Don't follow the rules

Chapter 299 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"You deliberately kept that alarm clock and brought me back in such a hurry just for this reason?!"

Chunyu almost exploded with anger. He slammed the new mission information in his hand on the commander's desk, causing pages to fly throughout the office.

"Oh~ Calm down, Captain Chunyu." Rao Ying looked at him with a half-smile, "I've left a lot of similar alarm clocks for you, why are you so angry this time? Maybe you need to retake the emotion management course. "

Chunyu closed his eyes and forcefully swallowed the mouthful of blood stuck in his throat. When he opened his eyes again, he gritted his molars and said:
"Commander, you left a message asking me not to trust anyone and come back quickly. I left my teammates behind because of my unconditional trust in you, but for this kind of mission, how do you want me to explain to them?"

Rao Ying raised his eyebrows: "What's the problem? I told you not to trust anyone, but you still dare to trust me unconditionally."

"Stop playing word games like this with me." Chunyu stepped forward and knocked on her desk:

"Leave this task to another group, we won't take it."

Rao Ying smiled and gathered the scattered information into a pile and handed it to him: "Sorry, after our research, we decided that it is the best solution to leave this task to you, and you only need to do it alone."

"What do you mean?" Chunyu frowned, "Ning Yao is not going?"

Rao Ying picked up the thermos cup, took a sip with enjoyment, and then slowly replied: "The recent tasks have been one after another. As a newcomer, Ning Yao has been working hard with you for so long, so the association decided to organize A trip at public expense is considered as a benefit for the newlyweds."

"Don't worry, there will be experienced employees accompanying them to ensure their safety. Well... I think Yingying is a good fit. After you and Ning Yao left, she led her men around Qimeng Paradise, and then put the inside We beat all the monsters and monsters one by one, and now the whole park is honest, which greatly improves our subsequent information collection work. As a reward, Yingying will also go."

"Ah, by the way, An Han seems to have a good relationship with the little zombie. He often asks me about it recently. He also goes, and he can help Ning Yao with the child."

Rao Ying arranged the accompanying personnel, turned sideways and started typing on the computer beside him.

"What about me?" Chunyu asked in a deep voice.

"What are you?" Rao Ying asked naturally without raising his head.

Chunyu's fists were clenched hard: "I've been wandering around for so long, why don't you take me on this official trip?"

Rao Ying waved his hand and said, "You're such a loser. Didn't I give you a fake certificate before?"

"Are you approved for leave? When?" Chunyu was confused.

Rao Ying turned the computer screen to Chunyu, called up another folder, clicked it, and began to help him recall: "Do you still remember how you met the Fifth Hospital?"

"The fifth hospital?" Chunyu was stunned.

"That's right, that was the day when I saw that you were working hard on the continuous tasks of Kuanjiang No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Bus, and I specially granted you leave. The purpose was to let you relax and then wander around on the street by yourself. Hit by it."

"I..." Chunyu choked.

Rao Ying turned to another page with a smile: "Then you rushed out of the Lu family and you were injured and hospitalized. As a leader who is considerate of my subordinates, I generously granted you a long-term sick leave. Look, you can even note it. I wrote: Until full recovery.”

She turned another page: "Then I will ask you for leave to go to the amusement park, and I will also..."

"That's enough." Chunyu covered his face.

Rao Ying closed Chunyu's exclusive folder and spread his hands: "Well, almost every time the mission is over, I will give you leave to recuperate. This is a leader who cares about his subordinates. How can you slander me and let you continue to work?" Chunyu was speechless. To right.

Rao Ying narrowed his eyes and began to flatter him: "Besides, before Ning Yao joined the team, you have been fighting alone. Unlike other teams with huge personnel, you are the most elite and leanest team under my command. , you are the most suitable soldier to perform lurking and raiding missions as a 'surprise soldier'. Those who are capable work hard. Isn't that how the tasks assigned to you were arranged in the past?"

"So it's quite reasonable for you to carry out this mission alone this time, right?"

Chunyu silently picked up the mission information on the table.

After struggling for a long time, he couldn't help but said: "But it's really hard to leave this task to me..."

Rao Ying interrupted him: "What is it really? It's too big and overqualified, isn't it?"

Chunyu said nothing, just pursed his lips and flipped through the information, but in fact he had already acquiesced to Rao Ying's words.

Rao Ying suddenly became serious: "Don't think that this is some funny power struggle within the workplace, don't think that the higher-ups want to sideline you, and don't make up the TVB plot. The real situation is that this task can only be given to you. You have to know, Du Jingxiu’s conversation in Paradise Church is top secret. Apart from you and Ning Yao, the only people in the association who know the content of Du Jingxiu’s conversation are the headquarters who have read your report.”

"Yes, this task looks simple, is simple to check, and is even simpler to execute. I believe that many people in the association have the ability to complete it. But after the headquarters has agreed, we will not entrust this task to anyone except you. Don't worry. Only you and Ning Yao can understand what we are trying to track down if they get this mission."

"Ning Yao is a newcomer. To put it bluntly, he hasn't passed our assessment period yet, so we gave him the benefits of a publicly-funded trip to pay for him."

"And you, don't I need to say more?" Rao Ying suddenly laughed.

"You showed a high degree of loyalty to the association in the little test just now, so I can safely hand over this information to you."

Chunyu raised his head in confusion: "Huh? What kind of test did you do again?"

"That's the alarm clock~" Rao Ying pointed to his pocket, "You said it yourself, you abandoned your teammates out of your unconditional trust in me."

Chunyu covered his cell phone, but the depression on his face only increased.

Rao Ying stood up slowly, smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, I'll go over to Ning Yao and explain it to him, and I'll make sure he won't be angry with you."

Chunyu couldn't help but mutter: "I am the captain, why should I be afraid of his anger?"

Rao Ying smiled and said nothing.

Chunyu lowered his head, closed the stack of information resignedly, and put it into his bag.Then he raised his hand and threw the bag back on his back, turned around and opened the office door, and left quickly without looking back, leaving only an extremely unhappy sentence:


Rao Ying waved to him good-naturedly: "Okay, pay attention to the mission time."

Seeing that Chunyu had gone away, she settled back on the comfortable sofa chair, picked up the thermos cup, and casually looked through the mission information on the table.

——"Investigation of Order Paper Theft" (Secret)

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