Don't follow the rules

Chapter 262 Sunday Chapter Production Center

"I promise," Chunyu said with a straight face, raising three fingers and swearing, "after you atone for your sin of being a traitor, I can help you get reborn into a decent child."

Liu Yanzhi laughed twice: "Brother, don't joke with me. What kind of guarantee is this? It's just a blank wolf. Even a real black-hearted capitalist would not dare to settle accounts with employees like this."

Chunyu put down his finger: "It seems that I still have to change my soft-heartedness. I have been talking without saying anything all the way, but now I am bargaining with you, a charlatan."

As he spoke, he clenched his hands into fists and cracked his knuckles. The threat was very obvious.

He stared at Liu Yanzhi: "I changed my mind. The current situation is - I want to kill you, but a useful piece of news can extend your life for an hour. I leave the choice to you, how long can you live? It all depends on your own abilities, Brother Liu."

"No, no, no, no, no!!!!"


Ning Yao rubbed his eyes. He didn't know what kind of signal jammer Bass had installed in this building, making it so difficult for him to communicate with No. [-]. Even the energy consumption of the familiar's eye was much higher than usual. few.After driving for only a short while, Ning Yao could already feel his eyes burning up. His right eye must be as bright as a traffic light at an intersection late at night.

【alarm!alarm! 】……

Ning Yao covered her eyes and raised her head, listening carefully to the content of the alarm.

"What kind of raw materials, what kind of workshops, what kind of security inspectors?" Ning Yao scratched his head, "What kind of mess is this?"

He cut off No. [-]'s vision and raised his hand to fan his burning eyes. For some reason, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Wait... couldn't Rao Qianhe No. [-] trigger this alarm?"

Ning Yao was suddenly startled and stood up suddenly: "This is so fucking possible, it's exactly like what they would do. No, I have to get down quickly."

With a stack of brand new employee cards in her arms, Ning Yao no longer had to work as hard as they did when they came up, and could just swipe her cards all the way to the first floor.

It's almost normal working hours. Although there is a flexible working system, most people still try to maintain a normal pace of life, and employees begin to enter the company one after another.

This is the first time Ning Yao has seen so many people in the corridor since he joined the company.

From the perspective of No. [-] before, he was on the ceiling of the corridor. There were so many people in the corridor right now that it was inconvenient for Ning Yao to search for the person in a big way, and it was even more inconvenient for No. [-] to jump from the ceiling in public.

"We're already on the same floor, so the signal shouldn't be weakened, right?" Ning Yao thought to herself, trying to get in touch with No. [-] again, but she never expected that the signal would get worse.

Before, there was still a little bit of movement that could be heard beeping, but now it's completely gone.

The connection between Ning Yao and No. [-] was not cut off. He was very sure that No. [-] was not "killed". He couldn't help but feel more confused. He had to quietly hide in the bathroom, find an empty latrine and squat down, and continued to use the familiar. Eye to gain No. [-]'s vision.

When he opened his eyes again, the perspective was no longer the inverted scene on the ceiling. It seemed that No. [-] had changed places and was walking.

"Where is this?" Ning Yao frowned. He had wandered inside and outside this building several times, but the place No. [-] saw was very unfamiliar.

Ning Yao tried hard to distinguish the surrounding scenery, but she only felt narrow and depressing. Number [-] seemed to be walking in a dark and narrow alley.

He could no longer sit in the pit with peace of mind, and his desire to tear Rao Qian to pieces reached its peak at this moment.

"Rao Qian! Is this how you take care of your baby? No. [-] is still a child, and you actually let him stay alone in a place like this without any personal supervision. It's fine now, he's gone! You compensate my son!"

Ning Yao rushed to the mixing room angrily and took Rao Qian, who was fishing at his work station, into the tea room.Rao Qian was puzzled: "Didn't you ask him to protect me? But I can't blatantly take the child to the workstation. If it creates problems for me, I can only let him find a place to hide by himself. And you are not Are you feeling it? Why can't you find anyone?"

Ning Yao took a deep breath to calm down: "I didn't ask him to protect you. The signal between No. [-] and I was interfered with, and we couldn't communicate effectively at all. The last instruction I gave him was to keep him away from this building."

Rao Qian also became serious: "How is that possible? No. [-] clearly told me that you asked him to stay behind to protect me."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but touch his face: "By the way, he also slapped me. Who else could have done it if you didn't instruct him? Could it be that No. [-] slapped me himself?"

Ning Yao gave his reasonable guess: "Is it possible that you said something about yourself? As far as I know, No. [-] has a certain degree of independent initiative..."

Rao Qian waved his hand mockingly: "What you said is just to fool An Han, who has no actual combat experience. I have been to the hospital with you. No. [-] is your electronic copy. It has no past life and no personality." Does it have autonomy? At most it has some intelligence attributes."

Ning Yao raised her hand and swore: "I definitely did not instruct No. [-] to slap you."

"Then who else?" Rao Qian obviously didn't believe it. "It can't be that a hacker stole your number one, right?"

After saying this, both of them were stunned.

"Wait...did I tell the truth?" Rao Qian covered his mouth in surprise and whispered.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Ning Yao rarely became serious.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to feel it, but he still couldn't detect the specific location of No. [-]. He could only confirm that the link between the two had not been severed.

"I can't find him, can you search with your dog whistle?"

"It's a silver whistle." Although Rao Qian was busy correcting Ning Yao's wording, his hands were not idle and he immediately took out the whistle and started blowing it.

Sound waves that cannot be caught by human ears rippled away.

"How is it? Can you find it?" Ning Yao asked anxiously.

Rao Qian shook his head: "No. The dog whistle is still too restrictive. Although this thing is concealed, the ultrasonic waves it emits are extremely weak in penetrating walls, making it difficult to find hidden things."

He put away his whistle: "I used to whistle while walking around to explore the first floor."

Ning Yao also added information in time: "I can vaguely see him walking in a very narrow corridor, maybe he is no longer on this floor."

Rao Qian asked: "Were you not kidnapped?"

Ning Yao shook his head: "No, he is the only one."

"Then there's a high probability that he didn't leave the first floor," Rao Qian speculated. "No. [-] told me that he was instructed to stay on the first floor to protect me, and there's a high probability that he wouldn't leave on his own unless he was kidnapped."

Ning Yao sighed: "But... it would be hard to tell if he received new instructions when he was alone."

Recently, two new projects have been entered into, which makes the already poor time of fishing and coding even worse...

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