Don't follow the rules

Chapter 228 Qimeng Amusement Park

"Du Jingxiu?"

"it's me."

"Suffer death, Du Jingxiu!" Ning Yao suddenly attacked the man sitting in front of him.

Chunyu grabbed the back of Ning Yao's neck and said, "Are you the diplomatic talent you mentioned?"

Ning Yao was interrupted from casting a spell and forced out a cowardly smile: "Um...don't you say that weak countries have no diplomacy? I just want to show our strength first so that he can listen to us."

Du Jingxiu slowly turned around with a gentle smile on his face: "I like listening to you very much."

Ning Yao excitedly pointed at Du Jingxiu and shouted at Chunyu: "Look! Is this an immediate result?"

"Shut up, isn't it embarrassing enough?" Chunyu couldn't help but cover his face, then wiped away his expression and returned to his previous cold appearance.

After passing through the short corridor, he sat on a row of benches behind Du Jingxiu: "What do you want to talk about? We don't have much time."

Du Jingxiu smiled warmly, and even beckoned Ning Yao to sit up as well.

"He won't sit, so I just decided to make him stand as a punishment." Chunyu said.

Ning Yao stopped abruptly and stood beside Chunyu obediently.

Du Jingxiu was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect you to listen to him so much."

Ning Yao cupped his hands and said, "Father's orders cannot be disobeyed."

Chunyu interrupted their conversation: "Stop, stop talking about word count. We have something to talk about, and we have no time and no obligation to spend time with you."

Du Jingxiu had no emotional fluctuations at all, and always maintained an unusually stable gentleness and distance: "There is indeed something in my heart that has been disturbing me recently, but I vaguely feel that it is not suitable to tell people from the opposite camp, so Now I can only talk some innocuous nonsense to connect with each other, maybe when our relationship is over, we can talk about something."

Ning Yao said with concern: "Don't think about tea and rice? You can try the roast duck from old Chengdu. That guy is always ready for dinner. I can make three bowls of it in one meal."

"Ah~ Really? Then I'll try it tonight." Du Jingxiu accepted Ning Yao's proposal seriously.

Although he wanted to leave, in order to achieve the feeling of "being able to talk about his inner thoughts" as Du Jingxiu said, Chunyu could only close his eyes and endure this spirit-destroying children's conversation.

Du Jingxiu has always been mysterious and has almost no direct contact with the Rules Supervision Association. Today's meeting is unexpected and rare. If he can talk more, he can probably find out a lot of information behind the alliance.

No matter what, it's not me talking about it anyway.

"Where's Captain Chunyu?" Du Jingxiu cueed Chunyu who closed his eyes to rest.

"Have you ever eaten Mao Roast Duck? I always feel that the essence of roast duck lies in the crispy skin, but if Mao Roast Duck is soaked in spicy soup, will it lose its deliciousness?"

Chunyu slowly opened his eyes: "Just order one to eat and then you'll know."

"Practice brings true knowledge. You are truly worthy of being a captain." Du Jingxiu did not hesitate to praise him.

Chun Yulian couldn't bear to take another look, so he closed his eyes again and listened to Du Jingxiu and Ning Yao's nonsense.

Ning Yao is very good at talking nonsense, but he is also very good at guiding the topic. He always feels that the more he talks, the more he talks, but there is always a main thread that Ning Yao holds in his hand.

"I just saw the sun go down. It's almost time to have dinner. How about we just order a roast duck and have it delivered?" Ning Yao smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the deliciousness of the roast duck.

"The takeaway guys around here are not very happy to take our order from the park. The park is large and complex inside. For the safety of tourists, electric vehicles are not allowed to enter, so we usually order rice from the bamboo house, or Some program groups have catering suppliers with whom they have long-term cooperation." Du Jingxiu spoke very slowly, but people couldn't think of urging them. They just wanted to follow his rhythm and listen to what he said.

Ning Yao was curious: "Yingying saw a lot of takeaway coffee from the music festival program team before."

Du Jingxiu smiled: "It's the intern's credit."

Ning Yao leaned back and clicked his tongue in disgust: "Evil capitalists really take advantage of opportunities to torture people."

Du Jingxiu nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the street lights should be hung up." Chunyu crossed his arms on his chest and leaned back on the chair. He closed his eyes and rolled his eyes as he listened to the conversation between the two. He could tell that Ning Yao was She was pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, but she didn't expect that Du Jingxiu, as a big boss, would have such a good temper?

It's not like he hasn't come into contact with some so-called "high-level" people, many of whom pride themselves on being kind and laugh off most of the offenses faced by younger generations.

But you can feel that it is the tolerance from the "superiors" and their downward compatibility from above.

Du Jingxiu, as the most deadly and cruel leader of a high-risk organization, did not put up the "air" he should have. He was not only patient in the face of Ning Yao's nonsense, but also spoke as gently as an elder brother in the family.

With Chunyu's keen intuition, he can feel that Du Jingxiu is not playing a gentle character at all, that is his nature.

This world is so ridiculous. The gangster who is supposed to be extremely vicious is actually the gentlest person the police have ever seen...

Chunyu finally couldn't bear it anymore and quietly opened his eyelids.

Ning Yao was already sitting next to Du Jingxiu. The two of them were like old friends. If they could order takeout, they would have already fallen in love over wine by now.


"I just said the pasta should be mixed with No. 42 concrete."

"It's a very interesting idea. I suggest that you can also install a collagen protein on the Fibonacci curve to ensure nutritional intake."

"I don't agree, because it is difficult to distinguish the superposition state of the eel and the atomic bomb, and it is very dangerous to manually operate the lathe at this time."

"But you ignore that the Eskimos used isotopes of hydrogen to make whale bait, which provides strong support for the cell wall."

Ning Yao suddenly realized: "So that's it! Are you really a genius?"

Du Jingxiu was modest: "I'm just picking up people's wisdom, I don't dare to take credit."

Chunyu: "...I have tolerated you for a long time."

Ning Yao quickly responded to him: "Don't worry, we'll get to the point soon."

Du Jingxiu also came over: "Do you need coffee?"

Ning Yao: "Go away, capitalist."

Du Jingxiu: "Okay."

The three of them fell into a brief silence, but it didn't last long. Ning Yao quickly picked up the topic again.

"Why an inverted cross? I heard that only demons use inverted crosses."

Du Jingxiu turned around and looked at the huge and abrupt cross on the altar of the church, as if he was clasping his hands piously.

Ning Yao narrowed his eyes: "Are you worshiping the devil? Is the devil controlling the alliance?"

Du Jingxiu smiled and shook his head: "Worshiping God? Worshiping demons? Neither, I only believe that it is better to ask others than to ask oneself."

"Then what are you praying for here?"

"Just do some NPC actions that fit the scene. If I were in a temple, I would also knock on the wooden fish."

Ning Yao curled her lips, unwilling to be blocked by him lightly, and rolled her eyes: "Eh? Where did you watch our team's program? Our group gave you a lot of fun, right?"

Having said this, Du Jingxiu's eyes flashed with an unconcealable smile: "You are indeed very effective in the show."

Ning Yao and Chunyu exchanged glances, and Ning Yao continued to ask: "You are still filming now? Doesn't that mean you also want to be in the mirror?"

Du Jingxiu did not panic at all: "Multi-camera shooting is a common shooting method in reality shows."

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