Don't follow the rules

Chapter 230 Qimeng Amusement Park

Order paper?

"What is that?" Ning Yao asked.

Chunyu squinted his eyes and looked at Du Jingxiu opposite him, and slowly explained [order paper] to Ning Yao: "Order paper is a special office paper circulated within our association. It is generally used to issue more formal written orders."

"The paper can be mass-produced. It is indeed not a precious thing, but..."

Ning Yao was confused: "Just?"

Chunyu stood up and took a step forward, looking down at Du Jingxiu from a high position, as if he wanted to see through his mind.

"It's just that this kind of paper has special restrictions attached to it after being processed by the masters of our special manufacturing team. The person who receives the order must execute the order written on it."

"Those who disobey the order of the order will be punished as specified on the order..."

"So this can be considered a confidentiality method for high-level orders. Ordinary orders are not used at all."

Chunyu walked around the bench and walked in front of Du Jingxiu: "It sounds very powerful, but this kind of paper is far from the level of a magic weapon, and the punishment it can inflict is also extremely limited. Otherwise, the master who made the paper would have used this kind of paper long ago." If things control the world, do they still need to get paid to go to work?”

"What about you? Who do you want to control to execute your orders?" Chunyu asked.

Du Jingxiu: "About my use of the order paper, it is also a secret that cannot be told. But I don't need a lot, just give me a few."

Ning Yao muttered: "You don't say anything. It seems like you have no sincerity in the transaction."

Du Jingxiu: "My sincerity is to tell you what I want to sell, but this does not include the purpose of the order paper."

Ning Yao looked at Chunyu: "Brother, can you give me something like this? It sounds powerful but not powerful."

Chunyu rolled his eyes: "Are you trying to say that this thing is useless?"

"I don't want to give the association some face~"

"It does not need."

Du Jingxiu still sat firmly on the bench. No matter how Ning Yao and Chunyu moved around, he never moved at all. He always had a smile on his face, which seemed to never waver: "So, what is your answer?"


Chunyu pretended to agree straightforwardly, but in reality he kept testing: "Of course you can give it, but will you fulfill the contract and tell us the products you sell?"

Du Jingxiu: "You can order me to fulfill the contract on the order paper."

Chunyu was confused: "You don't need a blank order paper? A used one can also be used?"

Du Jingxiu: "Ah... of course it's newer and better. I mean you can write me one."

Ning Yao interrupted: "Brother, this guy named Du is not honest. You said that the binding force of the order paper is extremely limited. He asked you to use the order paper to restrain him. Isn't it obvious that he is cheating?"

Du Jingxiu spread his hands: "I can also tell you first, and then hand over the order paper."

Ning Yao was also confused: "Aren't you afraid that we will cheat?"

Du Jingxiu smiled: "Don't be afraid. If you break the contract, I can be a thief for a thousand days, but you need to guard against thieves for a thousand days and invest huge manpower and material resources to protect such useless items. Isn't it obvious who will suffer more?"

Ning Yao scratched his head and looked at Chunyu: "Brother Chun..."

Chunyu's eyes were locked on Du Jingxiu, and he was thinking rapidly in his mind.

He didn't believe that Du Jingxiu wasted so much time and really just wanted a few useless pieces of paper.Although this thing is an internal item and has never been leaked to the public, it is far from being a highly confidential item.

And as he said before, the writ paper has special functions, but its binding force is extremely limited. Even ordinary people can refuse to execute orders despite the punishment of the writ paper. When senior officials use the writ paper to convey certain orders, they never I thought I could really rely on it to carry out military orders.

It's just so that when someone violates the instructions, he can be quickly identified and found.

For example: if everyone does a general cleaning before get off work on Friday, those who leave early will have red sores on their heads when they go to work the next Monday.It can't force everyone to stay and clean, but it can make those who disobey orders stand out from the crowd.

But the punishment that the order can impose is at most this level, and it is almost impossible for Du Jingxiu to use it as a tool to harm others.

Is something of this level worth fighting for for Du Jingxiu?

Does the paper have any hidden functions?
Chunyu was not worried about Du Jingxiu reprinting the order paper. The spell attached to the order paper was the unique secret book of a master within the association. Although it was useless, he was the only one in the world who could make such a spell.

Moreover, the power of the original order paper is already very weak, and poor copying will only weaken its power even more. Ordinary people with sufficient yang energy may not be affected at all by receiving the copied order paper.

So even if Du Jingxiu got the order paper and studied the principle of the order paper, he would never be able to create a better and stronger order paper.

Using a few worthless orders in exchange for Du Jingxiu's core secrets was a sure-fire deal no matter how you looked at it.

"Brother" Ning Yao saw that Chunyu seemed to be wavering, and quickly grabbed his arm and shook him, "Brother! This guy is just a black-hearted capitalist, how can he do a loss-making business?"


Chunyu's eyes regained clarity. Du Jingxiu had never been a fool without a heart. He wanted this paper to be useful for some evil plan.

Not only cannot it be given, but the association must be notified to seal the order paper, and the master who made the order paper must be protected. Du Jingxiu must not be allowed to come into contact with the order paper.

Du Jingxiu saw the change in Chunyu's expression and sighed slightly: "It seems that you have made a decision that is completely opposite to what I expected."

Chunyu's body tensed slightly, and he kept Ning Yao behind him silently.

"Oh~ don't be so nervous." Du Jingxiu raised his hands in front of him as if surrendering.

"Since you are not curious about my secrets at the moment, I can't force you. In business, the key is to be friendly and make money."

"Then wait until you feel that this deal is a good deal, then come to me with your sincerity."

"Wait, are you leaving now?" Ning Yao poked his head out from behind Chunyu and yelled at Du Jingxiu in a pretentious manner.

Du Jingxiu shook his head in a funny way: "This is my place. If I want to leave, I shouldn't leave, right?"

Ning Yao turned around and complained to Chunyu: "Look at this guy. If the business cannot be negotiated, he will turn his back and drive him away."

"Hey, hey, I'm still here listening..." Du Jingxiu complained softly.

Chunyu was too lazy to break it off and clasped his fists: "Goodbye."

"Please wait a moment." Du Jingxiu said as soon as Chunyu turned around.

Ning Yao: "He really can't keep his temper. Let's have a good bargain later."

Du Jingxiu smiled helplessly: "There's nothing to bargain with, it's just a few orders of paper, there's no lower price. I'm calling you to give you something for free."

Ning Yao looked suspicious: "Are you so kind?"

Du Jingxiu stretched out his hand into the air in front of him, pinched it lightly with his fingers, and two cards appeared out of thin air.

Ning Yao: "Close-up magic? You are Liu Qian!"

Du Jingxiu: "Just say so..."

Chunyu took the card from Du Jingxiu and looked at it carefully: "Work permit?"

Du Jingxiu explained: "You are going to find Rao Qian. He is in the Sunday Program Production Center, which is the post-processing room of all the program groups in Qimeng Amusement Park. Only staff can enter. I have issued two work passes for you without authorization. You are welcome."

Ning Yao: "The photo is really ugly."

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