another, and found that the island in the middle of the lake was much larger than expected.

The project of breaking through the water level is arranged along the shoreline of the island in the middle of the lake. It does not take up too much space on the island. The island in the middle of the lake is more convenient for tourists to rest.

There are gazebos, benches, convenience stores, and even two popular milk tea shops.

Although many tourists landed on the island, after all, the water rides were live-streamed. Many people were too timid to go on stage, and most of them were limited to watching and cheering for relatives and friends.

Excited, he pushed aside the crowd of onlookers, was the first to report his name, and received a basket of eggs smoothly.

She turned around and handed it to Ning Yao: "Remember to send it to the aunts later."

Ning Yao took it with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't forget~" He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the delivery platform, "I happened to buy the other promised eggs by the way, and I will send them together when the time comes."

Chunyu led No. [-] and walked over with his teammates: "Have you finished the registration?"

Ning Yao: "Sister Ying has reported, I'll wait for you to come with me."

An Han squatted aside and studied the reward details of today's water level event: "The best record for this level is 16 seconds. After my inquiry, most of the players who were able to pass the level took more than 2 minutes, and some outstanding players also spent more than 45 minutes. It’s about 20 seconds, so the program team set the grand prize within [-] seconds, almost setting a prize that no one is prepared to get.”

Ning Yao didn't care: "It doesn't matter, Sister Ying will teach them how to behave."

An Han pushed up his glasses: "No, I mean, we can look at the rewards that normal people can achieve."

He pointed to the list of prizes below the air conditioner: "Clear the level within 2 minutes, and you will get a floor fan and a random seal clue; if you clear the level within 1 minute, you will get a leafless air-conditioning fan and a clue for the designated level seal."

"The seal clue of the specified level?!"

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly gathered around to study the reward details.

Considering that the physical fitness of tourists is uneven, and the game experience of most people needs to be guaranteed, the program group has divided the customs clearance rewards of each level in great detail, from the ultimate prize (air conditioning) for 20-second clearance, to a level every 1 minute The spirit until more than 15 minutes can be rewarded, and there are also consolation prizes for not clearing the level and small gifts (eggs) for registration only.

The program team thoughtfully ensures that every registrant will not leave empty-handed, showing great humanistic care.

"...These people really like fans." Ning Yao curled her lips.

Looking at the entire prize list, it seems that it includes almost all types of fans on the market. Even the consolation prize with the largest distribution volume is a small round fan.

"The prize list of the same category with different prices is likely to be a long-term routine prize for the program group. It is just to cater for today's Children's Day treasure hunt, and two clue rewards have been added." An Han analyzed.

"Then" he looked up at his teammates, "for the specified clue information, do we need to fight for this 1-minute clearance reward?"

Chunyu frowned: "Apart from me and Yingying, is there anyone among you who can run for 1 minute?"

"No. [-] is fine." Ning Yao raised the hand of No. [-] child high.

Chunyu Fue: "You mean to let a preschooler run over Bolt on a water obstacle course?"

Ning Yao put down No. [-]'s hand and pretended nothing happened.

Xin Cheng shook his head: "Although I run very fast, but my skills are bad enough, whether I can pass the customs safely is a problem, and there is a high probability that I will fall into the water."

Xu Sui also waved his hands repeatedly: "I am also a preschooler."

Chunyu sighed: "Forget it, we don't have many unsolved mysteries to begin with. It's not bad for Yingying and I to have one clue each."

An Han: "Uh...sorry, those who clear the level within 20 seconds will only get an air conditioner, and there are no clues."

Chunyu looked at Yingying, the meaning in his eyes was quite obvious.

Yingying: "Don't even think about it, I will break their record! It's up to today to make my old lady famous!"

(End of this chapter)

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