Don't follow the rules

Chapter 303 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Forget it," Ning Yao waved her hand, "I won't embarrass you. Anyway, she can't hold back her farts, and she will spit them out soon."

The melon-eating team members breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

As expected, Yingying did not disappoint Ning Yao. She twisted An Han's arm and lowered her voice very low: "Damn Green Tea, take advantage of the 'relaxing and happy one-week fitness package' I designed for you, sister. Only in this way can you avenge me for falling before I became popular!"

An Han begged for mercy: "Captain Jiang, this can't be blamed on me at all, right? I just made the most appropriate suggestion in that situation..."

Yingying was furious: "What kind of bullshit suggestion is that! You actually tricked a naive and ignorant girl into grabbing the live streaming equipment for a water adventure!"

An Han was helpless: "But at that time, Captain Chunyu lost contact and our signal was cut off. You asked me to use all means to ask for help. This was the fastest way to contact the headquarters. As for you, you were later made into a short video clip by netizens. ...This is not within the predictable range at all..."

Yingying: "Ahhhhhh!!! Shut up, shut up! It's really better to kill you!"

The plot turned so fast that Ning Yao couldn't hold it back and let out a fart-like laugh on the second floor.

"Who?!" Yingying jumped off Anhan like a cat whose claws were burned and roared towards the second floor.

Ning Yaojian poked his head out from behind the railing and said, "Hold on, hey, I, No. [-], and the three Chiang Kai-shek team members just happened to pass by and didn't intentionally squat here to eavesdrop. Don't worry, don't worry, listen. Listen, but you must keep it secret, can you still not trust my character?"

Number [-] also leaned out from behind the railing: "Warm reminder, this is the time to activate the emergency mechanism to kill people and silence them."

An Han grabbed the ground with his head: "Ah ah ah! Ning! Yao! What did you teach No. [-]!"

An Han, who was still lying on the ground screaming, was kicked away. He immediately started to slide on the smooth deck with an ugly posture, and slipped into the hole smoothly (no). He was kicked into the first gym at hand smoothly. Only a pair of glasses was left on the ground.

Yingying loudly said: "There is a male guest in the spinning room. Please pedal the Love Song King ten times for me before you speak! The three people upstairs quickly came down and watched him for me. Each of them took turns to get on the car opposite him and pedal a song. Ge, hurry up and move! Don’t let me go up and arrest people myself.”

The three melon-eating team members were all excited, but they didn't dare to say anything. They could only glare at Ning Yao angrily, then lined up and went downstairs to supervise the work with their tails between their legs dejectedly.

No. [-] was lying leisurely on the railing and suddenly said: "I think the arrangement of the King of Ten Love Songs is very unreasonable."

When the three unlucky melon-loving guys heard this, they immediately stopped and turned to look at No. [-] with hopeful eyes.

No. [-]: "There are three people as sparring partners, so it should be done twelve times. Fortunately, I'm good at math, so I can figure it out."

Yingying raised a sweet dimple: "Baby, you are right, I will follow your arrangement."

Ning Yao rubbed No. [-]'s head: "Wilted thing, when did you learn the multiplication table by yourself?"

No. [-] pushed his hand away: "Isn't this built-in with the system? I asked you more, is it difficult for you to learn this?"

Ning Yao slapped her mouth nonchalantly: "Pretend I didn't ask."

While talking, the Spinning Bike and Love Song King downstairs had already started working. Yingying stood guard at the door for two seconds, nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and went upstairs with his hands on his hips, squinting his eyes and planning to settle the score with Ning Yao.

Ning Yao had already knelt down in advance and greeted her with a smile, but for a moment, Yingying didn't know how to speak.

Number [-]: "First, confirm how much he heard, and then decide whether to kill or keep it based on the importance of the content."

Yingying nodded: "No. [-] is very insightful, I will do as you say! Hey, Gouning Yao, spit out everything you heard!"

Ning Yao raised a finger seriously: "First of all, I don't say "feed", let alone "feed the dog."

Yingying: "No need for trial, just death penalty." As she said that, she skillfully stretched her hand to her waist, ready to take the gun.

Ning Yao quickly kowtowed and admitted his mistake: "I was wrong. I was wrong. Sister, you can call me whatever you want. I really didn't hear anything. I just heard you saying that you wanted to kill that damn Green Tea. I have no objection." , I support it with both hands and feet."

No. [-]: "Secondly, judge whether the prisoner is honest based on his attitude. Someone who is so flattering probably doesn't have a word of truth in his mouth." Yingying: "Death penalty! Death penalty!"

Ning Yao: "Don't be anxious! Don't be anxious!"

He hugged the hand that was pulling out the gun: "I did hear a little bit... of the content, but I will never tell anyone! I swear!"

No. [-]: "Finally, a man's mouth is so deceptive, especially a man's oath. Tsk, your ears will be rotten if you listen to one more sentence."

Yingying: "Death penalty! Execution immediately!"

Ning Yao: "Qiaodou sack!"

Yingying put the gun against Ning Yao's forehead: "Do you have any last words?"

Ning Yao closed her eyes and looked relieved: "Tell the world that I still love him."

Yingying raised her eyebrows: "Wait, who else do you love? Make it clear."

Ning Yao said sternly: "V I am 50, let's go to the restaurant and order something good, and I will tell you in detail about our love and hatred."

No. [-] held onto Yingying's gun: "Women, don't be deceived by fake melons."

Yingying hesitated: "But I really want to hear it... I have a strong hunch that the CP I drank this time should be real."

No. [-] was anxious: "I know how to eat everything..."

“It just gives you balanced nutrition.”

Ning Yao grabbed the spot, then pushed away the gun and stood up gracefully. He picked up No. [-] with one hand and hugged Yingying with the other. He strode towards the restaurant: "Want to hear HE or BE? I will tailor a high-quality meal for you."

Yingying started to order: "No BE, is there anything that is slightly sweet, brittle and full of tension?"

Ning Yao: "Yes, I guarantee you'll be happy to hear it."

Number One turned his head away with an annoyed look.

In the spinning room, the King of Love Songs rang out no matter how many times. An Han was half-paralyzed on the bicycle, but the pedals had already fixed his feet tightly, making it difficult to fall off the bicycle.

The three melon-eating team members who took turns getting on the bus on the opposite side also had their uniforms soaked with sweat, but they did not dare to slack off at all. Even if their captain Jiang was not on site to supervise, they did not dare to let An Han be lazy for a second.

"Teacher An, keep on holding on, it will be over in three more times." A team member handed over a water glass, but An Han looked as if he was dead now and couldn't drink the water at all.

The team member asked the other two colleagues with some worry: "It was so intense at the beginning. Teacher An is a civilian employee. This... this is simply too much, right?"

The member of the team who was riding a bicycle said, "Then why don't you go to the captain and say a good word to Teacher An?"

The team member quickly shook his head: "I wouldn't dare."

"That's alright," said another team member who was resting on the ground. "You don't know about our captain? Although he has a bad temper, he is not a bad person. Teacher An can just let her let her anger out."

The team member holding the water cup nodded: "Then... Teacher An, you heard it too. After this trip, when our captain is done venting her anger, she will not trouble you in the future."

An Han: Is there a possibility that I will burp my butt soon?

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