Don't follow the rules

Chapter 237 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chunyu took Ning Yao's work card from Rao Qian and observed it carefully: "It's an ordinary hard plastic card. The card itself includes this hole. Indeed, no abnormal inspiration fluctuations were found."

Ning Yao patted his chest: "Since the boss said it's nothing, I'm relieved."

Chunyu handed the card back: "Although no abnormality has been detected for the time being, it does not mean that you can commit suicide at will. Since this company has such a setting of punching holes to record demerits, we should try not to cause trouble for others."

"Of course~"

The three of them walked into the tea room with oolong tea in their hands and sat down next to the wall, trying to avoid being seen by the passing attendant at first glance.

"Our first goal on this trip is to take Rao Qian out in his entirety. As for the strange story itself, it can only be regarded as extra workload, so we don't need to take risks for this."

Seeing Ning Yao still playing with the cards with a sly smile on his face, Chunyu couldn't help but make a sound.

Ning Yao quickly assured: "Involved in danger? How can I be involved in danger? I am not timid. I am the captain's good baby."

Chunyu Qianqian rolled his eyes: "That's not necessarily true, you are very brave."

Rao Qian took a sip of tea: "What should I do with Loulan? She is alone on the second floor..."

Ning Yao: "You still have time to worry about her, so why don't you worry about yourself? Who dares to mess with her? She's being polite if she doesn't expose her skin."

Chunyu was silent for a moment: "...This is actually true."

He turned to Rao Qian: "Now it seems that you can come and go freely on this floor, and you don't seem to be subject to many restrictions. Why can't you ask for help from the headquarters or go out on your own?"

Rao Qian shrugged: "Loulan and I signed a confidentiality agreement, and our mobile phones are under surveillance. We do not carry spare phones, and colleagues are not allowed to lend each other. As for the personal restrictions, they are probably specially designed to lure you to come to the rescue. It is set because other colleagues in the same position as me can go to and from work normally. Only Lou Lan and I will be reset directly to our work stations when we go out, which is an enhanced version of ghost wall."

Chunyu asked: "Did you bring us here specially?"

Ning Yao took a sip of tea and said, "I guess they lured us here. Otherwise, why would Xiao Du only give us employee cards?"

Chun Yu was still puzzled: "It would be simpler and more accurate to block us at the entrance of the paradise early in the morning and let the talent scouts send invitations to the people chosen by Du Jingxiu."

"Do you think Sister Yingying, who met a talent scout early in the morning, would let us go alone? At that time, she had full makeup and hair, and she was full of fighting spirit."

"...Did you go through such a big circle just to break up the entanglement between Yingying?"

Although he felt that Ning Yao's idea made sense, Chunyu still felt that Du Jingxiu's arrangement must have a deeper meaning.

Judging from the association's long-term research on Du Jingxiu, he is definitely not the kind of person who makes a meal of dumplings for a plate of vinegar.

"Let's not talk about it for now." Chunyu rubbed his temples. "Rao Qian, please tell me how many ordinary people have been attracted by this weird story you found? What kind of operating model is it?"

Rao Qian put down his oolong tea and took out his small notebook: "It seems that this strange rumor is only common in the company's structure. The real person has not shown up. Most of the employees we can come into contact with are ordinary office workers." , taking into account the impact of the flexible working hours here on the number of employees in the company, the number of ordinary employees on the first floor is probably maintained at around 120+."

"Except for the watchmen, I don't even need my yin and yang eyes. I can tell with the naked eye that the watchmen patrolling here are not ordinary people. After all, no good person can even have a face..."

"Judging from the rules hanging at the gate, the duty guard is just a shift for ordinary employees. But I asked my colleague, and he said he had never taken a shift, so it is obvious that the rules at the gate are not strong."

"It is tentatively speculated that the on-duty officers are parts of this company's ghost story, used to maintain basic order. As for whether they themselves have the force to enforce it, it remains to be seen in the future."

Ning Yao raised her hand: "Our team leader reminded me that the rules that prevail here are not the rules on the surface. The rules in the real workplace are always invisible."

Chunyu listened silently and recorded the excerpts from their words in his notebook.

Rao Qian was confused: "So you mean, there are two sets of rules running in parallel here?" Ning Yao shook his head: "No, there is only one set of rules, which are the default rules of the crowd."

He stretched exaggeratedly: "Because the rules are set by people."

Rao Qian was thoughtful.

Chunyu snorted coldly: "Isn't that exactly what you want? You never like to bother with the rules in the strange tales of rules."

Ning Yao quickly handed over the small bag of snacks in his pocket: "Where can I find them? I'm a very good boy. Dad, you ask me to go east but I don't dare to go west."

Chunyu was too lazy to criticize him. He sorted out his notes and turned to Rao Qian: "Okay, the task is almost clear. Our first priority now is to find and terminate your confidentiality agreement."

Rao Qian nodded and added: "And Loulan's."

Ning Yao pinched Rao Qian's neck: "I'll die for my love brain!"

Not to be outdone, Rao Qian started fighting with Ning Yao: "You are jealous!"

Chunyu collapsed and left with a calm face.

This meeting was relatively lucky, and there was no inspection by the attendant. The three of them completed the meeting and left the tea room one after another.

The first floor has been detected by Rao Qian's dog whistle, but no place where the confidentiality agreement is stored has been found, so it can only be stored on the second floor or even higher.

And confidentiality agreements are generally kept by employees in administrative positions, so if Ning Yao and the others want to get access to the confidentiality agreement, the best way is to transfer to administrative positions.

Of course, sneaking in secretly is also one of the options, but considering the confidentiality level on the second floor, it is extremely difficult to sneak in, so it can only be placed as an alternative.

"How do I apply for a job transfer?"

Before leaving, Ning Yao blackmailed Rao Qian for another bottle of Coke, and while drinking happy water, he strolled back to the flower group in the corner of the company.

Hearing Ning Yao's muttering, the colleague next to him couldn't help but stop fishing and came over and asked: "Why don't you think about going to administration? That's not a place for people to live. It's not good to spend money, and it's not good to fish. Or is it not delicious?"

Ning Yao's face was filled with sadness: "You don't understand."

But my colleague had a clear look on his face: "Who says I don't understand? Everyone has his or her own ambitions. It's understandable. Administration does have more development prospects than fancy words."

The team leader who was not far away was unhappy when he heard this: "Although our huazi is a bit on the edge, who says that our huazi has no development prospects?"

Colleague Moyu mocked: "Come on, I've been here for so long and I haven't seen anyone in our house become famous."

The team leader said seriously: "We don't have one in our house, but did you know that the chief director of this show is from a flowery background?"

"Fart, you can still be a director with fancy words?"

"You're the one who farts!"

"You fart!"

Ning Yao had no choice but to pull away from the two of them: "Okay, okay, can I fart? First, please tell me in detail about that fancy director."

Thank you to Sweet Sweets for your monthly vote!Woohoo I love you Woohoo~

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