Don't follow the rules

Chapter 301 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Today is such a happy day! Yeah~"

Ning Yao excitedly stuck her head out of the car window, cheering happily, regardless of the fact that her facial muscles were wrinkled by the strong wind, she still opened her mouth wide and screamed, like an overly excited husky.

An Han kept his eyes straight and tried to maintain his dignity. Even though his nails were dug into the steering wheel, he still warned in a gentle voice: "Passengers, please don't stick your head out of the window. We need to drive safely."

Ning Yao didn't bother to shake the green tea, pretending that she didn't hear him, but Yingying, who was sitting in the passenger seat, didn't tolerate him. She rolled down the window and leaned forward slightly, following the wind outside the car, and punched him directly in the face. superior.

"Wori! Sister Yingying, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my strength has improved." Ning Yao retracted into the car and rubbed his red nose angrily.

Yingying warned: "Be honest with me and don't make any mistakes. If my rare vacation is ruined, I will dip your head in the sauce."

Ning Yao squeezed Yingying's shoulders flatteringly from the back seat: "How can you do that? We don't dare to let our sister Yingying worry about it. We promise to serve you properly. You can just enjoy the holiday with peace of mind."

No. [-] leaned against the car window on the other side and yawned boredly: "Lao Deng is flattering."

"Ah! Ning! Yao! What have you taught No. [-]!"

Unexpectedly, the first person to collapse was not Ning Yao himself, who was called "Lao Deng", but An Han who was driving in front.

He looked straight ahead and still drove the car steadily, holding the steering wheel firmly with both hands. At the same time, his face was distorted and he became crazy: "How do you take care of your child?! Why would he say such a thing?! You give me back what I have." little angel!"

Ning Yao picked her nostrils: "What does it have to do with you? Why are you so excited? What angel? Are you projecting some dirty thoughts on my kid No. [-]? You are such a pervert."

An Han was furious: "You are dirty! You are perverted!"

"So weak," Ning Yao sighed faintly, "You are still a top student at this level. You don't even have a new word to curse. You can only pick up the old words I said over and over again."

He put his hands behind his head, lay back on his seat, and mocked: "Not even as good as number one."

Number [-] pointed to himself: "What unit of measurement am I?"

Ning Yao was very proud: "This is a system of cursing combat power that I designed myself. You are the initial value. If you call me 'Lao Deng', the damage value is 1. The combat power of someone like An Han who just cursed is about 0.01. After I rounded it up to two decimal places and that’s about it.”

No. [-] was expressionless: "Wow, that was really a hearty and meaningless precise calculation."

"Pfft" Yingying couldn't hold back his smile.

"Hahaha, I'm really curious now about how you raise a baby? You're a kid, but you're quite cute when you talk."

Ning Yao waved his hand: "Nothing but excellent genetic inheritance."

Number [-]: "Mom."

Ning Yao's face turned green: "It's dad!"

Yingying coughed twice: "Okay, I don't want to interrupt the 'mother's love and son's filial piety' between you two. I just want to remind you that today's destination is coming soon. Everyone pack your things and prepare to get off the car."

When Ning Yao and No. [-] heard this, they immediately stopped bickering and both lay down on their side of the car window and looked forward.After the buildings on both sides of the road gradually receded, an open dock appeared in front of them.

"Hey! I didn't know there was such a big pier in our city." Ning Yao couldn't help but stick her head out of the car. "Hey, there seem to be a lot of people?"

Huweidu Wharf is open to the public and is not a closed place. There are not only passenger boats crossing the river, but also many boatmen selling river fish. The steamed river fish that Chunyu suggested Ning Yao to taste before are the boats closest to the wharf. The restaurant’s signature dish.

It's just that today, Huwei Ferry Pier seems noisier than before.

Yingying glanced at him and said, "He's one of ours."

Two boys in association uniforms trotted forward and guided An Han to pull over. One of them greeted them with a smile: "Hello teachers, we are from the logistics department, and the passenger ships have been arranged. It’s ready. You can pack your bags and check in at any time. Leave the car to my colleague to park it for you. Teachers, please follow me on board.”

Ning Yao took out everyone's luggage from the trunk and distributed them one by one. Surprisingly, Yingying only carried a very light small backpack this time. Even the small bag was still flat. It might only have contained a few documents. It was completely different from before. So "heavy duty" when going to an amusement park.

Ning Yao climbed into the trunk and rummaged in disbelief: "Just a small backpack? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Sister Yingying, where is your suitcase from another dimension? Where are you putting it? Your Lo skirt and small umbrella. Woolen cloth?"

Ying Ying threw her bag on her back coolly: "Silly der, this trip at public expense is fully reimbursed. Of course, I pack light and go shopping like crazy. If I go out, I just drag a big box of stuff. I have everything, and I still buy it. What?"

Ning Yao climbed out of the trunk with his thumb raised: "As expected of a senior, I have learned."

No. [-], Sui Ningyao, had no experience in packing luggage when traveling far away, so each of them only carried a sluggish bag.

An Han looked to the left, to the right, and finally looked down at his own suitcase, the only suitcase in the entire team, and pushed up his glasses: "Didn't you really agree? This makes me look stupid."

Ning Yao patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay. It's not like I was stupid on the first day."

"Don't touch me."

"Pretentious stuff."

After fighting for a long time, the guy from the logistics department kept a professional and decent smile from beginning to end. After they had packed up, they took the keys brought back by their colleagues, stepped forward and handed them back to An Han: "Teacher An, your The car has been parked, if there is no problem, let’s board the ship.”

Yingying responded lazily, yawned and followed the steps of the logistics guy.

"I heard that the entire passenger boat has been chartered by us?" Ning Yao asked curiously, "There are only four of us, so we don't need to charter the entire boat, right?"

The logistics guy explained with a smile: "The commander should have told you that Teacher Jiang will conduct some training for everyone on the way to the Fafa cruise ship. In order to cooperate with Teacher Jiang, we have carried out targeted training on the passenger ships. transformation.”

Renovating a passenger ship?
Ning Yao poked Yingying who was walking in front: "How are you going to train us? Do you need training to enjoy the holiday?"

Yingying spread his hands: "The leader told me, I can't do anything about it. You will know when you get on the ship."

"Just this 200-meter road is so embarrassing..."

"We're here." The logistics guy stopped and said, "Just board the ship from here. There are also people on board to assist you. I wish you all a happy journey."

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