Don't follow the rules

Chapter 271 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chapter 271 Sunday Program Production Center (110 [-])

Chunyu raised his hand and waved it, as if to dispel the smell: "I accidentally got some dirt on it, but it's nothing important."

Ning Yao let go of her pinched nose and stated straightforwardly: "You killed someone."

Chunyu gave up the useless behavior of spreading odor and sniffed his collar with some depression: "...Is it obvious?"

"Where's Lou Lan? Didn't you say she was with the captain?" Rao Qian stretched his neck and looked left and right, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

Suddenly his expression changed: "Did you kill her?"

Chunyu rolled his eyes: "I'm too lazy to comment on your confusing logic, but don't let me hear such stupid words next time."

As he spoke, he took out the Ouroboros ring from his pocket and threw it to Rao Qian.

Rao Qian caught the ring with rare skill and skill: "This is..."

Ning Yao patted him on the shoulder: "Well done, this is your partner. If you didn't get it just now, you would have to kneel on the washboard when you go back."

Rao Qian held the ring and yelled madly: "Don't you think others are fools if they don't get angry! I'm really angry!"

Number [-] applauded from the side and praised without emotion: "What a beautiful mental state."

Chunyu:? !

Chunyu's eyes widened and he stared at No. [-] as if he had seen a ghost for the first time. He reached out and grabbed Ning Yao's neck and pulled him in front of him: "You'd better explain to me what's going on?"

Ning Yao smiled timidly: "As you can see, No. [-] has evolved again..."

"Do you think I'm a fool like Rao Qian?" Chunyu looked away and said coldly.

Rao Qian: "Hey!"

Ning Yao scratched his head: "You are indeed harder to fool..."

Rao Qian: "Hey!"

Chunyu put his hands on his hips: "Go ahead, I'm ready to listen to your excuses."

Ning Yao rubbed his hands in a flattering manner: "There is a lot of resentment in this building, you know that, right?"

"Yeah." Chunyu hummed, which was considered affirmative.

Ning Yao continued: "That's the problem. No. [-] entered the first floor and absorbed a huge amount of resentment almost without restraint. The quantitative change caused a qualitative change. After No. [-] absorbed the maximum experience value, he successfully broke through... uh Maybe the grievances here are just the thoughts of social animals, so he also turned on the voice system."

Chunyu let out a long sigh: "The first half of the reasons are fine, but let's think about the second half."

Ning Yao nodded and bent down like a dog-legged figure: "Okay, okay, I'll think about it again, and you can take a look at it before filling out the report."

Rao Qian: "Hey! You two are blatantly cheating! I'm still here!"

Ning Yao looked indifferent and put his hand on Rao Qian's shoulder affectionately: "Don't say it so harshly. After all, we can still eliminate the only witness at the scene. In this way, it is not considered 'blatant'. Do you think this is the case?" reason?"

Rao Qian silently closed his mouth.

Number [-] stood aside and continued to read without emotion: "We have been on the same pirate ship for a long time, and now it is too late to remember to draw a clear line."

The three adults looked at each other, and then looked at No. [-] in unison.

Rao Qian: "...I'm not saying that Number One's thinking is too clear, isn't it? It's not like he just learned to speak."

Chunyu also nodded: "When it comes to logical thinking, I might be slightly better than you."

Rao Qian: "No pulling or stepping." Ning Yao kept thinking about reasonable explanations in his mind. Unfortunately, to no avail, he could only pretend to be mute for the time being and not participate in the discussion.

Chunyu walked up to No. [-] and knelt down, his eyes full of undisguised scrutiny: "No. [-], how did you learn to speak like this?"

Number [-] looked back without fear: "Register for class."

"Register for class?!" the three adults said in unison.

It was a completely unexpected answer. Chun Yu couldn't help but subconsciously asked: "What class did you sign up for... No, when did you sign up for the class? Why didn't we know?"

No. [-]: "Chinese language and literature, a required course for freshman year."

"What the hell?" Chunyu stood up angrily, feeling that his intelligence had been insulted.

"Captain, don't worry, I'll ask." Rao Qian took his place and squatted in front of No. [-].

He used his own sign language and danced and gestured: "No. [-], how can you... speak so clearly and orderly? Do you understand what I mean?"

No. [-] nodded: "Understood. In fact, since I can speak now, it proves that I have been equipped with normal vocal organs from the beginning, but I have never been able to activate them before."

Rao Qian thought thoughtfully: "So the sound production is your factory setting, but it is just activated here?"

Number [-]: "Yes, you have basic thinking and derivation logic, it is not as useless as Chunyu said."

Rao Qian: Wait, why do you feel like you were scolded?
Chunyu pulled Rao Qian aside who was stuck in the buffer: "No. [-], you know that the clear articulation we refer to is your ability to organize language. Stop trying to beat us around the bush."

No. [-] had a serious face: "Okay, Captain Chunyu, you really have something. Even this hasn't convinced you. It seems I have to tell the truth."

The three of them held their breath, waiting for No. [-]'s answer.

No. [-] raised his innocent little face, raised his hand and pointed at Ning Yao, and said sincerely: "He taught me everything."

"Fart!" Ning Yao instantly became furious and jumped up from behind the two of them: "This is simply alarmist! Report to the captain! This is a frame-up! I declare that this is the slander of No. [-] against me! Everything belongs to this brat. Conspiracy!”

Number [-] responded indifferently: "Listen to what you are farting, I am still just a child."

Ning Yao: "Whose child can fly in the sky?! Do you think everyone is a thunderbolt gourd baby?!"

Number [-]: “I don’t understand what you are talking about, so let’s go.”

Ning Yao: "Take a hammer move and stop for me!"

Rao Qian turned sideways to give way to the stage, leaned against the wall and said, "What a great drama about father's kindness and son's filial piety."

The entire corridor was in a panic, Ning Yao was clamoring to give Number [-] some color, Number [-] was expressionlessly dodging at high speeds over the walls, Rao Qian was happily stroking his hands and laughing, and Chunyu was the only one who was having a headache. .

Although Chunyu still had a serious face on his face, his heart was continuing to collapse: I must have owed you something in my previous life...

After jumping up and down for a long time, Chunyu finally lost his last bit of patience and suddenly fired a palm thunder towards the empty wall.

"Give me a break!"

The field captain's palm thunder is indeed the most effective gavel in the world. The place that was messed up by Ning Yao and No. [-] became as quiet as a chicken in an instant.

After a second...

The wall that withstood the lightning strike from Chunyu's palm collapsed in front of everyone's eyes, revealing the busy and orderly canning processing factory workshop behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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