Don't follow the rules

Chapter 308: Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Ning Yao raised the sock on his foot that he had not taken off before, and Xiao Baichuan immediately calmed down.

Xiao Bai Chuan: "I can shrink it very small, but my ears and eyes are very dirty."

Ning Yao laughed angrily: "Are the pants very clean?!"

Xiao Baichuan said confidently: "I didn't get into your underwear. I found an open space between your outer pants and underwear..."

Ning Yao threw his socks at it: "You are slandering! You are a personal attack!"

knock knock knock

The door sounded suddenly.

"Please come in, the door is unlocked." Ning Yao shouted loudly outside, raising his hand to ask Xiao Bai Chuan to be honest.

The boat cursed and picked a clean wall to lean against, pretending to be a surfboard.

The door opened, and Yingying with red eyes came in.

Ning Yao was shocked: "What the hell? Du Jingxiu led troops to fight?"

Yingying rolled her eyes at him: "No."

Ning Yao quickly pulled up a chair for Yingying to sit down, and poured her a glass of water, asking with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Yingying sat on the chair dejectedly: "I'm such a bad person."

Ning Yao: "It sounds more terrifying than Du Jingxiu calling."

Yingying: "I actually vented my anger on innocent people... He, why is he so kind, and he actually comforted me..."

She covered her face: "I'm such a beast, wuwuwu..."

Ning Yao asked tentatively: "Are you talking about - An Han?"

Yingying nodded.

Ning Yao sat back on the edge of the bed, crossing her hands and supporting her chin in deep thought.

Yingying: "What's wrong?"

Ning Yao frowned: "I started to think seriously, is the [Green Tea] skill really so useful? In a head-to-head confrontation, even you can't hold it. I kind of want to learn from him."

"Green tea?" Yingying wiped her tears, "You mean he's playing green tea tricks on me?"

Ning Yao spread his hands: "What else? Is he really the only pure white jasmine? Come on, sister, this is not the first day you have met him."


She stood up suddenly and clenched her fists: "How dare this kid play tricks on me? I have to tear him apart!"

"Don't worry." Ning Yao held him down. "Before you beat him to death, let me squeeze out the last bit of his value."

Yingying was puzzled: "What's his value?"

Ning Yao said seriously: "His - the magical power of green tea."

Yingying became even more confused: "Why do you want to learn this? There is no place for you to use it."

Ning Yao: "There is no harm in learning more skills."

Yingying glanced at him suspiciously: "...As Chunyu's old comrade for many years, let me remind you that Chunyu doesn't like to drink green tea."

Ning Yao said haha ​​and changed the subject: "Ah haha, that's it~ An Han seems to have gone to the restaurant with No. [-], why don't you come over and have a look too?"

He stomped his feet: "This is just advice!"

"Then thank you for your advice~" Ning Yao stood up and pulled someone over.

"Don't take it to heart!" Yingying waved Ning Yao's hand away.

"Take it to your heart, I'll rest assured~" Ning Yao said perfunctorily, pushing Ying Ying out of the room with a smile, and locked the door.

"Hey! I want you to feel at ease, not to worry about it!" Yingying knocked on the door. "Chinese is really broad and profound~" Ning Yao activated his eyes and began to peek into the restaurant.


No. [-] held the cake in both hands, swayed on his feet, and sat by the window of the restaurant with An Han.

"Why don't you eat it?" An Han took a bite of the pancake in his hand. "The ingredients of the pancake and the chef's craftsmanship are both good. It has a street flavor."

No. [-] sniffed it carefully: "Actually, I have never eaten hand cakes."

An Han was a little surprised: "Ning Yao didn't buy it for you?"

"No... mainly because I couldn't eat before." No. [-] defended Ning Yao in a small voice.

An Han nodded understandingly: "I have read your information."

Number [-] tilted his head and asked, "What does the information say about me?"

An Han took another bite of the hand cake: "They are all useless official clichés. They have no nutrition. It's okay if you don't listen."

No. [-] withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at the cake in his hand: "It's just an explanation that I am a high-security electronic zombie. I guessed it."

An Han swallowed a mouthful of cake: "Although the document is full of clichés, it is also some objective evaluation. Don't you like it?"

"I can't tell you whether I like it or not, but it's just that being systematically evaluated from top to bottom, inside and outside, from ancient times to the present, and printed on paper to make a document makes me feel a little..."

"Has it been scrutinized?" An Han continued.

"Hmm... I feel a little offended and a little confused."

No. [-] lowered his head: "The person who compiled my information into a book may not have even met me in person. He doesn't know me at all, but he can create information that helps others understand me."

He raised his head and looked at An Han: "I think it's ridiculous."

"The world always operates in a way that I can't understand. Not to mention whether it is rational or efficient, sometimes even the most basic logic cannot be achieved."

"It's like I've never had hand pancakes, but I firmly believe they are my favorite food."

"Why is the world so baffling?"

An Han laughed lowly, and the sound vibrated his chest. Number [-] could clearly hear the resonance of laughter in his chest and the beating of his heart.

For Number One, his sensitive senses can easily capture the heartbeats around him. When a person's mood changes, the mouth may hide it, but the heartbeat is always the most honest.

He loved listening to people's heartbeats.

Or maybe it’s because you don’t have one.

From just now to now, An Han's heartbeat has never been irregular, so No. [-] believes the answer given by An Han at this moment.

An Han rubbed No. [-]'s little head: "Absurdity is the essence of this world."

"If everything follows logic and operation, and everything proceeds in an orderly manner, then the world can be completely measured. It will be a movie that has already completed its ending, and the rest of the plot will be completed according to the script that has been written."

"A script written by humans is logical."

"As long as inexplicable things are still happening in this world, it proves that this world is still free. It has no master and is not bound by a script."

Number [-] was stunned: "Is the world free?"

An Han smiled: "You are free too."

No. [-]’s eyes sparkled: “I am free.”

An Han: "You have spontaneously taken the most important step, breaking away from the charioteer and becoming an independent individual. Your information in the association is no longer a zombie under the 'Zombie Exorcist Ning Yao', but an external one." A field team member."

"My information...has been updated?" asked No. [-].

An Han took out his mobile phone: "Yes, do you want to take a look? You are free to ask me what you want."

No. [-] pursed his lips, as if he had made up his mind, and finally said: "Please...let me have a look."

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