Don't follow the rules

Chapter 306 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

An Han lowered his head and put on such a resigned look, which for a moment made Yingying embarrassed to continue his bad words.I originally planned to use him as a punching bag to punish him, but I couldn't do it at this moment.

In the final analysis, it cannot be entirely An Han's fault that Yingying's dream of becoming a female star collapsed before she became famous. It was indeed her who pinched his neck at the time and forced him to use all means to contact the headquarters and grab the live broadcast equipment. It is indeed the fastest and most effective solution.

The short video clip that was fermented later was purely accidental, and the relevant network department of the association was already intervening and controlling the spread of this video.

But now, he blamed the accident on the innocent An Han, making him responsible for the fool he had made, and even torturing him so much that he was bedridden and had to brace himself to vent his anger...

Yingying finally realized belatedly that he was a little too willful?

An Han coughed lightly: "I really don't feel well today. I hope Captain Jiang will spare me this day. I will pack up early tomorrow and accept your adjusted training."

He smiled understandingly: "After all this trouble, Captain Jiang must have worked hard too. You'd better rest early."

Yingying covered her mouth and rushed out of the door: I am such a beast!

"Wow~ It's so good here..."

Ning Yao opened the door with his nameplate on it and glanced around.

"So small." No. [-] took the place of Ning Yao's complaint.

Ning Yao patted No. [-] on the head: "It's not 'too small', at most it's just not very spacious."

No. [-] avoided his hand and randomly picked a chair in the room to sit down: "Being pretentious about meaningless words will only lose the really important information, so I always choose to speak directly."

Ning Yao pointed at his face: "Am I handsome?"

Number [-] rolled his eyes: "Don't use me as a lie detector, I refuse to participate in your skit."

Ning Yao clapped her hands and laughed: "Haha! Sometimes refusing to answer is also an answer. I will treat it as a compliment~"

No. [-] stood up in anger: "You... are shameless!"

Ning Yao leaned on the bedside, hugging the plump soft pillow and commented: "The scolding is too weak, not at all what you should be. Could it be... you were scolded by An Han after taking a ride?" Bar?"

Number [-]: "Leave me alone!"

Ning Yao raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "OK, OK, my children will have their own ideas when they grow up. As a father, I can understand."

Number [-] snorted coldly: "No matter how much you tease me, it won't advance the plot. Instead of looking for a sense of presence here, I might as well search for the backgrounds of those three fools."

Ning Yao nodded repeatedly, convinced: "You are right, those three names are definitely not a coincidence..." After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and started typing.


Lou Lan raised his head from his arms, rubbed his face, and subconsciously looked at Rao Qian on the hospital bed. He didn't look away until the phone sounded the second time, and took his phone out of his pocket unhurriedly.

Ning Yao: Sister Lou, is it convenient?Ask you something.

Lou Lan: Don’t call me. If you fart quickly, just press the button.

Ning Yao: What were the names of your three vests on the No. [-] bus?

Ning Yao: I seem to have met your vest team.

Lou Lan: What the hell?

Ning Yao: The three members of the Yingying team happen to be named [Tan Ai], [Chen Heng] and [Chi Nian]. It doesn’t matter if one of them bumps into each other, but three of them bump into each other... It doesn’t seem like a coincidence, right?
Loulan: Just wait.

She raised her head and glanced at Rao Qian, confirming that there was no need to change the water in a short time, leaned over to help him tuck the quilt, and then left the ward quietly.

Ning Yao: "Huh? Why did you call me? Ahem. Hey -"

Loulan: "The three of them appeared together?" Ning Yao: "Yes, and they always act together. What's the significance of these three names you chose?"

Loulan: "Firstly, those three human skins were originally called this name. Secondly, I found that they could be used to create the 'Five Poison Hearts', so I took a few of them out of my inventory and combined them for use."

Ning Yao: "Don't use advanced vocabulary on me, okay sister, don't you know I'm illiterate?"

Loulan explained patiently: "Greed, hatred, and delusion. These three names respectively correspond to greed, anger, and delusion, as well as pride and suspicion among the five poisonous hearts."

"Oh——" Ning Yao looked like she suddenly realized: "So, what does it mean?"

Loulan felt his fists tighten: "You don't know you are there, what the heck?"

Ning Yao said flatteringly: "Aren't I providing you with some emotional value? I'm afraid you will be bored by the teaching."

Loulan: "It's no use beeping. I can clearly say that I don't know the three people you meet now, but there are no such coincidences in the world. You have to be careful."

Ning Yao nodded repeatedly: "I will pay attention."

Lou Lan paused: "If it is really the Five Poison Hearts, then their team must be more than just these three people."

Ning Yao: "There are two more?"

Loulan: "If...I mean if, they are really related to my inventory of human skins, then there should be another person named Manyi. The human skins I planned to take out at that time were these four."

Ning Yao turned around: "No. [-], your surname is Man?"

Number [-]: "Do you want to see what nonsense you are talking about?"

Ning Yao continued to talk to Lou Lan: "No one named Man has been found yet."

Loulan: "Okay, you don't need to report it to me. You just have to know it yourself. I'll tell you everything I know. If you want to discuss anything, you don't have the chance to discuss it with me. Just call Chunyu directly."

Ning Yao hesitated: "I'm afraid that calling will affect his mission."

Lou Lan: "Oh, then you can write letters, fly pigeons, burn wolf smoke or entrust dreams to him, and don't bother me."

Without waiting for Ning Yao to answer, Loulan hung up the phone coldly.

"Tsk" Ning Yao pouted, "That's not cute."

Number [-] was so bored that he turned on the TV in the guest room and flipped through the channels aimlessly: "So what do we do next? Find someone named Man? What happens if we find him?"

Ning Yao snatched the remote control from No. [-]'s hand: "You are right, so what if I find it? I have no clue at all, so I might as well wait and see what happens."

No. [-]: "Actually, you just want to lie down in the room and watch TV."

Ning Yao leaned against the bed comfortably: "Yes, this is what you should do during the holidays~"

No. [-] snorted coldly, jumped off the chair, opened the door and prepared to go out.

"What are you doing?" Ning Yao sat up.

Number [-]: "Leave me alone."

" do you mean that old saying?"

Ning Yao sighed, deliberately speaking in a long voice: "The son who was raised is the shit he poops out..."

No. [-] Deng Deng Deng ran back from the door: "Do you believe I will pull you on?"

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