Don't follow the rules

Chapter 254 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chapter 254 Sunday Program Production Center (94)
Ning Yao brought the door to the room with a smile on her face, completely ignoring the sound of kicking the table coming from the room behind her, and started walking leisurely in the corridor. It was already close to six o'clock, and it must be bright outside. Another day full of energy.

He stretched his body and groaned incomprehensibly, then leisurely put his hands on the back of his neck and hummed softly.

"The cutting is constant, the order is still messy, and the boredom is unreasonable. I have ordered the flowering orioles to take advantage of the spring to see~"

While singing, he suddenly shook his head and said to himself: "This is not good, cut the song, cough cough!"

He cleared his throat: "I am originally a lax person in Wollongong. I rely on yin and yang to stabilize the world."

"Ahaha~ Zhuge Liang? You really want to put yourself in a good position." A lazy voice came from behind.

Ning Yao's face changed eight hundred expressions in one second, and finally settled on an excited smile. He turned around and said, "Sister Lou! I have found you!"

Loulan yawned: "Look at this dishonest little mouth. It's obvious that you only have the task of rescuing Rao Qian, but you still pretend to care about me."

Ning Yao waved her hands grandiosely: "How can that be possible? Of course we have to fish them out together. I can't bear to have our beautiful lady behind bars..."

"Stop it." Lou Lan pinched Ning Yao's mouth. "I'm not a rookie stuck here. I stayed here on my own initiative."

"Huh?" Ning Yao's mouth was clamped tightly, but she still used her nose to ask questions.

Loulan let go of his mouth and pinched Ning Yao's face: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, my craftsmanship is so good. Look at the open corners of the eyes and the small face. It's so lifelike."

Ning Yao rubbed her face depressedly: "Sister, let's just say, isn't the word 'lifelike' not suitable to be used on living people?"

"Are you a human?" Lou Lan squinted at him.

"I suspect you are scolding me." Ning Yao bluntly exposed it.

"So what?" Loulan put her hands on her hips.

"Okay, okay" he waved his hand casually, "let's get down to business first."

"Sister Lou, why are you staying here?"

Loulan squinted her eyes and licked the corners of her mouth in recollection: "...Actually, I was eating and drinking."

Eating and drinking?

Ning Yao couldn't help but get closer to her and sniff: "What did you eat? Why does your mouth smell so bad?"

"Careful, careful, your skin." Loulan gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"I'm sorry." Ning Yaohua knelt down, "Sister Lou, you have a sweet mouth. Don't remember the faults of villains."

"Humph." Lou Lan tossed his hair angrily and turned to leave.

Ning Yao quickly got up from the ground and caught up with Lou Lan: "Sister, wait for me."

After finally catching up with him, Ning Yao looked in the direction behind him with some embarrassment: "Sister Lou, where are you going? This is completely opposite to where I want to go... How about we go to the archives first? Taking a stroll while walking?"

Lou Lan turned around and gave him a look of relief: "Have you been assigned to the archives room?"

Ning Yao: "Actually, I went to handle the logistics for the archives room."

Lou Lan sneered: "I know what you and Chunyu are planning, so I advise you to forget it. What useful things can be put in an archive that is so easily open to outsiders?"

Ning Yao's flattery immediately followed: "Sister Lou is right."

Loulan did not change direction, but continued walking forward: "Are you and Chunsu planning to steal Rao Qian's contract?"

Ning Yao added nonchalantly: "Of course there are yours too, we have to fish them out too."

Lou Lan chuckled and shook his head: "There are only some employee information in the archives, and all contracts are not archived in the archives."

"Then where are they?"

Lou Lan seemed to be planning to speak, but he just pursed his lips, and then said disdainfully: "I can't tell, it's stipulated in the contract." Ning Yao realized later: "Is this part of the 'confidentiality agreement'? "

Lou Lan nodded, then stopped and gestured to Ning Yao.

"Sister...what do you want to say?" Ning Yao couldn't understand Lou Lan's self-created sign language movements at all.

"Here... the contract is not... paper..." Lou Lan tried his best to spit out a few words, and then opened his mouth wide like a fish thirsty for water, but couldn't take in oxygen, and his body kept leaning to the side.

Ning Yao quickly stepped forward to help Lou Lan, who was almost unable to stand.
Lou Lan closed his mouth and finally breathed.

"You bitch, I underestimated you." Lou Lan finished adjusting his breath and cursed in a low voice.

Ning Yao let go of her supporting hand in admiration: "My mother, what other 'dog thing' can make you like this? I have to give him a bump."

Loulan glared at him, and Ning Yao retreated to the wall: "I won't ask anymore, I won't ask anymore..."

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Ning Yao was so embarrassed that her toes spread out: "Um...sister, why don't you tell me what you ate?"

Snake Xinzi hissed out from Lou Lan's lips and teeth.

Ning Yao passed the last question smoothly: "Or, tell me why you stay here?"

Lou Lan did not refuse this question. She curled her lips and said, "Because my old enemy is here."

"An old enemy?"

Ning Yao's expression was a bit strange. He tentatively made a gesture of covering his head, and there was a sense of meanness in his words: "Is... is he a love rival with underwear on his head and a sharp look?"

Loulan punched him in the face: "Stop watching anime, you nerd!"

Ning Yao was beaten and spun around in circles, covering her face and shouting: "You even know this old joke, but you still have the nerve to ask me to watch less anime?!"

Lou Lan rubbed his fists: "I came here because that old enemy asked me for help. How could I let go of this good opportunity to humiliate her? Of course I would stay here and eat and drink for free, and I would disgust her all day long." .”

Ning Yao: "What does your old enemy ask you for?"

Lou Lan opened his mouth, looking like a thirsty fish again.

"Forget it, I won't ask anymore." Ning Yao quickly withdrew the last message, and Loulan let out a "Q" and regained her breath.

Ning Yao clicked his tongue and shook his head: "It seems that you can't defeat your old enemy, Sister Lou...ah! I was wrong, sister!"

Before he had finished taunting him, Loulan's attack had almost slapped him in the face, and this time it was not a slap with a fist, but a poisonous fang blade.

"Sister, are you serious?"

Empress Ning Yao looked at the corroded tooth marks on the wall with fear. If she hadn't been able to dodge quickly, she would have been scrapped.

Lou Lan didn't speak, but the light in his eyes seemed to be quenched with poison, and it was so cold and chilling that it made people shudder.

For the first time, her snake fangs were so clearly exposed, and the snake teeth kept poking in and out, bringing out a bone-scratching aura.

[I didn't lose! 】

This is no longer the lazy and sexy female voice that Ning Yao was familiar with in the past. Instead, it is full of animality and arrogance, greed and unwillingness.

Ning Yao didn't dare to say anything and squatted in the corner trying to reduce his presence.

[Bastette, I haven’t cared about you ruining my life, and now you actually want me to help you]

(End of this chapter)

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