Don't follow the rules

Chapter 233 Sunday Chapter Production Center

"Ning Yao is back?"

Before Ning Yao entered the door, he saw someone sticking his head out of the door. As soon as he saw himself, he immediately waved his excited little hands.

"Come on, come on! You're the only one missing!"

"I'm coming!"

Ning Yao quickly joined in: "What's wrong? I just got a takeaway."

The team leader clapped his hands, like a storyteller giving a scare: "Ha! Sisters, guess what?" He deliberately let it slip and swept his eyes triumphantly across the small room, while the members of the flower-character group He also asked very cooperatively.

"What's wrong? Tell me quickly!"

The team leader lowered his voice: "The most popular couple in our romance this time is done!"


"Isn't it?"

"But didn't they make fun of each other last time they were filming?"

"Yes, yes, there are many scenes of the two of them in black faces in the scrap material."

"And they have no interaction at all offline!"

"Hush, hush, listen to me." The team leader motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"I just finished receiving the opinions of this film from the review team and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the door of the review room was not closed tightly. I heard the producer and director say..."

"No way..."

"So exciting?"

"Mom, I did it for real!"

Ning Yao was stunned for a long time with her mouth open before she found her voice: "No... what did the producer tell the director? Are you on the hook now?"

The team leader glanced at him with disgust: "You know nothing. The secret of gossip is to stop talking."

As he spoke, he cleared his throat: "The producer and director said that he asked the couple's agents and screenwriters, and they all said that the two were pretending not to be familiar with each other, trying to market a sense of tension, etc. It will be officially announced when the last episode is aired.”

Ning Yao was very cautious when eating melon: "So the producer didn't confirm it personally to the two of them?"

The team leader rolled his eyes at him: "My manager has said it, how can I still have a lie? Artists have to obey the company's arrangements. Even if they don't want to talk about it, their CP is so popular online that they have to give out after-sales sugar if they bite the bullet. over."

Ning Yao was puzzled: "Artists? Aren't they amateurs found by the program team?"

Team leader: "You are such a stupid idiot. Do you believe the lies of the program team? No matter how you start, you have to be a small internet celebrity or someone who has signed a contract with a company. Otherwise, there are so many high-quality fools waiting to debut in the industry waiting in line. Why? Give an amateur the chance to show your face?"

Ning Yao suddenly realized: "So this is industrial saccharin?!"

The team leader took a sip of milk tea happily: "What's wrong with industrial saccharin? What's wrong with industrial saccharin? Although it's not true, it's sweet. And the relationship bound by a contract is much stronger than true love. As long as the CP is hot enough, The CP you consume is more eternal than diamonds."

Ning Yao said in disgust: "I might as well be eating this kind of candy as a producer and director."

The team leader's eyes lit up: "What's wrong with them? Come on, come on, let's talk in detail..."

"No, I'm just talking nonsense." Ning Yao honestly admitted that she was just lying.

There was a sigh of regret in the small room of the flower-character group.A girl next to the door picked up the water glass and took a sip: "But speaking of which, I saw a new mixer in the audio team this morning. Oh my god, he is so handsome! It's a pity that he has to listen to the color mixer." The teacher said he has a girlfriend."

Ning Yao was startled when he heard this. He immediately pricked up his ears and approached his colleague who was talking about new melons.

Seeing this, the team leader nodded with great satisfaction: "Yes, you really have the excellent qualities of our Huazi team."

A boy took over the girl's words: "I know this! I heard someone from the film review team say something at noon, saying that the girlfriend of the new sound mixer is very, very good-looking. She has been taken away by the director, and she may sign with a company to make her debut. Woolen cloth!"

The girl from Tonshui was puzzled: "But the sound mixer is so handsome and can also debut. Why did he come to our post-production stage?"

The boy shrugged: "Then I don't know. I just heard that the girl and the director hit it off immediately and seemed to be very attached to each other."

He sighed quietly: "This is a blessing that none of us can envy."

Ning Yao grabbed the boy and said, "Brother, where is the audio team?"

The girl who was full of water quickly put down her water glass: "Do you want to see the sound mixer? I want to see it again. I'll take you with me. It just so happens that I haven't consumed the quota of the tea room today."

Damn it, I forgot about being arrested and punched by the guards for wandering outside.

Ning Yao hesitated: "Speaking of which, what will happen if more than three holes are punched in the job card?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this: "Have you been punched?!"

"Well..." Ning Yao nodded, took out the work card from his trouser pocket, and showed the newly opened holes to everyone.

"The clerk on duty thought I went out to get takeout for too long, so he punched me. I even kowtowed to him and he refused to let me go." He felt very aggrieved.

"But can you blame me? The park is so strictly controlled and the delivery boy can't come in. I have to run outside the park to get it. Doesn't it waste a little time every time I go back..."

The team leader quietly opened the door of the small room a little, looked left and right outside the corridor, and confirmed that no duty officer was nearby, and then closed the door of the flower-shaped group with confidence.

"Try not to order takeout from outside in the future. There are also some small shops inside the park. Although there are not many items, basic needs can still be met."

He said seriously: "Don't think that three holes are a lot of wasted opportunities. You have already drilled one hole. The guards on duty will pay more attention to you in the future, and you will be caught more easily than others. If you are careful, the next two lives will be lost soon."

"Staff on duty... Of course it's useless for you to kowtow to him. They don't even have a face... Ahem, in short, we can't reason with common sense."

"This is something we can only talk about within our group, but please don't spread it. I don't want to get punched."

"The rules of the computer room say that the on-duty staff are arranged according to the order of their work stations, but this is not the case at all."

"The paper rules are posted at the gate to cope with inspections. The real rules that are popular among the crowd are invisible."

"If you really follow the rules strictly and don't make any mistakes, you'll be fine. But if you overturn, no one can save you. Everyone can only act in accordance with the rules."

"When you slowly explore the invisible rules, you will find..."

"I'll find out?"

The team leader smiled slyly: "I can't say it so clearly. I understand. I understand."

Ning Yao chewed over the team leader's words and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​looking for Rao Qian and Chunyu.

Since everyone follows invisible rules, how can he quickly understand and discover the loopholes?
The melon-eating thing came to an end, and the Huazi team threw themselves into a new round of work listlessly. Ning Yao followed the colleagues on both sides and opened the Adobe family bucket, and then started to be in a daze.

The team leader walked behind Ning Yao and whispered: "The new colleague of the broadcast team asked someone to take the message. I will meet you in the tea room at 0 o'clock."

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