Don't follow the rules

Chapter 275 Sunday Chapter Production Center

Chapter 275 Sunday Program Production Center (110 Five)

Bastet gradually revealed her true form in the flames, bathed in the hot desert sunshine, like a statue made of pure gold.

From a distance of more than ten meters, she could feel the heat waves all over her body hitting her face, causing a slight burning sensation.

Chunyu stood aside without saying a word, folding his arms, and stopped Ning Yao who was trying to smooth things over.He really wanted to see the combat strength of No. [-] after evolution in order to update his numerical evaluation of No. [-] in various aspects.

Now is a good opportunity.

He knew that Bass's attacks were serious, and the area here was vast, so there was no need to worry about harming Chiyu during the fight.

Come on, come on, let's have a hearty fight.

Bass lowered his head, a hoarse growl erupted from his throat, and he raised his claws and slowly approached No. [-].

Without a trace of hesitation, No. [-] knelt down to Bass.

Then he kowtowed, and while kowtowing, he muttered: "You have a lot of big cats, small people have eyes but don't recognize the mountains, dogs look down on cats..."

Rao Qian marveled at the side: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, even though you are a zombie, your knees are very weak..."

Chunyu glanced sideways at Ning Yao: "I learned this from you [-]%."

Ning Yao didn't feel embarrassed at all, and even had a hint of pride in her tone: "No matter what, I don't dare to take credit. After all, children have high understanding and do not need any guidance. They are self-taught."

Chunyu pretended to knock Ning Yao on the head: "You're still playing the piano."

Ning Yao cooperated exaggeratedly, covering her head and oopsing.

Rao Qian, who didn't want to get involved, could only turn his head and focus on the battlefield, but he quickly frowned and poked Chunyu's arm: "Wait, something is wrong. Number One is kowtowing to beg for mercy, why does Bas seem to have no intention of stopping at all?" ?”

The two people who were fighting around quickly looked over when they heard this.

No. [-] has kowtowed and admitted defeat. Logically speaking, this is the end of the matter, but Bass did not stop her fighting mode. Instead, she put on a full battle-ready posture. The front half of her body was lowered, her ears were pressed back against her head, and her cat pupils were erect. A very thin line, a steamy gasp blowing out from the nose.

"Basi, stop it! No. [-] has surrendered, don't bully the child!" Ning Yao shouted to Bas anxiously.

But Bass turned a deaf ear and didn't even look at the people watching.

Chunyu couldn't figure out Bas's attitude, so he could only turn his head and shout in the other direction: "No. [-], don't hang around there, go away quickly."

Hearing this, No. [-] was about to lift his legs and run away, when he saw Bass suddenly leaping towards him.

That's too late.

No. [-] knew that he was far from Bass's opponent, and he didn't dare to try to receive the blow head-on. He could only lower his figure in a kneeling position, facing the direction of Bass's attack, and took advantage of a gap close to the ground. .

Sliding shovel.

No. [-] used a standard and beautiful sliding shovel, and passed under Bass's belly against the sand.

Bass didn't pay attention to this little movement at all, and the target of her attack was not No. [-].

A giant black and yellow snake suddenly emerged from the sand dunes behind No. [-]. It seemed that it had been in ambush for a long time. It was buried in the sand and bent its body to accumulate strength. It stretched straight the moment it was ejected.

The giant snake bared its venomous fangs and bit directly on the spot where No. [-] had just kowtowed. But before she could close her mouth, she received a powerful cat punch from Bass, which knocked the giant snake's head off. All stuffed into the sand.

"It's Loulan!" Ning Yao pointed at the giant snake and shouted.

Chunyu's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He picked up a confused teammate with one hand, turned around and ran away. Before applying oil on the soles of his feet, he did not forget to say:
"No. [-], run!" Rao Qian still didn't understand: "Hey? What happened to Loulan? What's going on?"

On the way to escape, Ning Yao couldn't help but crane her neck to watch the battle. Chunyu immediately sprayed her with blood: "You dare to watch the show when gods fight, and you don't know how you will die later."

Ning Yao captured the details of Chunyu's wording: "A fight between gods?"

After running for an unknown distance, until there was no more loud noise behind him, Chunyu gradually slowed down.

Throwing the two teammates far away on the ground like trash, Chunyu patted the dust off his body in disgust.

The moment Ning Yao touched the ground, he got up and pestered Chunyu to ask questions. Rao Qian was still sitting on the sand, trying in vain to clean the sand from his shoes.

Ning Yao: "Big brother, big brother~ What did you mean when you said that gods fight? Is that what I meant?"

Chunyu looked at the battlefields of Bastet and Loulan: "The war between Bastet and Apophis began at the beginning of Egyptian mythology."

"Apophis, who was born in hell, wanted to liberate the evil spirits suppressed underground, so she needed to kill the Sun God, so the Sun God sent his daughter Bastet to fight. I won't go into details about the process. In short, in the end The ending ended with the defeat of the giant snake Apophis, but Bastet became famous in one battle, which led to her being named the God of War for a time.”

Ning Yao smacked her lips: "No wonder Loulan always said Bass is her old enemy..."

Chunyu nodded: "Not only that, the dark giant snake Apophis and the Sun God are two sides of the same body. They can be said to be the same mother and sister. And Bastet is the daughter of the Sun God. She was beaten to the ground by her niece. This petty evil god is afraid I will never be able to swallow this breath for the rest of my life."

Ning Yao: "Then how can we let her die?"

Rao Qian: "Hey! What are you talking about!"

Ning Yao apologized insincerely: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Just understand the spirit."

Number [-] suddenly refreshed behind Ning Yao: "It would be nice to let her win once."

The three people's eyes focused on No. [-]: "Let her win?"

No. [-] no longer explained anything, just looked back.

Ning Yao rubbed her chin and said thoughtfully: "What No. [-] said seems to make sense. Du Jingxiu once said that there is no god in this world. Presumably the sun god Loulan originally wanted to kill has long since fallen, and Bas himself has also lost his The godhead has been reduced to a ghost, but Loulan, as an evil god who has long since fallen, should be the happiest and most do whatever she wants now, but she still can't let go of her hatred for Bas, and she hates him so much that she will go berserk if she mentions it. "

Ning Yao sighed softly: "I'm afraid that for so many years Loulan has fought with Bass, but Bass has never held back. After all, cats have always been stubborn. And Loulan has been defeated for thousands of years, and she defeated Bass because of her persistence. Read it."

Rao Qian made a concluding speech: "Cats are bad."

Chunyu completely ignored Rao Qian's stupid words. He thought for a moment and said, "You can give it a try."

Ning Yao pouted: "It's nice to imagine, but this is a real 'fight between gods'. What kind of effort can we mortals do next to it?"

Chunyu looked at the sky: "Bastet is a cat, and her attribute is naturally capable of defeating snakes. We only need to find a powerful mediator, and we can easily control their battle situation."

"What boss can mediate between them?" Ning Yao was curious.

"It's an animal that cats and snakes are afraid of." Chunyu answered.

Ning Yao followed Chunyu's gaze and looked at the sky: "You mean - eagle?"

Chunyu nodded: "The guardian of the orthodox royal power, the falcon-headed god - Horus."

(End of this chapter)

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