Don't follow the rules

Chapter 220 Qimeng Amusement Park (6)

Chapter 220 Dreaming Amusement Park (Sixty)

Although Yingying also achieved quite impressive results like Chunyu, the program crew did not dare to keep her on stage, and contacted Ning Yao who was backstage early on to stand at the finish line, intending to pack her away seamlessly.

"Eh? I haven't said my acceptance speech yet!" After shooting the button, he just stood still and took the air-conditioning fan and clue card sent by the program group in a daze, before he could find the scene he was shooting. He was pulled off the finish line by Ning Yao.

Ning Yao shook the clue card in his hand: "Time waits for no one, let's report to Chunyu."

Aggrieved: "Is it so short of time? They originally prepared an impromptu popping..."

The host on the stage was almost scared to death when he heard the words. He patted his chest secretly thankfully. Fortunately, he contacted his relatives and friends in advance to pick up this ancestor, otherwise the little ratings left in their live broadcast room will be lost. .

Yingying didn't get too entangled, she knew the weight of the task in her heart, and she wouldn't miss work because of her willfulness.

This is the consciousness of an adult social animal! (make a fist)

Chunyu, who finished early, has already joined his teammates and is waiting for Ning Yao and Yingying not far from the finish line.

Chunyu: "Have you got the hand card?"

Ning Yao proudly handed out the card in his hand: "Of course~"

Yingying: "It's not you who ran away, what are you talking about?"

Chunyu took the card in his hand and confirmed that they got the clue of the No. 10 seal, and finally nodded: "Good job."

Ning Yao rubbed his hands excitedly: "Then let's see, what are these two clues that we have worked so hard to get?"

In order to avoid accidental leaks, the clue part of the clue hand card was made into a "scratch" form. Those who couldn't find the table found a tree to deal with it, and leaned on the trunk to scratch with the key blade.

"Wow! I thought I would give another riddle, but I didn't expect to give a clear address directly." Ning Yao said.

Xu Sui tiptoed, but couldn't get close, and couldn't help asking: "Where is it?"

Ning Yao: "No. 9 is a Bingxin, and the address given is Yigonghu Convenience Store."

Chunyu: "The address given on the 10th is a church."

"Church?" Xin Cheng scratched his head, "Why is there a church in the amusement park?"

An Han put away his cell phone, pushed up his glasses and said, "The church is one of the filming locations for M channel's romance variety show."

"Good guy, there are still romance dramas..." Ning Yao smacked his lips, "The business is really wide. Do you have programs about criminal police and forensics? The main focus is the real ones."

Chunyu glanced at him, and said, "If you want to see fresh corpses, there are many in the association, and there are also giants. I'll send them to the dormitory for you tomorrow."

Ning Yao hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no need, I'm just being mean."

Chunyu withdrew his eyes and focused on the cards in his hand again: "Then the current situation is that we have obtained the address information of all the checkpoints, including No. 4 infirmary and No. 6 balloon clown that we found at the tourists in line."

"The next thing is much simpler, just stamp one by one."

Ning Yao stretched his waist a lot: "It's finally over~"

"It's a hammer." Yingying broke his fantasy of getting off work, "This is just the beginning, we haven't gone to get Rao Qian yet."

"Grandma." Ning Yao's whole body became sluggish.

Chunyu didn't talk nonsense, took the mobile phone map handed over by An Han, and began to designate the next course of action.

"The No. 9 seal is on this island in the middle of the lake, and it is the closest to us. Then we should adopt the principle of proximity and find No. 9 first. Then board the boat and return to the shore, and follow the direction given by the previous tourists to find the balloon clown at the intersection. "

"You can find the infirmary along the intersection. Let's save the church that is farthest from us and least convenient."

After arranging the route clearly, Chunyu asked An Han to put away the map, looked around at his teammates, and asked, "Do you have any comments? If you don't have any comments, I'm going to execute it like this."

Xin Cheng and Xu Sui raised their hands in cooperation: "No objection!"

Chunyu satisfied: "Let's go."

Ning Yao and Yingying were not in high spirits, and they were lazily at the end of the line.

Yingying: "Did you deliver the eggs?"

Ning Yao yawned: "When you were running the track, I asked Xin Cheng and An Han to help deliver it. Of course, this kind of errand should be dumped~"

He snorted and said, "It's really cunning."

Ning Yao didn't deny it, and even liked it quite a bit, he accepted the adjective with a smile.

The island in the middle of the lake is not big. After all, the half water track built around the island is only enough for Chunyu and the others to run for 1 minute, and the island is occupied by the program group. There is even less room for tourists to wander.

But there is a convenience store here.

The products are not complete in variety, most of them are snacks and drinks.

After all, people who land on this island in the middle of the lake seldom buy what they need in a serious manner. Most of them just come in to rest their feet when they are tired from shopping, and buy two snacks to relieve their fatigue and heat.

"Phew~ the air conditioner is still cool." Ning Yao sighed comfortably.

The clerk greeted everyone with a smile on his face: "Welcome."

Ning Yao cut to the chase: "Where is your seal treasure chest?"

The clerk froze for a moment, but quickly recovered his smile: "Sorry, I can't say this, please explore by yourself."

Xin Cheng was sincerely worried about the store clerk: "Does every treasure-hunting tourist explore like this? Then you have to work hard to organize the goods."

Store clerk: "...please put the unwanted items back in their place. Thank you for your cooperation."

Xin Cheng: "If a lot of people come in to hunt for treasures, there won't be room for you in this small shop, right?"

Clerk: "The treasure hunting time for each visitor is limited to 10 minutes, and the timer starts now."

Xu Sui led Xin Cheng away: "Shut up, don't make the game more difficult for us."

Ning Yao put her hands in her trouser pockets and strolled closer to An Han: "Does the top student have any clues?"

An Han told him to go.

In order not to disturb Xueba's thinking, under the threat of Chunyu, Ning Yao had no choice but to obediently roll away.

I made a note of An Han in my heart.

Ning Yao opened the refrigerator, picked out the most expensive ice cream assassin, and planned to charge it to An Han at the checkout.


A violent voice came from behind, Ning Yao trembled in fright, he turned around, it was An Han's voice.

"You still care about your father?" Ning Yao showed a fierce look on his face, and began to roll up his sleeves cursing.

Chunyu stepped forward, pushed aside Ning Yao who was in the way: "Get out of the way."

Ning Yao turned his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes: "You actually killed me for him?"

Chunyu rolled Hong Shixian's eyes: "... What kind of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama are you doing here?"

"Pfft!" Yingying in the back row couldn't help laughing, and splashed a mouthful of milk tea on the refrigerator door.


The clerk who was still watching and eating melons suddenly let out a sharp explosion, and stood behind the counter and shouted loudly: "Please, please pay attention to maintaining the hygiene of the store!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yingying quickly wiped her mouth, took the toilet paper handed out on the first day and began to wipe the glass of the refrigerator.

"Hey wait, is this?" Yingying wiped off the milk tea and pointed to the ice storage box behind the glass door.

An Han nodded: "That's right, it's a seal."

 Thanks for the monthly pass for Sweet Sweets!kisses!
(End of this chapter)

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