Don't follow the rules

Chapter 240 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chapter 240 Sunday Program Production Center ([-])

Rao Qian leaned against the wall with one arm, holding the silver whistle in the corner of his mouth leisurely, looking at Ning Yao and Chunyu choking each other with a half-smile.

Good looking, love to watch.

There were almost inaudible fluctuations in the air, and Ning Yao's ears trembled slightly, and she and Rao Qian, who was holding a whistle, looked at the corner of the distant corridor at the same time.

"Someone is coming." Rao Qian reminded softly.

"It's the duty officer inspecting, let's retreat to the flower-character group first." Chunyu reacted immediately, grabbing Ning Yao's neck and quickly leaving the window of the editing group.

Ning Yao was so strangled that he grinned, but did not dare to say a word, for fear of attracting the attention of the watchman, so he could only raise his head and follow Chun Yu in strides to retreat.

They were very fast and retreated to the unoccupied small room with flowery characters before the attendant turned the corner. They gently closed the door, leaving only a crack in the door exposed. The three of them lay on top of each other and peered quietly at what was going on outside the door.

The attendant will not interfere with the work of employees in each group, so they do not have to worry about the attendant pushing the door in.

"Here we come." Rao Qian lowered his voice very low.

The guards on duty were patrolling according to their established route, walking in the middle of the corridor, their backs straight.

If there were facial features on his face, Ning Yao felt that he must be looking straight ahead.

"Do you think... the on-call staff will be lazy? The on-call staff supervises ordinary employees, so are there on-duty staff who supervise the on-call staff?" Ning Yao was curious.

"No," Rao Qian replied resolutely, "I have checked and found that the on-call staff is directly subordinate to the boss of the company and is directly responsible to him. There is no other department above the on-duty staff. They don't even have a team leader."

Chunyu frowned: "There is no team leader? Doesn't it mean that all kinds of trivial matters will be reported directly to the boss by the on-duty staff, and the boss has no other work?"

Rao Qian scratched his head: "The boss of this company has not shown up yet, and I don't know how he manages so many on-duty workers..."

Although they discussed very quietly, in fact, in this extremely quiet environment, a sensitive person could even hear the sound of electricity, let alone Ning Yao and the others' conversation that they thought was quiet.

But the duty officer walked straight past the office of the Huazi Group without any stagnation, as if he didn't hear the movement behind the door at all.

"He walked over!" Ning Yao exclaimed in a low voice.

"Nonsense, I'm not blind." Rao Qian continued.

Chunyu silently reached out and covered the mouths of the two fools.

The person on duty still kept his eyes straight and walked straight forward.

"Hmm!" Ning Yao's eyes suddenly widened and he pointed at the attendant and groaned.

Chunyu let go of his hand: "Shh!"

Ning Yao got her breath and spoke quickly, pointing at the passerby on duty through the crack in the door: "He has a tattoo on his hand!"

Chunyu and Rao Qian looked in the direction Ning Yao pointed, and sure enough, there was a vague pattern on the watchman's wrist.

The duty officer wore a long-sleeved uniform, and most of his arms were wrapped under the clothes. Only when he walked and swayed, the sleeves moved slightly upward, and then Ning Yao discovered part of the pattern on the wrist.

"Is that the one you said?"

"I can't see clearly..."

Chunyu stood up and opened the door directly. Ning Yao and Chunyu, who were leaning on the door, rolled out and bumped into the feet of the attendant.

Before Ning Yao and Rao Qian could react, Chunyu had already punched the attendant away with a clean punch.

The guard on duty was stunned by the two people who suddenly jumped out from under his feet. Then he was hit by an irresistible punch. When the fierce wind of the punch hit his face, his mind went blank. Then soon, he The entire consciousness fell into a real blank.

"Don't move." "Don't be dead..."

Chunyu retracted his fist: "He's not dead. I pinched hard, but he was just unconscious."

He patted the dust on his hands and said, "You two carry him in, hurry up."

Ning Yao and Rao Qian raised their arms and legs, and carried the unconscious duty officer into the flower group before other duty officers noticed the abnormality.

After closing the door, the first thing I did was to lift up the attendant's long sleeves and check his wrists.

"It's really a garlic bastard!" Ning Yao was surprised. "He should be the one our team leader is talking about."

Rao Qian was amazed: "It turns out that these shameless on-duty workers are really ordinary employees..."

Ning Yao touched his employee card fearfully: "So if you get more than three holes punched, you will be embarrassed!"

Rao Qian: "Can you grasp the key points? Isn't this a matter of shame? Is this a question of whether you will be turned into a brat in a ghost story?"

Chunyu knelt down and carefully inspected every part of the person on duty.

"Other than the lack of facial features, it doesn't seem to be much different from normal humans."

Rao Qian also picked up his whistle and checked with Chun Yu: "Eh?"

"What's wrong?" Ning Yao was very curious.

"He... seems to be alive?" Rao Qian seemed confused.

"Of course he's alive. I said I would hold back my strength and didn't kill him," Chunyu said.

Rao Qian shook his head: "That's not what I meant... I mean, he is not a 'ghost' in the true sense. His entire body now still belongs to a living human being, but these watchmen obviously have no facial features. They How do you breathe and see the road?”

Ning Yao grabbed the blank face of the attendant and pulled hard until red fingerprints appeared on the pale face. He finally confirmed: "It's not a cover-up or a mask, it's a real face."

Chunyu frowned: "It's really strange. He obviously has a strong death aura, but he doesn't have the Yin aura that a ghost should have, and he is still alive as a human being."

Ning Yao was confused: "So what is the situation now? Is there anyone who can analyze it?"

Rao Qian continued to search for clues on the person on duty, and he was not idle, trying to clarify his thoughts: "A guess, which may not be correct: ordinary employees who have been punched with more than three holes will be punished by being punched." Take away face, become a watchman, and then help the boss of this company maintain order within the ghost story."

Ning Yao: "Then why are they spared? Wouldn't it be easier to just make them real ghosts?"

Rao Qian's hand paused: "Perhaps...real ghosts are not suitable to survive in this ghost story?"

Chunyu looked stern: "Tell me in detail."

Rao Qian simply stopped what he was doing: "Let me state in advance that there is no substantive evidence. It is purely my own guess."

"One thing I find very strange is that we are very sure that this is a ghost story under the guise of a company, but in fact so far, we have not found any real 'ghost' at all. Including the person on duty who we thought before was a ghost. Masked ghosts are actually just ordinary people who have been deprived of their face."

"Then I thought of Loulan."

"She came in with me and was 'promoted' to the second floor very quickly. Looking back now, is there a possibility that the first floor here cannot accommodate real ghosts?"

"I don't know what the purpose of this is, but obviously it's not a good sign."

Rao Qian pursed his lips: "It's like...purification."

(End of this chapter)

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