Don't follow the rules

Chapter 265 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chapter 265 Sunday Program Production Center (One Hundred and Five)
"Shh!" Ning Yao quickly stepped forward and covered Yi Dan's mouth, glancing at the door of the review room, "Don't yell."

Yi Dan pushed his hand away, his eyes burning with the flames of gossip, and the corners of his mouth raised crazily and he couldn't suppress it at all: "Tell me the truth, what's going on between you and Rao Ze?"

Ning Yao felt a little overwhelmed and began to regret her wording, so she carefully reorganized her words: "Well, the general situation is that this child was given to me by Rao Ze..."

Yi Dan couldn't sit still at all and stood up from the sofa chair: "How long have I been out for a walk, and the world has already evolved into boys?"

Ning Yao: "...What kind of tiger and wolf words are you talking about?"

Yi Dan was so excited that his nostrils were slightly open, and he was breathing heavily. The lenses of his glasses reflected a strange light: "You can't tell, Rao Ze. He usually pretends to be a gentle person, but he actually gave birth to me outside behind my back." Other men are born with pearls. Does Rao Qian know about you two? Can he accept you as his baby mother? By the way, aren't you loyal to Chunyu? Oh, what a flexible loyalty."

This time it was finally Ning Yao's turn to feel tired of complaining: "Qiaodou sack, I think there are some problems in our communication. Maybe my wording is wrong. Anyway, calm down first and let me explain it differently... "

Yi Dan raised his hand and stopped Ning Yao who was about to explain: "I know what you want to say, but I don't want to hear it. I'm very happy now. Don't force me to slap you when I'm happiest."

She fiercely pulled out the pen and paper beside her and fell into feverish creation.

Ning Yao stretched her neck to try to watch, but Yi Dan waved her hand away impatiently, as if chasing away flies.

"Hey!" Ning Yao slapped the table, "Where's the promised help?"

Yi Dan forced himself to hold back his temper: "If you fart, hurry up. I've got this inspiration and I have to write it down quickly."

Ning Yao was very persistent: "Help me find my son."

Yi Dan shrugged: "Personally, I don't mind searching it for you, but I'm not responsible for this place. I'm just here to help her... well, it's a secret. Anyway, I'm afraid Bass won't be happy to do it for you. You don't have any clues yourself. There's none?"

Ning Yao clenched his chin and recalled: "It is certain that he is still in this building. The last information we got was a long, very narrow and crude corridor."

A very long corridor?
Yi Dan's movements suddenly stopped.

Isn't it the narrow corridor I know?

Seeing Yi Dan's actions, Ning Yao couldn't help but narrowed her eyes: "It seems like you know?"

Yi Dan's eyes were slightly averted, and he lowered his head slightly to cover his eyes with his lenses: "I'm not sure."

Ning Yao patted the table again and emphasized: "Since you know, you should understand whether the environment he is in is safe. He is just a child who doesn't understand anything. He cannot handle any emergencies on his own, even if There is only one corridor and I might get trapped in it."

"No matter what plans you and Bas are secretly planning, I'm actually not interested. Although I'm on good terms with Chunyu, it doesn't mean I'm loyal to the association. You don't have to worry about any secrets being leaked from me. If you still don’t feel at ease, you can impose some restrictions on me, I won’t resist.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and opened his arms to Yi Dan: "Come on, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower."

Yi Dan's face looked as ugly as if he had swallowed a fly: "Don't be so disgusting."

She clenched the pen she was rubbing back and forth in her hand: "The corridor part does involve some confidentiality. Due to different standpoints, I shouldn't help you."

"But nothing is absolute. It happened that in this strange story, Bass gave me a little bit of special authority."

She turned the notebook to a new page and began to write.

"Sign your name on this confidentiality agreement, and I will give you the location and access rights of the narrow corridor. This is about the limit of the help I can give. After all, we are two opposing factions, and I can't help you dig out your own house. Corner."

Confidentiality agreement?

Ning Yao's mission radar beeped: "Are you responsible for drafting and keeping this company's contract?"

Yi Dan didn't say anything, but he obviously acquiesced.

Ning Yao pushed further: "Give me the contract between Rao Qian and Lou Lan." Yi Dan sighed, flipped the notebook forward, picked out a page, tore it off, and put this page together with the confidentiality agreement he had just drafted for Ning Yao. Passed it to Ning Yao.

Ning Yao hesitated.

Yi Dan smiled: "What? Are you worried that I'm cheating now?"

"Who worries about this?" Ning Yao said firmly, "I'm just thinking about which art to use for my signature."

Yi Dan didn't expose him: "It's okay to press a fingerprint."

Ning Yao took the two contracts and studied them carefully.

"No, why is it only Rao Qian's? Where's Loulan's? And my comment that 'the final interpretation right of this contract belongs to Bi Xian Yi Dan' makes people feel uneasy..."

Yi Dan closed the cap of the pen in his hand and tapped the table gently.

"We want to reach some cooperation with Ms. Loulan. The negotiations are currently at a stalemate and we cannot let her go yet. Rao Qian was arrested purely because of the personal aesthetics of the scout who was on a mission to contact Ms. Loulan. We don't It will hinder your rescue of Rao Qian, after all, for Rao Ze’s sake we can’t embarrass him too much.”

"As for the final right of interpretation, it's just talk. Don't worry about it. All documents will say so."

Ning Yao threw back the confidentiality agreement: "I don't believe it. What you said sounded too much like a salesperson who deceived people into buying fake insurance."

Yi Dan spread his hands indifferently: "Believe it or not, it's not my son who is missing."

"Okay, you're awesome." Ning Yao gritted his teeth, grabbed the agreement again, and signed his name viciously.He picked up Rao Qian's contract and tore it into pieces.

After doing all this, Ning Yao turned his head and asked angrily: "Where is the narrow corridor?"

There was a faint glimmer of light in the signed confidentiality agreement, and it quickly dried on the paper like ink.

This means that the agreement has officially come into effect.

Yi Dan shook the pen with satisfaction, and the notebook in front of Ning Yao's desk floated back to her.

"There is a pipe entrance behind the electrical distribution box in the security room where there is no attendant."

"Pipeline?" Ning Yao was doubtful. "Isn't it a narrow corridor? Don't play any word games with me, I will really be angry."

Yi Dan gave him a reassuring look: "Don't worry, I won't lie to you. After all, it's your and Rao Ze's child."

"Although it is...but...I'm sorry...that's not what I wanted to say at the time..." Ning Yao explained stumblingly.

Yi Dan interrupted him again: "No need to say more, I understand."

"I don't think you understand."

"I really understand."

"How about I explain it to you from the beginning?"

"This is not necessary. Too specific realistic details will stifle the inspiration for high-quality literary creation."

Ning Yao looked very unhappy: "What do you want to create?"

Yi Dan: "I advise you not to be so curious."

(End of this chapter)

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